My wife has autoimmune disease. She has inflammation in legs and arms.

Posted by twinsgyros @twinsgyros, Apr 25, 2023

Does autoimmune disease (Sjogrens, Lupus, Hashimotos) cause pain and inflammation in groin, legs, arms and shoulders ? She has had every image (1 xray, 5 MRIs and a bone scan) taken and has seen her primary, an orthopedic surgeon, ER doctors, rheumatologist. My wife has seen her rheumatologist and she ruled out PMR after one steroid regimen. Blood tests did show very high sed rate and creatine levels. She was finally referred to a pain management doctor along with his neurologist. They have ruled out any musculoskeletal and referred her back to her rheumatologist.

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Yes, I have tried Pred. It didn't work. 🙁 My son fights a lot of what I do and he's on Gabapentin. I tried it once and found no real advantage. I guess I'm just a hard nut to crack. :/


Hi I have Sjogrens disease and yes it can cause muscular, bone, and joint pain and a host of other problems. To learn more please see the following site
It is run by an MD with SJogrens Disease.


Yes, I have tried Pred. It didn't work. 🙁 My son fights a lot of what I do and he's on Gabapentin. I tried it once and found no real advantage. I guess I'm just a hard nut to crack. :/

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Wish I had more to offer. It may not be possible, but, perhaps you may want to make an appointment at Mayo. At least your still fighting, Never give up.


Hi I have Sjogrens disease and yes it can cause muscular, bone, and joint pain and a host of other problems. To learn more please see the following site
It is run by an MD with SJogrens Disease.

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Thanks so much for the response. My wife is a subscriber to, Sjogrens magazine, but has not accessed this website. She will now. Thanks again and God Bless.


Thanks so much for the response. My wife is a subscriber to, Sjogrens magazine, but has not accessed this website. She will now. Thanks again and God Bless.

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Forgot to mention I was diagnosed at Mayo by a neurologist after 2 yrs of seeing local docs. Going to Mayo was the best decision I ever made.


@twinsgyros. I’m just checking in to see if you have found any help for your wife?
Did you try the Mayo Clinic Carenetwork?


I was diagnosed with Hashimoto/Hypothyroidism in November of 2022. I also had 18” of my Sigmoid Colon resected in April of 2022. Around July of 2022, I began noticing that my arms, legs and quite frankly, my whole body, face, tongue, abdomen, was inflamed. I happened to be in Italy at that time, with our adult children, my husband and grandchildren. My daughter noticed and asked me to see the Dr when we returned home, to have my Thyroid Antibodies and Thyroid checked. I had never had this done before as it is not on the regular blood panel work up I normally have done annually. To my surprise and the surprise of my doctor, I had extremely high levels in antibodies, which told me I had Hashimoto’s and also that I had Hypothyroidism. I did not experience any pain with this inflammation, but my body felt bloated. I started to do my own research on Hashimoto’s and I read that eliminating certain foods from your diet could help with the inflammation, so I gave up those foods. Those foods are Gluten, Dairy and Soy. Since I started eliminating them and have gotten on Synthroid and Cytomel, my body inflammation is gone and I no longer have all that bloating! I won’t say that it’s easy to eliminate those foods, but it sure made a difference for me. These days there are a lot of choices out there for people like me. Many Gluten-Free choices in breads and snacks, but be sure to read labels, as there are many hidden things in packaged foods. I have since recently had a blood test done to test for food allergies, as I believe that is how my colon got so bad over the years. I went to a “Functional Medicine” doctor for the blood test. It’s not for everyone, as they don’t accept insurance and you have to pay out of pocket. So worth it for me! I hope that your wife gets some relief and if she hasn’t had her Thyroid checked, I would do that as a next step. Take care and good luck to your wife.


I also have Sjogren's and it's a pain -literally. I take 2 Gabapentin 3 times a day for my fibromyalgia. That helps but I started using CBD after my brain surgery. My neurosurgeon told me "you can't "OD" on CBD. That was in 2018. My pain has gotten worse so I now take 1-1 CBD to THC. That really works and lasts about 6 hours plus you don't get the high that straight THC causes. The CBD helps with inflammation and the THC works on the pain. In Florida, you have to go to a marijuana doctor and then get a card from the state. I do want to warn you that the marijuana docs that I have seen, have prescribed too heavy a dose. I did a consult with a local marijuana company and they said to go low and slow and find out what works. I hope this helps and that you feel better soon.


Just wanted to give an update and thank all of you who took the time to respond to my inquiry. Turns out my wife's rheumy has finally decided she has PMR. Higher dose of Prednisone (a solution taken by her primary not her rheumy) did the trick. My wife is now being slowly weened of the steroid. Had started with 10mg twice a day. Now down to 7.5mg. Usual side effects like, higher blood pressure and thinning of the skin (she had significant bruising on her arms) are diminishing. Also, her c-reactive creatine and SED rates have returned to normal. God Bless you all and hope you are well.


Just wanted to give an update and thank all of you who took the time to respond to my inquiry. Turns out my wife's rheumy has finally decided she has PMR. Higher dose of Prednisone (a solution taken by her primary not her rheumy) did the trick. My wife is now being slowly weened of the steroid. Had started with 10mg twice a day. Now down to 7.5mg. Usual side effects like, higher blood pressure and thinning of the skin (she had significant bruising on her arms) are diminishing. Also, her c-reactive creatine and SED rates have returned to normal. God Bless you all and hope you are well.

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@twinsgyros Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us how your wife is doing. It’s such great news!

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