12 months free of disease with clear CT scans: What is next?

Posted by lottie60 @lottie60, Mar 29, 2023

My husband has been clear of disease for 12 months with clear CT scans. The cancer disappeared after 12 sessions of chemo which the oncologist described as a miracle. He was diagnosed with stage four, mets to liver, however mets disappeared after 3 chemo sessions, he was not a candidate for surgery.
The CA19 market has been rising over the past 4 months, last result marker of 500 - a further CT and MRI later this month …..Oncologist states she will not act in CA19 marker alone. My husband is active, eating well and maintaining weight and feeling very well - we are a little concerned and wondered if anyone has the same experience
Thanks for any info

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I am anxious, so many things can happen with surgery. I live alone so I am hopingI will be able to manage by myself soon.

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Did your dietician recommend Expedite daily prior to surgery? It is said to encourage faster healing. Available on Amazon. Then they will also give you juvederm with your food while you are in the hospital(if that is available and not in shortage). I truly believe the expedite made a difference in my internal healing. Just something to ask about while you are in preparation mode


Thanks for the info! I will ask about it.

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