Does anyone keep vomiting after having H. Pylori infection?

Posted by rcairjam @rcairjam, Jun 2, 2023

Does anybody who has had H Pylori infection still nauseous and vomiting?
I had H Pylori infection last July and was treated with 2 antibiotics. I felt much better, however a month later I kept waking up again hot sweating, nauseous and start vomiting. I went back to the Dr they did another test and it came back positive for Pylori infection again. I was treated with stronger antibiotics. The Dr said I was cleared with a stool sample. I started living life again. For awhile things were great, then the symptoms came back waking up hot, sweating, nausea and vomiting. By this point I have been to the urgent care 3 times and the ER twice. I don’t have H Pylori and they don’t know except see a GI Dr. I did just that I had Endoscopy, colonoscopy, cat scan and an MRI. My Liver enzymes were high so they had that tested it was back to normal. The only thing the GI Dr found was fecal matter in colon and a small Hiatal Hernia in my upper esophagus. I told him the constipation was due to all the Zofran I had been given over the last months for my nausea and vomiting. He gave me Linzess and Myralax that worked perfect.
I am at my wits end because this keeps happening to me, waking up hot, nausea then vomiting I’m getting scared because I’m losing weight and can’t seem to eat. I wake up 3 to 4 times a night dealing with this I’m tired. I sleep with 2 floor fans an ice pack a-neck fan and wet wash cloth. I don’t know what to do, so I thought I would reach out out to this group. I’m 64 female
The only thing I found for my nausea are thc gummies I can’t take Zofran, Tylenol pm.

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I had H pylori once and never had nausea or vomiting. Maybe a good and experienced functional doctor can help. Maybe re check your liver enzyme.


I’ve been to a good functional Dr. I’m here for support, if you can’t provide it please stay off my post.


It looks like you have had a lot of antibiotics. From my understanding, antibiotics kill the bad and the good bacteria. If that is the case with you, your digestive tract could be in need of prebiotics and probiotics to get your digestive tract healthy again. This was part of my digestive issues that caused me indigestion and GERD. My doctor tested me for multiple causes for my symptoms and prescribed both prebiotic and probiotic capsules. She also had me make dietary changes such as reducing sugars as bacteria feed on them, adding fermented foods such as kefir (in the dairy section), pickles but only from the refrigerated section of the market, sauerkraut, no sugar yogurt ( I add stevia for sweetness).
The tests my doctor ordered were for SIBO, yeast infection, fungus infection, parasites and mold.
I wish you the best in finding answers and treatment. I know it’s very frustrating and fatiguing to find a doctor that can truly help.


My symptoms started a few yrs.ago watery mouth,nausea,vomiting,get hot,comes w/o notice,unable to commit to a job.Blood test s found hepatitis C
And p.lori bacteria found,endoscopy found distal portion of esophagus was clogged.Dr placed
a baloon to keep open.R/X 2 kinds of Antibiotis.Felt better but after antibiotics were all taken symptoms still coming.Noyhing yet done about the hep.c but what else could be ,upper abdomen pain,watery mouth,nausea,vomiting

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