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As you know from my previous post, I have had this same problem. One time, the doctor pulled it out but, as you say, thought nothing of it. It may be partly attributable to GERD but I feel there is a spot somewhere in there where mucous collects and doesn’t drain properly. After the mucous gets stuck there for a while it forms a scab and becomes infected. If I don’t “hack it up” regularly, it really becomes infected and I have to take an antibiotic. I know this sounds gross, but hacking it up sometimes is really difficult. Wish I could find a doctor that could/would fix this. Had an MRI of my sinuses but they could not find anything - I think that is because it is just a little “dent” or “ledge” back there that collects mucous and doesn’t drain and they cannot see it in an MRI. Let us know how you are doing with this. Good luck!

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Replies to "As you know from my previous post, I have had this same problem. One time, the..."

These are my symptoms exactly. I keep looking at conversation on this site but it seems no one is getting relief or a diagnosis from a Dr. that helps with the problem of a scab forming and how difficult it is to deal with this so often (I too have a difficult time coughing up the phlegm/scab at least every other day. Any new info would certainly be appreciated.

sounds like me with the dent or ledge or like a flap that close's so it won't come out of my throat I have a heck of a time .

Omg I have that exact same thing, needtoknow! It's gross, difficult to cough up the scab and if you don't it gets really painful. You're right about how it feels. It just like there is a pocket that I can't quite swallow properly. A scab starts building on the sore spot after a while and I have to make these horrendous hacking noises and persist for hours to the horrid thing up. Even then, it almost choaks me coming out. I've never been to a doctor about it. I tend to think everything is cancer, freak out and stick my head in the sand. I lost my mum to Lung Cancer 12 years ago and I have been paranoid about getting cancer ever since. Atm I have one swollen lymph node in my neck and a bit of a sore throat. I immediately hop online and regret it after seeing the list of cancers it could be. Anyway, I digress. I just wanted to say that I thought I was the only one on the planet with that weird scab thing in the back of my throat. If you have any insights please reach out. Hugs.

Sorry for very late response. You are describing what I think is happening to me, as well. Specifically, I think my frontal sinus doesn’t drain properly and the phlegm gets a little hard and I must hack it up to dislodge. When it comes out of my throat it looks ugly like the photos others provided. The only thing that’s helped me is Neil Med sinus rinses and a Rx nasal spray. Let’s hope someone comes up with a medical, not speculative answer.