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Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Larynx

Head & Neck Cancer | Last Active: Jul 26, 2023 | Replies (23)

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My radiation treatments were a little further up in the throat then the larynx. Treatments Monday-Friday for seven weeks. First two weeks I didn't notice much difference other then what I had initially had difficulty swallowing. Third week my voice began to change and feeling tired my neck became red like a sun burn. Fourth week I requested pain pills and Xanax, swallowing became more difficult voice didn't improve much. I became less interested in food and losing weight. Sixth and seventh week pretty much as week 5 but wanting to sleep more. My throat was so painful I tried smoothies and everything soft but sugar in anything felt like gas on an open wound. They gave me liquid lidocaine that can be mixed with mylanta to sooth the throat, very helpful. I lost 30 pounds between December till now. My journey is not done I went for a checkup and Thursday I'm having a biopsy same spot again as my throat never really healed not because of what they did or didn't do with radiation it's just sometimes you have one that's resistant and comes back. I'm scared as shit because I'm told if it's cancer they want to remove my voice box. I'm not sure I have that kind of fight left in me any more. That's me tho. I don't mean to frighten you but no lie the emotional toll is heavy as well as the physical and spiritually. Please be a good listener let him know your there for him, let him get mad, upset, confused because he will. I hope for the best and remember everyone's healing is different.

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Replies to "My radiation treatments were a little further up in the throat then the larynx. Treatments Monday-Friday..."

My thoughts are with you at this moment, it is a hard fight. But it is one you can win, a positive outlook is a great help in any healing.
I have been told in a very late phone call this evening (unusual for specialists to call) that the tissue in my Larynx has become Necrotic and no longer truly viable. The answer from a panel of specialists a little earlier in the week look at all the aspects of my prognosis and agreed that removal or maybe at best a partial removal of the Larynx.
Should you come to this point look at all the positives and your longer term survival. You need to keep a watch on your weight and try and keep your strength up. More power to you in this fight, sending my best.

Hello I am so sorry about your journey. Its not fair but we can't think this way. Stay strong.
I would eradicate your resisting tumor if they find it. They can repair the voice box. You can do PT down the road to get your voice smooth again. I would also ask about Robotic surgery if they work around it. My guess this has been discussed though.
We will pray for you and hope for a positive outcome.