Iron deficiency anemia and low blood platelets: What's the cause?

Posted by ericjay @ericjay, Feb 11, 2023

Pls last year after treating typhoid I noticed I keep spitting out blood thought it was cause of low vitamin c but after few medications it got worse,I started bleeding nonstop from my gums , started having blood blisters appearing in my mouth also my skin like a tiny red rash , went to the hospital and did some test and it came out I have iron deficiency anemia and very low blood platelets
Doctor said I’ll need a blood platelets transfusion
But the thing is we are yet to know why I have that low platelets
Could it be cancer?? I’m just 22

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@ericjay, I can imagine that you are worried. Iron deficiency anemia can have many causes. See this article:
- Iron deficiency anemia

It sounds like your doctors are working to raise your platelets and iron. What testing are they doing to confirm the cause?

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anemia can be caused by HHT. That's Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Also called Osler, Weber, Rendu. For more info go to
They can be contacted (and will respond!). Many drs are not aware of HHT; therefore you need to see a doctor who is very familiar with it. Note: VERY familiar. Please start with the website.


anemia can be caused by HHT. That's Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Also called Osler, Weber, Rendu. For more info go to
They can be contacted (and will respond!). Many drs are not aware of HHT; therefore you need to see a doctor who is very familiar with it. Note: VERY familiar. Please start with the website.

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Welcome, @jolnafieldthomas. Do you have HHT? If yes, you might be interested in this related discussion:
- Anyone have experience with HHT or Osler-Weber Rendu?

I'm sure you're experience and support will be welcome.


My husband was diagnosed during a routine examination with anemia and received an infusion in March . He began to get stomach pains and did not want to eat, we visited various doctors and had multiple different tests and scans. Everyone we were told came out negative except the anemia once more. The VA scheduled him for another infusion but in the interim he stopped eating and passed away last week . The oncologist we saw took a pt test and found he was full of cancer in multiple parts and probably had it over a year.
I am at a loss to understand why no one picked it up. He had a hip replacement in January ,we went in a cruise in February celebrated holidays etc until the end of April thinking all was fine. He had bladder cancer but I’m told that was not the cause .


My husband was diagnosed during a routine examination with anemia and received an infusion in March . He began to get stomach pains and did not want to eat, we visited various doctors and had multiple different tests and scans. Everyone we were told came out negative except the anemia once more. The VA scheduled him for another infusion but in the interim he stopped eating and passed away last week . The oncologist we saw took a pt test and found he was full of cancer in multiple parts and probably had it over a year.
I am at a loss to understand why no one picked it up. He had a hip replacement in January ,we went in a cruise in February celebrated holidays etc until the end of April thinking all was fine. He had bladder cancer but I’m told that was not the cause .

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Welcome @azrajo, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I know how difficult it must be for you trying to understand why no one picked up on the cancer following the infusions for anemia and the hip replacement. You mentioned he had bladder cancer but were told that was not the cause. The American Cancer Society mentions that cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body. For instance, cancer cells in the bladder can travel to the bone and grow there. -- If You Have Bladder Cancer:

How are you doing? Do you have family or children around for support?


Welcome @azrajo, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I know how difficult it must be for you trying to understand why no one picked up on the cancer following the infusions for anemia and the hip replacement. You mentioned he had bladder cancer but were told that was not the cause. The American Cancer Society mentions that cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body. For instance, cancer cells in the bladder can travel to the bone and grow there. -- If You Have Bladder Cancer:

How are you doing? Do you have family or children around for support?

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Thank you so much. I read the attachment and understand. What I don’t grasp is that for two years we were told the cancer was non invasive. Every four months when he went for the Cisto if they found a little growth they snipped it out and were were told it was non malignant. He had tons of blood tests, urine tests, scans ,several upper and lower GI and all showed negative.
When he had his hip replacement they did all the customary tests and nothing. A week before he passed he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and I thought that may be the reason for his multiple symptoms. At that point hadn’t eaten for over a week the gastro doctor said it was in his head. At the request of the Neurologist we took him to the VA for additional blood tests. He was so week we had to wheel him in. They did more scans and administered a pint of blood and did not think he needed to be admitted.
Two days later he has a pt scan and that is the first time we learned how dire and incurable the cancer was. He passed a few days later. I keep thinking why did any of the doctors see this after so many tests etc. I see the list of things that can be administered to check for cancer and after many of those no one saw it until it was too late.


My husband was diagnosed during a routine examination with anemia and received an infusion in March . He began to get stomach pains and did not want to eat, we visited various doctors and had multiple different tests and scans. Everyone we were told came out negative except the anemia once more. The VA scheduled him for another infusion but in the interim he stopped eating and passed away last week . The oncologist we saw took a pt test and found he was full of cancer in multiple parts and probably had it over a year.
I am at a loss to understand why no one picked it up. He had a hip replacement in January ,we went in a cruise in February celebrated holidays etc until the end of April thinking all was fine. He had bladder cancer but I’m told that was not the cause .

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I’m so sorry 😞. Things get missed unfortunately sometimes.

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