So tired and osteopenia

Posted by dianel44 @dianel44, May 29, 2023

I always feel so tired. It's hard to exercise because I have osteopenia in my shoulders and bad hips. I just feel like resting for an entire day. I work and walk a lot during the day. When I get home , I am done

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I am sorry you are tired. I can relate! However I am not sure why you cannot exercise with osteopenia. With severe osteoporosis, I still walked and did tai chi five times a week 🙂 Bad hips can mean a lot of things but that may be the real culprit in not being able to exercise. Osteoporosis does not have symptoms until you fracture, which is both good and bad!


It's very painful. It's hard to move my shoulders with osteopenia. I do try to stretch and do some yoga


@dianel44 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. We will certainly try to help you by answering questions and giving support. I, too, have osteopenia caused by high doses of prednisone to treat my autoimmune disease. I walk everyday, even though I don’t get far. I was going to the gym to use the weight machines but then covid showed up. Last fall I told my rheumatologist that my shoulders had started hurting. He explained that the prednisone had irritated my joints and he could give me cortisone injections in my shoulders to help with the pain. And exercise always help with my sore hips. Since exercise is crucial to bone health, you will need to work with your doctor. Have you discussed pain management methods that aren’t opioids?


Have you been tested for others things besides osteopenia? I have Sjogerns syndrome as well as osteoporosis and arthritis. It’s hard to tell which one is causing my hurting!


Osteopenia is not causing your pain. I had severe osteoporosis with no pain or other symptoms and I have read and been told it does not cause pain. I hope you pursue other explanations for your pain!


I don't know your age but I'm 71 and it seems that this year I find myself very tired and just want to sit around reading or even lie down. Things I didn't do last year. I think in my case it's just age...good luck !


Osteopenia does not cause pain. Get checked out for other reasons for your pain. I’ve had osteopenia for years, and while I understand everybody’s body is different, don’t assume the osteopenia is causing your pain. I’m now in my 70’s and I’m highly active with both osteopenia and osteoporosis, as are some of my friends.
Best to you!


I don't know your age but I'm 71 and it seems that this year I find myself very tired and just want to sit around reading or even lie down. Things I didn't do last year. I think in my case it's just age...good luck !

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Please don’t assume it’s just age. I’m 72 and active. Get tested - it could be your thyroid or something else causing the fatigue. For me it was fatigue which is one of the hallmark symptoms. Every time I have felt fatigued for more than a week and I know it’s not a cold or other virus, I have my doctor retest my thyroid and each time an adjustment needed to be made in my dose.
Wishing you the best to get an answer.



Mostly likely not osteopenia causing your fatigue or pain.

A few things to consider:

Shoulder pain: You may have a rotator cuff problem. I have a torn labrum in mine. I cannot reach comfortably with that arm nor sleep on it. You need to have the shoulder checked by a good orthopedist. An MRI might better tell what is going on with it. An injection could help with inflammation.

Fatigue: are you sleeping less because of pain? Are you eating well? Are you exercising enough.

I have bad feet .. bone on bone arthritis and the surgery to fix would be a hard recovery .. and cannot walk long at one time. I bought a cheap fitness tracker (Proyoo brand ..I replaced the silicone band with a mesh one for comfort .. bought both on Amazon). There are many other brands out there in same price range. Most fitness trackers are not very accurate on sleep and blood pressure measurements. More expensive is not necessarily better. They can help you set a goal of how many step you take in a day and track other exercises. Most days I get 4000 steps instead of my goal of 8000. I have had the tracker for a couple of months. I have got to work harder .. but fighting sacroiliac pain too. Hopefully will get an injection soon.

Vitamins and hormones: Have you had them checked? If you are taking high doses of Calcium and Vitamin D they can make you feel fatigued and hurt all over. Low Vitamin D, Iron, B-12 and Magnesium can make you tired. Have your Thyroid checked too.

Medications: Some medications can also make you feel tired. Go over your medications (including over the counter medications) with a pharmacist. .. believe me better than talking with your doctor. The pharmacist can give you information of concerns about you medications to talk with your doctor or they can talk with the doctor about them for you. A statin caused me pain.

I am one that has the odd-ball reactions to medications. I tried Prolia .. one injection. Within two hours I felt like I had a stomach ulcer. Nothing I have tried with medication has helped my bone density number .. so I am doing my best with food and vitamins. The medications have helped many with no side effects. So don't be discouraged.

When you have pain what will make it worse is inactivity. I use my arm despite the shoulder pain. I don't lift anything heavy with it and I do not strain to lift with it. You will know your limit of movement. I did physical therapy that helped me find my limit with with my shoulder and exercises to do. … with my sacroiliac too. It is holding me back on my walking more than my feet. I use a TENS Unit to help with both of those areas when the pain intensifies. .. usually when a low pressure weather front comes through. I think my husband paid less that $50 for the TENS Unit and extra electrodes.

Sorry for the too long post .. maybe something in it will help you.



@daniel44 Hi, Have you seen a rheumatologist? You may be able to some answers. I'm 82, and have osteopenia, but that was not the source of pain for me. It seems it would be worth investigating. My best..💞

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