← Return to Thumb arthritis: Did anyone have carpometacarpal (CMC) surgery?

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Hi, I'm going to tell you something you might already know, but I think it bears repeating.
The surgeon is done when they successfully do the CMC surgery and it heals without infection. You see the therapist for the prescribed number of short visits to get you started on recovery. After that, your recovery is literally "in your hands."

It takes a lot more than an hour of surgery and a dozen 30 minute appointments to get the use of your thumb and its mobility back. The longer you wait the harder it will be.

Here are two excellent YouTube videos about how to bring the swelling down so you can do your exercises, because your swelling seems persistent. Do something like this at least twice a day until you wake up with little swelling.

Did the therapist send you home with a paper or folder of exercises to do? You need to do each of them faithfully, as prescribed, 2-3 times a day. Even if it hurts. Even if your fingers are swollen. Just do the best you can. Your therapist should be able to measure progress from one visit to the next.

I am not trying to be harsh or mean, just realistic. It took 12+ weeks of more than once a day therapy, and another three months daily, to get back full use of my thumbs (I have had them both done.) My artist friend was just as diligent because she wanted to keep painting. Our friend who wouldn't do anything that hurt never regained much use of her hands, even though her pain was relieved.

Do you think you can at least try the lymphedema massage today and tomorrow?

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Replies to "Hi, I'm going to tell you something you might already know, but I think it bears..."

Thank you for your help. I have done my therapy at home as instructed. I am not one to expect it to get better on its own. I do know it takes dedication.
Thank you for the videos. I’ll watch them as well.