completed trial for Timed Release Tablet Prednisone in PMR-

Posted by nyxygirl @nyxygirl, May 29, 2023

The intro to this trial mentions the "circadian" nature of IL-6 and possible explanation to "morning stiffness" ! There is a lot of research going on it appears !

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is a disease that usually affects older people. Patients complain of stiffness and pain around the shoulders and hips. The stiffness is more severe in the morning.

Research in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), which is also much worse in the mornings, has shown that IL-6 (a chemical messenger) peaks in the morning with very low levels in the evening. This may explain why stiffness is most severe in the morning. The investigators have recently shown that timed release tablet (TRT) prednisone reduced morning IL-6 levels close to normal in RA patients.

In PMR, IL-6 levels are high. Given that both RA and PMR have the same variation of symptoms (worse in the morning); it's likely that PMR patients have the same variation in IL-6 levels. In a pilot study of 4 patients conducted within our department, IL-6 levels did, indeed, show a pattern similar to that found in RA patients, but the number of patients is small and the results need to be confirmed.

PMR is treated with moderate doses of glucocorticoid for about 2 years. While generally abolishing symptoms, these doses are very likely to cause adverse effects such as high blood pressure, weight gain and diabetes. These side effects are much less frequent when lower doses are used but these are not sufficient to control PMR using traditional dosing regimes.

Therefore, the investigators wish to investigate whether TRT prednisone in PMR will reduce IL-6 and morning symptoms similar to those in RA. The investigators think that it will do so, and will achieve symptomatic relief at a lower dose. If this is the case, then treating patients with lower doses may mean reduced risk of glucocorticoid induced side effects in the future.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

I take about ⅓ of my Prednisone dosage around 3 am to head off the early morning peak in the immune system activity. It completely stopped my early morning stiffness. Several other posters on this web site also have had success with this, in fact I learned about it here,


I take about ⅓ of my Prednisone dosage around 3 am to head off the early morning peak in the immune system activity. It completely stopped my early morning stiffness. Several other posters on this web site also have had success with this, in fact I learned about it here,

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@redboat. yep redboat - me too . I posted elsewhere that in a unrelated visit to urgent care - the PA asked me point blank - how are you doing with sleeping taking prednisone at night ?! I replied that insomnia right now is not my biggest problem!


Hello all -- I started this particular thread when I happened upon a "time release trial of Prednisone"

{ I think there is some skill and art to learn to read through a clinical trial -- not my area of expertise }

this is the link to the text I pasted above : -- this it appears to be , sadly, a similar idea but without enough recruitment ?

And if I understand this correctly - now that UK exited the EU - this trial is technically elsewhere ?

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