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Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Sleep Health | Last Active: Jun 14 6:52pm | Replies (402)

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I have the herniated discs in back and neck also. I suggested that to my pain doctor at my appt last week and he said it could be. I had the vibrations last night at about a level 3. I went 4-6 nights with none. I started back taking my gabapentin because my neurologist gave me a pediatric dose of Fycompa to take but I read up on it and decided not to take it. My pain doctor did search about it while in office and said it's similar to gabapentin and Lyrica. I even switched from my atenolol beta blocker back to the metoprolol because it seems to not have made a difference. I told cardiologist that since metoprolol crosses the brain barrier and atenolol does not, maybe going back to atenolol will help but I'm having the heart palpitations worse on the atenolol than metoprolol. I can't win for losing. LOL
I'm seriously beginning to think it's from the back but the timing is off. I've had issues with back for 20+ years. My thighs get numb during night sometimes or if I stand still too long. Was in hospital last year for 2 days for pain control in legs. I've been having them since 2019 and that's when I think I injured my phrenic nerve taking medication one morning. I swallowed a huge gulp of air and had pain at end of esophagus for 2 days. That's when my internal vibrations started. I had endoscopy but failed to tell Dr to see if he could see injury to nerve if it was visible. All I know is they are driving me crazy. So many people have them but then they all different reasons but the underlying reason should be the same. What is going on inside the body to cause the vibrations? It's got to be the same for everybody although the cause is different. Baffling to say the least.

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Replies to "I have the herniated discs in back and neck also. I suggested that to my pain..."

Just updating but since I have been taking 1 400mg gabapentin, I haven't had vibrations for over a month. There was 1 morning they were just beginning but were at a level 1-2. I'm very satisfied.