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Hi, I am 78 years old, and obviously retired after 19 surgeries, and pain!


Here are some tips: if you don’t like them, you could throw something at me.

I spent months in hospitals and rehab facilities. I was not allowed to get out of bed to put any weight on my surgically operated legs.
I had to use a urinal.
Guess what! I still use urinals during the night. I do not get out of bed, and with pain, take seven or eight minutes to get to the bathroom. I use the urinal 2, 3, to 4 times during the night and I go back to sleep immediately.

I hide the clocks in my bedroom because I don’t want to rehash stressful things in my life. Or what I have to do the next day. I go back into my dreams.

I take Norco before going to bed, as well as CBD/THC gummy‘s while I am in bed, reading a novel before I go to sleep.

Also, that rule that you have to wait six hours before taking Norco again was written by lawyers, in order to minimize the number of lawsuits, claiming Norco addiction.
Common knowledge decades ago, was that you take a pain medicine to minimize the pain that is coming towards you.
You take it before the pain grabs hold of you.
If you’re in heavy duty pain, forget what the lawyers are saying regarding six hours. The pain is now, not six hours from now.

They have different agendas for their advice. Be practical, be logical, do what is best for your self.

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Replies to "Hi, I am 78 years old, and obviously retired after 19 surgeries, and pain! Sleeping! Here..."

I totally agree! I have Type one Narcolepsy, opiates are the only medication that keeps my brain awake and prevents cataplexy without the severe agitation stimulants cause. I've taken them for 29 years and not out crawling the streets looking for drugs. With all this addiction paranoia, Drs are afraid to prescribe them. My Dr does but the dosage is half what I need to have any kind of real life. My good friend has multiple chronic pain conditions, she has no life left. All there is is pain day and night because due to office policies, her meds have been reduced 4 times in 18 months. People with chronic conditions that require controlled medications are the ones left suffering, paying the price for addiction, going undermedicated and without medication more often than not. It's terrible what is going on. We can't go on vacations or trips where we'd be gone when our meds run out or we have to just go without them and instead of having good times with family spend it suffering. It's not bad enough having a condition that takes so much from your life, from your family's, because of all the restrictions I've missed out on most trips I had the opportunity to go on. It's just not worth going when I'll be too tired to do anything but sleep and ruin everyone else's time. My medication limits my life further. If my Dr goes on vacation when my meds are due, I go without until he gets back. I missed a trip I have always wanted to take because my Dr left on vacation 2 days before my medication was due and 3 days before I would have to leave for a 2-week trip. There was no sense in going. I get there's a problem with addiction but setting up a system where patients who depend on controlled medications for quality of life and will the rest of their lives are increasingly being denied adequate medication or having to go without it altogether is cruel. I want to move closer to my kids, I'm afraid I won't find a Dr willing to prescribe my meds. I'm close to an invalid without them. I can't carry on conversations, can't make decisions, can't process what people say I'm too busy fighting the extreme fatigue. My body feels like I'm walking through wet cement doing anything. I can't live like that, I wouldn't be able to take care of myself alone. It's not right what they're putting patients through, it's downright cruel!