I am trying to get into Mayo for Long Covid

Posted by jenried73 @jenried73, May 24, 2023

I am trying to get into Mayo for long Covid since infection 10/20. Now I’m being told had to have had Covid in last 90 days or within 2 years. I tried to get in last year and was told I couldn’t go there due to where I live in WI. I am so unbelievably frustrated!!! I thought Mayo was supposed to help people when all other avenues have been exhausted?? I’ve seen all the specialists, had all the tests, done different therapies, paid out of pocket for a long Covid clinic near me. Any ideas or suggestions?

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@jenried73, this must be so frustrating. Unfortunately demand for the Long Covid or COVID Activity Rehabilitation Program at Mayo Clinic remains high. Here are the requirements for acceptance into the COVID Activity Rehabilitation Program:
- Have a positive test antigen or PCR test
- Have had the positive test within 1-3 months
- Be 18 years old or older
- Be employed
- Reside within Minnesota
- Provide the name of your local primary care provider who will partner with Mayo Clinic experts
Read more here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/post-covid-recovery/tab/next-steps/

You can check for care near you here on the Survivor Corps website: https://www.survivorcorps.com/pccc


They have a Post-Covid Recovery program. It sounds wonderful. Go to their website and request an appointment for this. They will do an hour virtual interview with you and then you can sign up.


They have a Post-Covid Recovery program. It sounds wonderful. Go to their website and request an appointment for this. They will do an hour virtual interview with you and then you can sign up.

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Thanks. Unfortunately, per the last person’s comments, there are certain criteria you have to meet to get in that program and I do not meet those.


They have a pain rehabilitation program that they do in several states. Arizona, Florida, and I think Minnesota. I’ve read that a lot of people with long Covid have had success going through the program. Here is the link and from there you can research it yourself and see if it would be beneficial for you


They have a pain rehabilitation program that they do in several states. Arizona, Florida, and I think Minnesota. I’ve read that a lot of people with long Covid have had success going through the program. Here is the link and from there you can research it yourself and see if it would be beneficial for you

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Thank you very much. I will have my provider try this. I am at my last hope. And I guess if I need to pay out of pocket that may be what it comes down to. Thank you.


How close are you to minneapolis...Hennepin health care has a long covid program. Here is a number you can try..612-873-4037..There is a employee there I had contact with to help me get in to the program last year. They are downtown minneapolis if you are unable to get into Mayo. Keep trying ..it helps..Kitty2..it is a frustrating disease and has attacked my immune system..I had Covid in December 2021..and I am still dealing with it every day since. Let me know if you need anything.


How close are you to minneapolis...Hennepin health care has a long covid program. Here is a number you can try..612-873-4037..There is a employee there I had contact with to help me get in to the program last year. They are downtown minneapolis if you are unable to get into Mayo. Keep trying ..it helps..Kitty2..it is a frustrating disease and has attacked my immune system..I had Covid in December 2021..and I am still dealing with it every day since. Let me know if you need anything.

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I have been involved in both programs..Mayo and Hennepin Health Care. It did take a long time to get in. Hennepin required a referral from my primary care doctor, and a positive covid test. Kitty2


How close are you to minneapolis...Hennepin health care has a long covid program. Here is a number you can try..612-873-4037..There is a employee there I had contact with to help me get in to the program last year. They are downtown minneapolis if you are unable to get into Mayo. Keep trying ..it helps..Kitty2..it is a frustrating disease and has attacked my immune system..I had Covid in December 2021..and I am still dealing with it every day since. Let me know if you need anything.

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Thank you. I am about 4hrs away. Is the other program similar?


I live in Pennsylvania and suffering from long Covid symptoms for about 1 and a half years. I’ve been to countless doctors and also a rehab close to me.
My wife found the rehab that is offered at Mayo in Minnesota. I waited 5 months to get into this hospital and I would do it again.
I was at the end of my rope, we have tried everything, seen every doctor, tried different meds. The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, from the first person I spoke with ,they are just the best. They listened to my problems I having so that when I arrived they had a plan. Being from Pennsylvania they knew I wouldn’t be there for too long. They had me scheduled out for the first few days I was there and added new tests after seeing the results of the tests I had just taken.
They have given me hope that this is going to end !!
I am still fighting this thing but I’m better after being treated at the MAYO.


I live in Pennsylvania and suffering from long Covid symptoms for about 1 and a half years. I’ve been to countless doctors and also a rehab close to me.
My wife found the rehab that is offered at Mayo in Minnesota. I waited 5 months to get into this hospital and I would do it again.
I was at the end of my rope, we have tried everything, seen every doctor, tried different meds. The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, from the first person I spoke with ,they are just the best. They listened to my problems I having so that when I arrived they had a plan. Being from Pennsylvania they knew I wouldn’t be there for too long. They had me scheduled out for the first few days I was there and added new tests after seeing the results of the tests I had just taken.
They have given me hope that this is going to end !!
I am still fighting this thing but I’m better after being treated at the MAYO.

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I’m happy for you! Mayo denied me because I am over two years out from my Covid diagnosis.☹️😣

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