8 weeks post TKR issues

Posted by knighthawk11 @knighthawk11, May 26, 2023

Had TKR 8 weeks ago. Was doing good until 4 weeks then was doing more around the house. Then developed severe pain on inside of knee with occasional severe discomfort when walking. Seen my OS at 5 weeks X-ray was good but this pain has not gone away. He thought I just overdid something but it never stopped. Not constant just certain way my leg plants. Feels like stabbing throbbing pain. Any advice if this is normal and will it go away. Also outside knee stiff and sore when walking. Doing my PT and home excercises. Icing and elevating constantly. Thanks for any advice if this type of pain is normal at 2 months. Thanks

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I had a very rough time with TKR but the two things that really helped me were outside PT and frequent icing. I had my surgery two years ago and every now and then, I feel like I have *done something* to my knee and I have knee weakness and pain. When that happens, I take Advil, along with Extra Strength Tylenol and ice it. I think that the ice really helps! You should tell your surgeon that you would like to have an MRI on your knee just to make sure that you haven’t injured it. Also, if your insurance will cover it, maybe you should go back to PT for at least 8-10 sessions and get their take on it. I know how discouraging it can be to have gone through such a rough surgery and still have some pain. My OS did tell me that it takes a full two years for the knee to recover. Sending my best wishes to you for complete healing. MaryAnn in MA

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Thank you for your kind words. Yes I will ask my doctor about an MRI as X-ray was normal.
Unfortunately if they don’t feel it is justified they won’t do that with our health care plan.
I will be going to a new PT for advice too.


Hi knight - I'm no expert, but have had both knees replaced. What you describe doesn't sound normal at 8 weeks.

One question - what are your Flexion and Extension numbers? Ideally flexion should be 120 degrees or higher, extension should be zero or very near zero.

You mentioned you had upped your activity. To see if that's what's causing this, I suggest taking it very easy for a few weeks, ice and elevate and if you can, take Tylenol for pain. You can buy a temper-like foam device that will raise your knee above your heart lying down. You can get these things at Amazon. If the symptoms persists, then I'd see the Dr.

Pain on the side of the knee can also be caused by a tight Illiotibial Band (ITB). You can look up ways to stretch it.

I hope it resolves.


Thank you for this information. Yes I agree at 8 weeks it should be getting better. I see my OS in 3 weeks and GP today so I will press for answers. My flexion last week at PT was 105 and extension was almost zero.
Still doing exercises daily and PT.


I had bilateral knee replacement Feb 14 of this year and I am experiencing calf tightness which has caused foot drop. Has anyone experienced this and if so what can help? My physical therapist says it’s just gonna take time but I cannot walk normal. Any suggestions I would be so grateful for.


Has anyone had needling treatment for pain and stiffness after TKR


Hi knight - I'm no expert, but have had both knees replaced. What you describe doesn't sound normal at 8 weeks.

One question - what are your Flexion and Extension numbers? Ideally flexion should be 120 degrees or higher, extension should be zero or very near zero.

You mentioned you had upped your activity. To see if that's what's causing this, I suggest taking it very easy for a few weeks, ice and elevate and if you can, take Tylenol for pain. You can buy a temper-like foam device that will raise your knee above your heart lying down. You can get these things at Amazon. If the symptoms persists, then I'd see the Dr.

Pain on the side of the knee can also be caused by a tight Illiotibial Band (ITB). You can look up ways to stretch it.

I hope it resolves.

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I also found massage helped with the tight IT Band. My therapist also showed me how I can do some for myself and after professional massage and 2x daily myself the problem quickly resolved.


I had total knee replacement 10 weeks ago, & although I'm told my knee is doing "well", I have been almost unable to function normally since about a week after surgery due to extreme lightheadedness, fatigue & interrmittent nausea. My appetite has improved, but I've lost 13 lbs. & although I force myself to do PT, I feel like simply lying in bed. Prior to surgery I was very active, biked 15 miles & worked out at the gym several times a week. My blood work and xrays, etc., are normal, except for some hyponatremia and electrolyte abnormalities about a week after surgery which resolved. I had spinal anesthesia, (no general), & am otherwise healthy, but have never felt this ill & incapacitated. My internist has tested most everything, & cannot explain why I feel this way, & why I cannot resume my normal lifestyle. I've become very depressed & concerned. My hypertension is also poorly controlled now, & my internist has changed my medications to avoid further hyponatremia.


I had total knee replacement 10 weeks ago, & although I'm told my knee is doing "well", I have been almost unable to function normally since about a week after surgery due to extreme lightheadedness, fatigue & interrmittent nausea. My appetite has improved, but I've lost 13 lbs. & although I force myself to do PT, I feel like simply lying in bed. Prior to surgery I was very active, biked 15 miles & worked out at the gym several times a week. My blood work and xrays, etc., are normal, except for some hyponatremia and electrolyte abnormalities about a week after surgery which resolved. I had spinal anesthesia, (no general), & am otherwise healthy, but have never felt this ill & incapacitated. My internist has tested most everything, & cannot explain why I feel this way, & why I cannot resume my normal lifestyle. I've become very depressed & concerned. My hypertension is also poorly controlled now, & my internist has changed my medications to avoid further hyponatremia.

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I am 9 weeks post op and am also struggling with fatigue. I keep being told it takes a long time to recover some longer than others. I also find myself laying down the majority of my day with small breaks for excercises in between. I hope you start to feel better soon. It sounds like you have good doctors that have been very thorough. I find bouts of depression too because all we want is to have our lives back and enjoy the activities we used to. Hopefully soon you will get there. Wishing you well 😊


Thank you for that. Appreciate the encouragement. I am doing PT but basically it’s only doing the excercises the doctor gave me to do at home which I do. This is what our health care plan covers. I think I will look into another private PT clinic at my own cost to see if they can offer more help 😊

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Sorry to hear your insurance won't cover your PT. You should not have to pay the entire amount. I had both and they sent me and paid for additional treatments. I hope you bugged them about it and didn't give up the first time. My therapy is why I did so well with the surgery.


I am 9 weeks post op and am also struggling with fatigue. I keep being told it takes a long time to recover some longer than others. I also find myself laying down the majority of my day with small breaks for excercises in between. I hope you start to feel better soon. It sounds like you have good doctors that have been very thorough. I find bouts of depression too because all we want is to have our lives back and enjoy the activities we used to. Hopefully soon you will get there. Wishing you well 😊

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Thanks for your reply, it’s helpful to know I’m not the only one experiencing this. I also am VERY depressed, particularly because my symptoms are not improving. Also, although my orthopedist says my knee is doing well, it is extremely stiff, and painful to walk, despite a good range of motion. I must admit, I regret doing the surgery.

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