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This is a shoulder replacement patent. It’s a bit smaller than some of your traditional ones. It doesn’t have the shaft that goes down to the arm..
Yes, very familiar with amended surgeries. I had my left shoulder replacement replaced with a reverse and I really wish I hadn’t done it so I know what you’re talking about..
Wishing you better health with your spine and less pain I understand completely I’ve had for spinal fusions. I love my neurosurgeon . Good luck to you. By the way I have had ablations and they worked wonderfully..

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Replies to "This is a shoulder replacement patent. It’s a bit smaller than some of your traditional ones...."

I've never had surgery. my fusion is natural. All the way down one side. Ultimately if I ever have to get disc hardware replacement , they will fuse the other side. I am 51 years old. Diagnosed at 49. I'm a newby with chronic pain. But like many other people, I had to go through an injury, Lose my job, Get thrown on disability through the company, Ultimately not brought back. Hard lesson to learn. I am in total agreement, you definitely want to see a neurosurgeon for spine. Just curious if pain management differs stated by state. I'm on SC. Where are you located if you don't mind me asking.