Post Interferon Syndrome

Posted by jerbobs @jerbobs, Jan 31, 2018

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I do my best to keep my spirits up, even though i am in a very similar situation. I have a genuis IQ, which i never usually say, but saying it now because i can barely think straight half the time. I have terrible brain fog and memory problems. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, but also told these symptoms are a result of the interferon. Gastrointestinal problems and eyesight problems are also related to post interferon. I have been researching for years and would give anything to have not taken interferon. We are not alone. People all over the world are suffering similar long term side effects.
I cant undo what has already happened. All i can do is manage my symptoms as best i can and be grateful things are not even worse. No, it is not fair. Yes, there should be a lawsuit we could join. YES, they should be trying to figure out treatments to help those of us suffering years after treatment. Know that you are not alone. Ill keep you in my thoughts.

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Just found this site, has anyone found any help with memory loss after hep c treatment with interferon?
Treated in 2008.


15 years after taking interferon and ribavirin I am still having problems with memory. Is this problem from my treatment?

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I finished my treatment (48 weeks) in 2010 and my body is still a wreck. I know the 1200mg of ribavirin hurt as well. Memory is just part of it for me. I am still unable to work a full time job


Just found this site, has anyone found any help with memory loss after hep c treatment with interferon?
Treated in 2008.

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I was treated in 2007. Some day’s brain fog is worse than other days. If you can, exercise seems to help. I haven’t found a magic pill yet.


My niece, in her twenties, struggled with Lyme disease, vagus nerve disorder and various other health issues. She was completely disabled, using a cane, brain fog, pain etc. She cleaned up her diet. Got rid of processed foods. Still not greatly improved. Then she added physical activity. In her case yoga, then walking, then hiking. She is finally able to function much better. She said when she could hike things really improved. It was like the muscle activity and strengthening helped her get rid of the toxins in her body. She also used a sauna and she said that helped too. I hope you find something that works for you.


Is there a link between taking Pagasus alpha II treatment (one year) for Hep C and idiopathic peripheral neuropathy? I have it from head to toe. Seen 5 neurologists 2 of which were MDA specialist. 6 EMG"s 2 DNA tests nothing.Mda no MS no Parkinson's no etc. one doctor said I'm one of 250,000 Americans they have no clue why. I can't afford to keep up with the medical cost because of this and a multitude of other medical conditions after this treatment.


Hi, I’m 17yrs post Interferon and ribavirin treatment for 48 weeks, (12 months) in 2006. Treatment killed my thyroid and gave me high blood pressure and neuropathy in my toes. Recently, I found out that I have pseudogout, CPPD. It’s a calcium crystal floating around in my blood and settling in my thoracic spine and knee joints, causing flare-ups from inflammatory responses. Excruciating pain during flareups that can last 3 days to 3 weeks! Thank you for a place to vent!


I had my pegasys in 2010. 48 weeks. i had covid this summer, and the feelings left my hands and feet. The doc said it looks like neropathy. My whole body is wrecked. I cant even stay vertical for 8 hours


I am wondering why you think this is related to interferon.


I wish I found this sooner. I took interferon in 1997 for 40 weeks, the side affects were horrible, I couldnt do the 52 weeks. I did respond quickly and labs looked good for a few months, then I had to start Ribavirn/interferon around 1999. it seemed to have worked, my labs are normal, I am now on liver transplant list from HCC that developed on my liver. I had an embolization 2 years ago that seems to have killed the tumor, but they tell me it has only bought me time. The past 20+ years my body has been in pain, I push through it and still work, my memory is shot, my co worker say I suffer from CRS (cant remember sh:t) I still get chills as is I just took interferon injections 10 min ago, they are the worst, just happens randomly. good luck to all of you


Gawd I hope someone links something here

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