When can we travel following prostate surgery?

Posted by jwoy @jwoy, Jun 8, 2023

My husband and I are traveling by car to Mayo Rochester for his prostatectomy, it's about 2.5 days driving. We will stay in Rochester for 7-10 days, post op. Is that too much car riding after surgery? (I do the driving) Should I put him on a plane instead?

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Assuming all goes well, he has his post operative consultation and the catheter comes out, should not be an issue. I traveled from Kansas City to Saint Louis to watch the opening round of the NCAA tournament on day 8 which was the day after I saw my surgeon and his nurse pulled the catheter out.

The great thing about driving was we could stop whenever, stretch, use the facilities.


7-10 days sounds like you're waiting for the catheter to be out. I can tell you my feelings. I could have done it physically (pain, sitting that long etc..) but, you'd be stopping a LOT for pee breaks and/or pad changes.


Sending good vibes take the car bc we all know it will be easier to pull over and change and stretch the legs out;

Safe travels and May the hands operating on him be blessed during his surgery 🙏


My wife and I stayed in Rochester for 9 days following my RP. I would stay a minimum of 7 days, until the catheter is removed. We wanted to stay long enough to get the catheter out and feel good about not having any issues related to the RP. The Urethra is cut and reattached during the surgery - We did not want to risk having an issue in a small-town health center.

With a 2.5-day drive, I would personally want the 10 days to recover. Maybe your husband would be ready after seven days, but everyone is different. I had significant referred shoulder pain and could not imagine being in a car for 2.5 days within the first eight days. As for the plane versus car - I would not want to fly immediately following the surgery - After the 9-10 days, it would have been much better. Personally, I would choose the car versus the plane.

Best of luck with the surgery and travel home!


Flying is too problematic these days, with delays and cancellations. I have a driving option which I am about to use this summer. Driving long distances is tough enough; changing pads makes it really challenging. So I got a condom catheter, fitted at the urologists office, which will allow me to drive longer distances without stopping for bathroom breaks. Especially at your early stage of recovery, this may be a good choice.


Flying is too problematic these days, with delays and cancellations. I have a driving option which I am about to use this summer. Driving long distances is tough enough; changing pads makes it really challenging. So I got a condom catheter, fitted at the urologists office, which will allow me to drive longer distances without stopping for bathroom breaks. Especially at your early stage of recovery, this may be a good choice.

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Thank you, that's something we had not considered.


Sending good vibes take the car bc we all know it will be easier to pull over and change and stretch the legs out;

Safe travels and May the hands operating on him be blessed during his surgery 🙏

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Thank you!


My wife and I stayed in Rochester for 9 days following my RP. I would stay a minimum of 7 days, until the catheter is removed. We wanted to stay long enough to get the catheter out and feel good about not having any issues related to the RP. The Urethra is cut and reattached during the surgery - We did not want to risk having an issue in a small-town health center.

With a 2.5-day drive, I would personally want the 10 days to recover. Maybe your husband would be ready after seven days, but everyone is different. I had significant referred shoulder pain and could not imagine being in a car for 2.5 days within the first eight days. As for the plane versus car - I would not want to fly immediately following the surgery - After the 9-10 days, it would have been much better. Personally, I would choose the car versus the plane.

Best of luck with the surgery and travel home!

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Thank you. From all discussion, we're extending our time in Rochester to 12 days post-surgery. This conversation has been so helpful.


I am 62 and had prostate removed with robotic surgery.
Gleason score of 8. One thing I am learning is to go as soon as I feel any pressure or leakage. This seems to be helping my control.
I am 1 month out and catheter was in 18 days.
Anyway, the most important thing is getting the cancer. Praying for great results!


I'm only 4 hours from Mayo but came home the next day. Had catheter problems so had that removed 5 days later locally. After 7-10 days I think you'd be fine driving. My pain was gone at that point. Be prepared for incontinence and bloody urine. Of course everyone is different but I'd rather make that drive than fly at that point.

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