Want to connect with others with Splenic B cell Marginal Zone Lymphoma

Posted by April @sabtahis, Jul 24, 2016

There are over 80 different subtypes of lymphoma . This is a slow growing lymphoma.I'd like to know and communicate with any patient if possible.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Blood Cancers & Disorders Support Group.

Just a question and update. Has anyone dealt with skin cancer while having SMZL? and what is your experience? In April, I had a small mole-like thing removed from my shoulder and it was a sebaceous carcinoma. More testing is scheduled.
Regarding SMZL I was diagnosed in 2019, 4 treatments of rituxan in 2022, I had good test results last November. Now my April tests show the lymphoma is gradually returning and back on watch and wait. Thank you for any comments.


Just a question and update. Has anyone dealt with skin cancer while having SMZL? and what is your experience? In April, I had a small mole-like thing removed from my shoulder and it was a sebaceous carcinoma. More testing is scheduled.
Regarding SMZL I was diagnosed in 2019, 4 treatments of rituxan in 2022, I had good test results last November. Now my April tests show the lymphoma is gradually returning and back on watch and wait. Thank you for any comments.

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I had skin cancer and breast before my SMZL dx. My skin cancer was a bit of an oddball and finally diagnosed as a Meltump which stands for Melanocytic tumors of uncertain malignant potential. It was on the top of my foot. No treatment besides removal. The doctor considered node removal and decided against it.


I had skin cancer and breast before my SMZL dx. My skin cancer was a bit of an oddball and finally diagnosed as a Meltump which stands for Melanocytic tumors of uncertain malignant potential. It was on the top of my foot. No treatment besides removal. The doctor considered node removal and decided against it.

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Renee, Thanks for the reply. Since I was diagnosed with the skin cancer, I've read where individuals with less than optimum immune systems have a higher incidence of skin cancer. So this was was the reason for my question. Yours was before the SMZL so I don't understand that. Anyway, unfortunate that both of us have or had 3 cancers. How was your last SMZL checkup? I hope you're doing well. Thanks


Renee, Thanks for the reply. Since I was diagnosed with the skin cancer, I've read where individuals with less than optimum immune systems have a higher incidence of skin cancer. So this was was the reason for my question. Yours was before the SMZL so I don't understand that. Anyway, unfortunate that both of us have or had 3 cancers. How was your last SMZL checkup? I hope you're doing well. Thanks

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When I was dx with smzl the doctor said he thought I had it for at least 5 years. So then the skin cancer would be right about the same time. Who really knows though.

I’m doing good in my watch and wait. Symptoms are slowing creeping in more regularly- fatigue, sweats and spleen pain.

Are you aware of the Facebook group? Search SMZL Support Group and also MZL Community - Learning & Research.

How are you doing?


When I was dx with smzl the doctor said he thought I had it for at least 5 years. So then the skin cancer would be right about the same time. Who really knows though.

I’m doing good in my watch and wait. Symptoms are slowing creeping in more regularly- fatigue, sweats and spleen pain.

Are you aware of the Facebook group? Search SMZL Support Group and also MZL Community - Learning & Research.

How are you doing?

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I am part of the facebook SMZL support group but not the MZL community. I'll have to look for that. It is interesting to hear how others are doing with their treatments, symptoms, etc.
I feel pretty normal and doing well. I was in Rochester a month ago and oncology said there were no lung concerns and hematology said the SMZL was gradually returning. I have the skin issue now and they have scheduled an excision procedure for the 31st. They will remove more tissue in the location of the previous biopsy. So am hoping that will go OK.
Has your hematologist suggested any treatments or is that a ways off yet?


I am part of the facebook SMZL support group but not the MZL community. I'll have to look for that. It is interesting to hear how others are doing with their treatments, symptoms, etc.
I feel pretty normal and doing well. I was in Rochester a month ago and oncology said there were no lung concerns and hematology said the SMZL was gradually returning. I have the skin issue now and they have scheduled an excision procedure for the 31st. They will remove more tissue in the location of the previous biopsy. So am hoping that will go OK.
Has your hematologist suggested any treatments or is that a ways off yet?

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Glad to hear things are ‘normal’ for you and a bummer getting another excision. I do not like all the cutting.

I’m still waiting and all my labs and spleen growth are moving slowly which is good. I wish there was a way to stop it all. I go back in July for my annual scan. So hopefully all will be good.

Enjoy the rainy day.


Morning<br>Thanks for forwarding my e mail to an appropriate group.I mostly interested<br> in learning about SMZL and prefer private conversation thru e mail and not<br>the post.I'm a former health care worker and fairly knowledgeable about<br>the medical issue around this diagnosis and the disease process.<br>Thanks for all you do.April<br><br>

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I was diagnosed with splenic marginal zone b cell lymphoma in January of this year. I am currently sitting here getting my 5th round of chemo....one more to go. Don't know what will happen after my 6th round in June except more scans


Hello, I’m 45 and have been recently diagnosed with SMZL. Literally getting my 4th Rituxan infusion as I type this. I’m hoping to meet one of the rare few who have been diagnosed with this. I look forward to meeting you!



Hello, I’m 45 and have been recently diagnosed with SMZL. Literally getting my 4th Rituxan infusion as I type this. I’m hoping to meet one of the rare few who have been diagnosed with this. I look forward to meeting you!


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I have posted before. Mine showed up on labs as platelets were low. Platelets started dropping, then spleen started to enlarge. Blood work end 2021 was a red flag. Platelets really low, spleen quite enlarged, IGG very low and WBC and Hemoglobin out of wack. In January 2022, bone marrow biopsy/aspiration, CT Scan and other urine tests etc showed I have Low grade B cell Splenic Marginal zone Lymphoma/Leukemia - Lymphoproliferative Disorder. I am on a watch and wait and not receiving treatment until symptoms start. I have been told that feeling crummy, night sweats and fevers are the first signs. So far so good. It is a huge worry though.


Hello, I’m 45 and have been recently diagnosed with SMZL. Literally getting my 4th Rituxan infusion as I type this. I’m hoping to meet one of the rare few who have been diagnosed with this. I look forward to meeting you!


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Thanks for sharing! I’m sorry you’re going through this, but it’s amazing that you are not symptomatic. I’m still new to this and know that every person has a different story. I was very symptomatic and knew something was wrong and thus, the need to move quickly and treat. It’s a terrible thing what this can do to you mentally. So far, for me, daily meditation has been the most helpful for keeping me present and happy. Obviously, having strong support around you helps too. I think it can get frustrating when people try to relate on some level and fall WAY short. This is one of the main reasons why I wanted to meet others like me. Connect by private message if you would like to communicate more privately.

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