What causes Clicking or Popping in Throat when Swallowing?

Posted by mushroom @mushroom, Oct 2, 2020

I was doing some neck massages a few days ago and then afterwards whenever I swallow, I feel a clicking/popping sensation and sound when my larynx moves up upon swallow. There is no pain at the moment but the popping sensation in my throat gives me anxiety whenever I swallow. Is this the result of the cartilage rubbing on each other? Is it from the hyoid bone rubbing the thyroid cartilage? Are there exercises that can fix this?

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It is definitely uncomfortable... Thank you for the reassurance for me to see an ENT. My primary care doctor is a nurse practitioner and she just asked me how the clicking started and felt my throat area. She pressed hard on my neck so the throat wasn't able to move to click. She didn't see anything and just asked if I wanted an x-ray done. I think it might be a good idea to get one? I'm just scared of unnecessary radiation accumulating in my body in the throat area. Let me know your thoughts!

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Hello I am from India and I am 21. I heard this clicking noise when I was eating 4-5 days ago for the first time and from then I was super focused on it .I hear the click only when I am facing straight forward without bending my neck and i can't hear when I am facing sidewise(left or right).And I can hear only when I swallow my saliva ,I can't hear it when iam eating it or drinking water.I am feeling super anxious and every time I want to swallow my saliva .Do any one got any solution? Or do anyone have the same issue? Iam going to consult ENT after two days.


Hello I am from India and I am 21. I heard this clicking noise when I was eating 4-5 days ago for the first time and from then I was super focused on it .I hear the click only when I am facing straight forward without bending my neck and i can't hear when I am facing sidewise(left or right).And I can hear only when I swallow my saliva ,I can't hear it when iam eating it or drinking water.I am feeling super anxious and every time I want to swallow my saliva .Do any one got any solution? Or do anyone have the same issue? Iam going to consult ENT after two days.

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All i can say is relax dont get anxious on the click let it happen dont concentrate on it i am having it since September ..
Any ways keep updating us your journey


I’ve had this exact issue for the past 3 years. It’s accompanied by other symptoms primarily flushed/overheated feeling in the face, headaches, and brain fog/exhaustion. It’s comes and goes throughout the day and from day to day. Things I’ve done: 2x MRI with and without contrast, ultrasound, CT, hundreds of blood work-ups (everything normal except elevated liver enzymes), tonsillectomy, 3x nasal scope, GI scope, barium swallow, Synthroid to move TSH levels, 6 months of strict elimination diet (no dairy, gluten, starches, coffee, alcohol, sugar, etc.) plus chiropractic, micro current, dry needling, and acupuncture.

Anyone else have other symptoms that accompany the severity of the clicking/popping?


Wondering if the clicking has to do with jaw movement and TMJ.


I’ve had this exact issue for the past 3 years. It’s accompanied by other symptoms primarily flushed/overheated feeling in the face, headaches, and brain fog/exhaustion. It’s comes and goes throughout the day and from day to day. Things I’ve done: 2x MRI with and without contrast, ultrasound, CT, hundreds of blood work-ups (everything normal except elevated liver enzymes), tonsillectomy, 3x nasal scope, GI scope, barium swallow, Synthroid to move TSH levels, 6 months of strict elimination diet (no dairy, gluten, starches, coffee, alcohol, sugar, etc.) plus chiropractic, micro current, dry needling, and acupuncture.

Anyone else have other symptoms that accompany the severity of the clicking/popping?

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I have exactly the same symptoms as you are experiencing except overheated in going for 9 month no checkups 😎


where did everybody go needed your words guys😢


Hi,I've been suffering from clicking larynx syndrome since 14 years! It used to be less frequent but this year it is getting worse & louder specially at rest. I used to think that this palpitations in my neck is related to the heart & aorta. I spent the past 5 years visiting cardiologists in different countries with no luck! They just assured me that since it is happening for years now & I'm still alive so I don't have to worry. I cannot sleep from the popping noise with the echo in my throat & ears. Seriously im thinking about the surgery. Any thoughts?


Hi,I've been suffering from clicking larynx syndrome since 14 years! It used to be less frequent but this year it is getting worse & louder specially at rest. I used to think that this palpitations in my neck is related to the heart & aorta. I spent the past 5 years visiting cardiologists in different countries with no luck! They just assured me that since it is happening for years now & I'm still alive so I don't have to worry. I cannot sleep from the popping noise with the echo in my throat & ears. Seriously im thinking about the surgery. Any thoughts?

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explain your clicking is it when swallowing and where is the exact location ?
how come you cant sleep ? i get peace when i sleep cause we do swallowing less frequently and with out knowing it


explain your clicking is it when swallowing and where is the exact location ?
how come you cant sleep ? i get peace when i sleep cause we do swallowing less frequently and with out knowing it

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No it is only when I am at rest not when swallowing. It is like heart palpitations in the left side of my neck

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