GI Disorder and Internal Shaking

Posted by gigiraj @gigiraj, Feb 15, 2019

Hi all. I'm a 21 year old South Asian female and I have been having GI issues for about five years--mainly along the lines of constipation. I do have bowel movements every day but it takes a long time & I am rarely fully cleared out. These GI issues are always accompanied by other health issues (gas, pressure in head, etc). Recently, some scary new conditions have manifested: In the past few weeks, there have been times where my heart starts beating wildly and very fast. Sometimes, when I'm tired and constipated, my entire body feels like its vibrating internally; the shakes aren't visible but it feels like all my muscles are quivering. At this point, I feel a constant shaking/quivering within my body, especially in my heart cavity.

I have had TWO EKG's and both came back normal. All lab tests for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc came back within normal limits. I am very concerned about this internal shaking. My dad says he found something about how GI disorders can impact muscoskeletal system and since the heart is a muscle, it's contracting and being affected. But I wanted to know if anyone here can help!!!!!!! If anyone knows anything at all please please please let me know!!!!!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Digestive Health Support Group.

Also, ask your doctor about the drug Amitiza - it's directed towards helping symptoms such as yours. But also ask to get a SIBO breath test, to check for stomach gas levels (methane), which is caused by bacteria, which in turn can slow stomach/overall stomach motility. Did you say you've done a round of antibiotics to try to knock out an present bacteria, be it in stomach or intestine? Also, talking with a dietician is CRITICAL to restore & reduce all such symptoms (a good one will talk about where foods are on the FODMap scale.


I have been experiencing severe internal shaking, which was waking me night. It feels like my whole body is shaking (jaw to legs) but you can't see or feel it on the outside. On top of feeling generally unwell, fatigued, bloated/burping, difficulty eating, heart palpitations, dizziness. This has been on/off for months but really bad for 4 weeks. My GP has run all bloods (vitamin levels, thyroid, adrenaline, hormones, FBC etc), MRI brain, CT neck/head and have had multiple visits to Emergency. Everyone keeps saying my tests are normal. I am starting to believe the shaking is gut related. Interestingly I started taking a probiotic and the shaking has stopped at night. I still feel quite unwell in general and are struggling to eat but the most concerning shaking feeling seemed to go away with introducing a probiotic and gut supplement called bioceuticals intestamine. I am booked in to see a naturopath this week to see if they can provide any input on gut issues and further testing. Also waiting on test results for helicobacter pylori, which i would recommend anyone who has similar symptoms to test for. Posting here in case this information helps someone.


I have been experiencing severe internal shaking, which was waking me night. It feels like my whole body is shaking (jaw to legs) but you can't see or feel it on the outside. On top of feeling generally unwell, fatigued, bloated/burping, difficulty eating, heart palpitations, dizziness. This has been on/off for months but really bad for 4 weeks. My GP has run all bloods (vitamin levels, thyroid, adrenaline, hormones, FBC etc), MRI brain, CT neck/head and have had multiple visits to Emergency. Everyone keeps saying my tests are normal. I am starting to believe the shaking is gut related. Interestingly I started taking a probiotic and the shaking has stopped at night. I still feel quite unwell in general and are struggling to eat but the most concerning shaking feeling seemed to go away with introducing a probiotic and gut supplement called bioceuticals intestamine. I am booked in to see a naturopath this week to see if they can provide any input on gut issues and further testing. Also waiting on test results for helicobacter pylori, which i would recommend anyone who has similar symptoms to test for. Posting here in case this information helps someone.

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I ended up getting diagnosed with a parasite. No recent travel/camping or classic 'gastro' symptoms and I live in a major city. My health team is shocked by this and that I experienced all of these symptoms as a result. A day on the antibiotic treatment I can feel my symptoms continuing to improve.


I have Ehlers Danlos, hyperadrenergic POTS, cervical instability (CCI) and Chronic Intestinal Pseuo-obstruction. I found your post because I get your same symptoms. I'm investigating vagus nerve stimulation to see if moving my gut better will lower my head pressure and put me out of fight or flight, which seems to be causing the sympathetic overdrive and vibration. One key issue for me: "forward head posture" like sitting at a computer while leaning forward, looking down at a phone, or even doing dishes with head down, will cause lots of inflammation in my neck, which then pinches my vagus nerve, and sets off a cascade of symptoms, from internal vibration, to insomnia, dysmotility, heart palpitations, brain fog, etc. One tip I can give is consider eating less salt, if you are not already restricting it. Salt boosts aldosterone, which can trigger adrenaline surges. Taking potassium supplements also raises aldosterone, so it's tricky, and consulting a doctor is wise, especially if you already have electrolyte issues. It's true you could have bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine. Most of us with EDS have SIBO, but I've taken countless rounds of conventional antibiotics (like Rifaximin) plus herbal ones, and only get limited periods of remission, because the motility problem is not fixed. Pathogens in the gut generate toxins, which can slow down motility. For me, taking activated charcoal and zeolite powder binds toxins, reduces bloating, and helps a bit with symptoms.

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Could I ask what you mean by "lower my head pressure"? I have weird head pressure but have not heard anyone else report this. Thank you.


Ten years ago I had weird and extremely upsetting “ internal shaking” as it is referenced here. I called it vibration. It was awful. Also lost 8-10 lbs because of much reduced appetite. 18 mos. Later I was FINALLY diagnosed with Ciguterra… a neuro toxin from small fish who feed off dying reefs which then bioaccumulate in larger fish ( who eat the smaller ones). One other weird symptom was reversing hot and cold… warm/hot water felt cool/cold and vice versa. This symptom was no longer present when I was finally diagnosed ( 10 docs later) by an infectious disease expert ( who questioned me like Dr. House… the fictional doc on TV) . No treatment unless detected immediately. So lots of brown rice and B6 which helps with detox. Essentially I had to wait it out.

Interesting about the parasite diagnosis too. I had tested negative for parasites. I do believe western medicine is lacking in these “foreign” infectious disease complications.

Ciguterra was a new word for me but it appears in fishing magazines as it is apparently most commonly found in Caribbean populations.

I hope you all get relief soon; it’s a horrible sensation.


Something similar happened to me approximately eight years ago (while going into menopause) and after a long time resolved itself. After seeing several specialists including a cardiologist all was ruled out.

This is currently happening to me again (eight years after). So far the items I have done which seem to be helping and have brought my heart rate and tremors down are as follows:
- I am taking a magnesium supplement (small amount) as I noticed Pepcid complete and Tylenol stopped tremors and helped with digestion, but I needed something more permanent. However after a week the results leveled off.

- I added a vitamin c supplement as my cortisol level was high. After the initial dose seems to be working.

- the cardiologist ruled out heart issues.

- I am taking some tests ordered by my gastroenterologist.


Oh, thank you for this. I did seem to get some relief sleeping on two pillows, which did seem to help, but I am going to try an over the counter acid reducer and see if it helps.

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Try 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda mix with 1/2 glass of warm water instead of the meds . It helps and it is safe.


Try 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda mix with 1/2 glass of warm water instead of the meds . It helps and it is safe.

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They say pillows don't work. Instead, sleeping on a wedge 6-8 inch helps. I was on baking soda and water. Got better, but then, got worse and didn't help.


Are you all avoiding caffeine? That seems to make the tremors much worse?


Are you all avoiding caffeine? That seems to make the tremors much worse?

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I have been ill for four years and never had tremors. I don't drink caffeine as is acidic and bad for Gerd and LPR. I got completely better twice, but then I started eating sweets and bacon and fried food and coffee and got sick again.

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