Tingly, Prickley and tremors from Neuropothy

Posted by Sal Gentile @mattie1014, Jun 1, 2023

I am a 74-year-old athlete with severe pinched nerves, l5S1 nerve root damage and some neuropathy causing horrible prickly, tingly and tremors in my ankles up to my knees as well as partially numb feet and tingly sensations every time I take a step to walk. It appears the more I road cycle (an hour every other day) the worse it gets. I am giving up my road bike and will do some biking on more supportive bikes in the gym. I was on 300MG lyrica a day which did not help that much now on 25MG amitriptylin. I am just wondering if anyone else has these symptoms (no diabetic neuropathy) and what do they do to calm yourself as I am trying deep breathing. I also get a tingling sensation under my testicles which is quite annoying. I am not in pain I am in complete discomfort and have retained my brain to live with these symptoms however they just worsen.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

Maybe it’s time to get a neurologist appointment.


Maybe it’s time to get a neurologist appointment.

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I have one, a good one who is caring and helpful. She is taking me off amitriptyline and back on Lyrica since the symptoms worsened when I weaned off the Lyrica.
My QUESTION was does anyone else get these symptoms and how do they deal with it.


I have one, a good one who is caring and helpful. She is taking me off amitriptyline and back on Lyrica since the symptoms worsened when I weaned off the Lyrica.
My QUESTION was does anyone else get these symptoms and how do they deal with it.

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Hi Sal @mattie1014, There is another discussion that sounds a lot like what you are dealing with that might be helpful:
--- Peripheral neuropathy and sciatica: What helps with the pain?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/peripheral-neruopathy-injections-not-working-tramadol-to-control-pa/.

Also, if you haven't heard of Myofascial Release Therapy, you might find this discussion helpful:
--- Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/myofascial-release-therapy-mfr-for-treating-compression-and-pain/


Hi Sal @mattie1014, There is another discussion that sounds a lot like what you are dealing with that might be helpful:
--- Peripheral neuropathy and sciatica: What helps with the pain?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/peripheral-neruopathy-injections-not-working-tramadol-to-control-pa/.

Also, if you haven't heard of Myofascial Release Therapy, you might find this discussion helpful:
--- Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/myofascial-release-therapy-mfr-for-treating-compression-and-pain/

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Hello John,
Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, I have permanent L5S1 radiculopathy and nerve root damage. In addition I have some general neuropathy. I have had injections however due to the numbness in the feet they dont work nor for the tingling. I am back on Lyrica which seemed to help and I should have never gotten off it. It appears when you get these new prickly feelings from ankles to legs, they can create panic and anxiety sine I was just getting used to the other sensations. I am increasing lyrica and will continue riding my road bike an hour every other day and physical therapy. I do believe it is starting to work again and had no idea what it was masking until I went off think it was not helping. How this became so intent is something I will never understand. Thanks again, Sal


Hello John,
Thank you for the information. Unfortunately, I have permanent L5S1 radiculopathy and nerve root damage. In addition I have some general neuropathy. I have had injections however due to the numbness in the feet they dont work nor for the tingling. I am back on Lyrica which seemed to help and I should have never gotten off it. It appears when you get these new prickly feelings from ankles to legs, they can create panic and anxiety sine I was just getting used to the other sensations. I am increasing lyrica and will continue riding my road bike an hour every other day and physical therapy. I do believe it is starting to work again and had no idea what it was masking until I went off think it was not helping. How this became so intent is something I will never understand. Thanks again, Sal

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Sal- I posted about 3 weeks ago that I am on 40mg of Lipitor and have been for z40 years. I have had absolutely no bad reaction to tslaking this much. My mom and older sister each had heart attacks at 62. I am 82 and still going strong. I first tried amitripline when I started feeling pricks and pin like on my skin. My doc told me my nerve endings were shifting out. After about 5 years I tried Neurontin. Tried this until Lyrica came on the market. I take 75mg of Lyrica twice a day. Then I started feeling my toes burning and prickly. Terrible feeling. I decided to try 500mg of CBD lotion which slowed down the pain. Then the pain went into my feet and lower legs, so I found some CBD lotion in 1609mg strength. Many days I have little pain and other days a bit more. CBD lotion does not totally stop my pain but it’s the best thing I have found for my neuropathy. We all found some solutions that we pass along. Good luck.


Hi. I would give sound therapy a try. Go to You Tube and type Miracle Nerve Regeneration #GV065 by Good Vibes. It should be the first video at the top. Listen to it without headphones and at a lower volume. Make sure you are close enough to the speakers so the vibration is effective. This really helps with tingling and pain so at least give it a try even if you doubt it. Give it at least 20 to 30 minutes a session. Maybe also consider acupuncture. Hope this helps, hang in there and have hope.


Sal- I posted about 3 weeks ago that I am on 40mg of Lipitor and have been for z40 years. I have had absolutely no bad reaction to tslaking this much. My mom and older sister each had heart attacks at 62. I am 82 and still going strong. I first tried amitripline when I started feeling pricks and pin like on my skin. My doc told me my nerve endings were shifting out. After about 5 years I tried Neurontin. Tried this until Lyrica came on the market. I take 75mg of Lyrica twice a day. Then I started feeling my toes burning and prickly. Terrible feeling. I decided to try 500mg of CBD lotion which slowed down the pain. Then the pain went into my feet and lower legs, so I found some CBD lotion in 1609mg strength. Many days I have little pain and other days a bit more. CBD lotion does not totally stop my pain but it’s the best thing I have found for my neuropathy. We all found some solutions that we pass along. Good luck.

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I would like to know more about CBD lotion. Is it topical lotion and where do you buy it. I don't want any oral CBD product because I have dizziness form Meniere's syndrome.


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