Hello all I have mild ro21 positive and indigestion,losing weight

Posted by abhishek80 @abhishek80, Jun 4, 2023

Hi can anybody guide on it ,I have normal liver test,kidney test,negative ssa and ssb. But had dry eyes and mouth initially. Now just losing weight any idea???

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Pardon my ignorance, but are you talking about Sjogren's?


@abhishek80 We would love to try to help you, but we need a better explanation of your disease/disorder. Can you give us a description of why you are ro21 positive?


@abhishek80 We would love to try to help you, but we need a better explanation of your disease/disorder. Can you give us a description of why you are ro21 positive?

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Ro 21 mildly postive on ana blot and had symptoms of dry mouth and eyes


Pardon my ignorance, but are you talking about Sjogren's?

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Yes kind of


I had a neighbor once who had Sjogren's, and she told me it does "dry you out". I recently bumped into some information about Sjogren's that I'd not heard of before, because of some poking around the internet I was doing because of a different health problem that I have. I was trying to learn about some enzymes called aldehyde dehydrogenases. It turns out that one of them, or a weakness in one of them, has been linked to Sjogren's. The name of the enzyme is ALDH3a2, I believe. If you are interested in this sort of thing I can tell you what I've come across so far?


Are you saying that you are still waiting for a diagnosis? Waiting can be very emotionally draining!

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