← Return to Swollen Lymph Node (Neck) as a Result of Covid Virus

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I had a bad case of flu that the doctors could not diagnose in April 2018. It felt like the corona that went on to kill millions. I am now left with a swollen lymph node on one side of my neck for years. It happened after that infection. Never had a problem with swollen lymph nodes prior to this Here is my true experience. I boarded a flight from a European country, was seated next to this guy who was visibly sick. Like coughing up a storm and had the flu. It was a two hour flight. In the next two weeks, I recall the feeling that something was trying to take over my body. Almost hard to describe this creepy crawly feeling. It is the feeling that you get that something is amiss but you can't quite explain it. I can't recall the exact day all hell broke lose but I became very sick after the two week window. I would vomit constantly, I had intense breathing difficulties to the point that I did not know if I would be able to take the next breath. It was like an attack of whopping cough, with breathing difficulties and vomiting. These attacks came anywhere at anytime to the point that when I went to the restroom at the university I attended, I would not lock the stall door and hope for the best because I was afraid of collapsing and passing out while there alone. In between attacks, I would be completely well. Medical professionals even dismissed me because they saw nothing wrong until an attack of this disease occurred right in the nurse's office and her jaw dropped literally. She said she had never seen anything like this. Also, I could not talk like a normal person. My voice was gone. I would utter a sentence and it would be cut off midway. I struggled to have conversations with my family on Skype and had to stop. My mucus had a distinct smell and that smell carried on for years after. I now have this new thing where mucus no longer seem to come from my nose. But my throat needs to be cleared. It is way better now. I still don't know what this disease was. The doctors could not tell. The only thing one mentioned was a high white blood cell count. Perhaps that's not surprising because my body was fighting a monster of unknown proportion and origin. But thank God I survived.

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Replies to "I had a bad case of flu that the doctors could not diagnose in April 2018...."

So you had what you think was covid 2 years before covid hit USA?

Have they done a biopsy on your lymph nodes?