What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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@johnbishop those are a couple of the best bird photos I've seen! What a beautiful red, black and white bird! What kind is that?

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They are stunning! It's a red headed woodpecker - https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Red-headed_Woodpecker/id


@grammy82 - Here's the original photo if you want to download it.

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@johnbishop, @grammy82, and all...John, I do love Cardinals. One of the most lovely, kind birds I know. I have had parents visit for years, feed each other, stand guard on the fence protecting each other, bring their children to the feeders and I've watched them often as the young ones Twitter their wings and mama or daddy feed them. They've even come to my window pecking on it to get my help for a baby who fell out of the nest. It's been quite a journey with my dear cardinal friends. As you...


It’s a patient to patient site with many condition related discussions and other discussions that provide members a temporary escape from their day to day issues.

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That sounds very good...much needed for so many.

Thank you.


Nice pic!!
I saw, as I do every day, my favorite 😍 black capped chickadee outside eating at it's bird feeder on our deck!.
I have named it Jane! She is so cute! I wonder if she is sitting on a nest...that is if really female!
Have a good day! Pat


Absolutely you can save the photo and use it. I might be able to find the original which is higher resolution and a little bigger. This is one I downloaded from an old Facebook post of mine.

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Thanks!! That one is really just fine. I'm no Monet...but I love to paint. Thanks a million💞


@johnbishop, @grammy82, and all...John, I do love Cardinals. One of the most lovely, kind birds I know. I have had parents visit for years, feed each other, stand guard on the fence protecting each other, bring their children to the feeders and I've watched them often as the young ones Twitter their wings and mama or daddy feed them. They've even come to my window pecking on it to get my help for a baby who fell out of the nest. It's been quite a journey with my dear cardinal friends. As you...

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Oh, @ess77 Isn't that the way life ought to be? It is amazing how much joy they have brought you over the years. Imagine!! pecking at your window! You are a special caregiver.💞


@grammy82 - Here's the original photo if you want to download it.

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Terrific detail....I love it so much and I think it will be my next project. I'll let you know...I did download it. Thanks!💞


Thanks!! That one is really just fine. I'm no Monet...but I love to paint. Thanks a million💞

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@grammy82, @johnbishop, and all...Hello, Grammy! I'm 76 so that sounds a bit strange for me to say...You are another one of our fine painters and crafts folks. We have a wonderful group of oh, so talented folks... painters- @gingerw, @becsbuddy, and others, previous art studio owners- @artscaping, paper makers- @loribmt, quilters, and fabric aficionados- @sueinmn, and others and lots of others who tag along for the fun. They are all great folks and I bet you'd love them. Whomever I left out of this talented list, my humble apologies and beg forgiveness. Enjoy the groups...Blessings to all, Elizabeth


@grammy82, @johnbishop, and all...Hello, Grammy! I'm 76 so that sounds a bit strange for me to say...You are another one of our fine painters and crafts folks. We have a wonderful group of oh, so talented folks... painters- @gingerw, @becsbuddy, and others, previous art studio owners- @artscaping, paper makers- @loribmt, quilters, and fabric aficionados- @sueinmn, and others and lots of others who tag along for the fun. They are all great folks and I bet you'd love them. Whomever I left out of this talented list, my humble apologies and beg forgiveness. Enjoy the groups...Blessings to all, Elizabeth

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Well, isn't it wonderful what creativity can do for the spirit?
I lost the sight of one eye in 2019 with GCA and did miss it for a while. Then, sometimes I felt I 'saw' better with one than I did with two. It changed my perspective on many things. The prednisone has been challenging these past three years---but I've adjusted. Though I didn't paint for a while, I do now, mostly watercolor.
I used to quilt all the time too, but probably still could in short stints. I was a fabric-holic, and now I'm strictly a paint and brush junkie.
The thing I miss the most is not driving...sometimes I wish I never gave up my license, but it was the safest thing for any child that might be on my left side.😉😉
I'm so happy I found this group..you folks are great.💞


Seemingly overnight, white bearded irises have bloomed outside my front door. they are huge! That makes irises, hyacinth, and assorted other bulbs this year. Oh, and my lavender is starting to bloom now. The cherry trees have leafed out, as has the birch tree. The roses are starting to take off now. And, of course, there are weeds galore. I am doing "bucket a day or an hour" in yard work. Why don't the deer eat weeds like they do my roses?

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