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....I havent tried a lot - but have not slept thru night for about 3 yrs... tinnitus and hyperacusis, as well as washroom needs; but I do listen to favourites on you tube, voice with no background music as the loudness of music varies: i have listened to some so often think I know all she is going to say... but she says things like "you are going to be ok" - or "maybe today was bad but try and forget about it_" .... counting backwards from 20 etc... I often fall back asleep in middle of the recording. I do pay you tube about 14 Cdn. dollars a month so no ads because they can ruin the whole relaxation effort! Good luck with Survey! J. p.s. No rain thunder or waves help me but I know help some people.

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Replies to "....I havent tried a lot - but have not slept thru night for about 3 yrs......"

Could you give a couple of specific examples on YouTube by name or title, pls?