I thought I would share as I also suffer from what appear to be the same symptoms as indicated by many, and have yet to find a resolution via a Doctor.
- I've had the primary symptom where I occasionally catch in my throat and can cough up a mucus-y, but firm booger/scab every couple to few days
- I've seen an ENT twice, each time been prescribed an antibiotic but there has been no permanent solution (I can't remember the antibiotic names)
- I've been scoped and it was said that she saw 'dry crustiness' but no confirmation of an issue or condition
- I believe something was sent to the lab, but I never received a confirmation upon those results
- I was asked to nasal rinse daily, of which I attempted to do my best, but it honestly was never a solution either (and daily boiling or carting around distilled water in NYC is honestly a lot)
- I nasal rinsed daily to start, with mupirocin diluted in to the water, but after a month or so swapped to more like every other day, then it trickles down from there
- Honestly, even daily didn't affect the symptoms much
Some unique or personal notes:
- I live in an extremely dry NYC apartment, and DO frequently believe that I breath through my mouth during sleep, but I can find no solution for that
- I run a humidifier (and clean it) but have found no affect on symptoms
- I can actually, with my tongue, reach back and up, into the beginnings of the nasal passage, feel the dryness and beginnings of deposits and occasionally dislodge
- I otherwise do not cough, feel ill, or suffer from any other symptom
- I'm 34, male, healthy weight, don't suffer from acid reflux to my knowledge, and don't smoke or drink alcohol
Because I think the photos are helpful for others, I've been saving pictures of the result of discharge for a month and I'm sharing for those that are also suffering -- these occurred every 2-4 days or so, for a month.
The ENT I'd visited seemed fine, but I'm also not interested in guessing at antibiotics once every year or so only to see no change, and the presence of occasional blood (as you can see) is troubling. I really did think it might have to do with sleeping and dryness, but the comments in the thread have been interesting to also see.
Hey buddy!!! Omg. I'm happy to know in not alone so. My BF me and my dogs suffering from same thing and I believe it's a fungal infection either from my environment bc I work and live in third floor apartment n 8 think it saturated w mold. Says you gotta have an underlying condition usually like Crohn's disease IBD or arthiritis