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I am so glad that I found this thread. I have been reading it over the months. I have the exact same thing, the photo verified it. I used to feel a stinging feeling on the roof of my mouth when I was a girl, I knew that a round of strep throat would follow. I had at least 8 cases of strep throat in my childhood. I was told that I had "cryptic tonsils" and that bacteria was easily caught in the crevices. My 3rd year in collage, I was brushing my teeth and I felt the stinging, It is gross, but I remembered seeing a boy really work up the mucus in his nose and spit it out of his mouth. I gave it a try, for some reason for the first time it occurred to me that this might bring relief. I worked at it for about 10 min and out came the first scab. Since then it happens quite a lot. Almost never in the summer, and almost always in the winter (dry air even though I sleep with a humidifier) I also believe that the scab would sit there and cause all of my childhood strep due to enlarged adenoids which I have been researching since finding this feed. This is the most comprehensive understanding of what I have been going through. I just coughed up a large one the other day, after about 7 min of serious sucking and hacking to get it out. I found sweet relief that my day would not be ruined by its presence and I thought, how will I do this when I am 85 years old, I am 42 now. I found the following article. I am already a vegan and I eat mostly organic but there are other things in the article that I will try, mainly the digestive enzymes with meals, to see how that works. Thank you all for sharing. I am so glad that someone understands.

Wont let me post the link but it is an article about the lymph system.

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Replies to "I am so glad that I found this thread. I have been reading it over the..."

Yes, we all have this in common. I, too, am so glad I found this thread!