Prolapsed rectum: living with it versus surgery
In December of 2018 I had a full hysterectomy at the recommendation of my GYN. That is another story but important to this post. In 2019 I started having a bulge protrude from my rectum and I thought it was a hemorrhoid. I started self treatment to no avail. I finally saw a GI doctor and was told I had a prolapsed rectum. I had multiple tests performed on my bladder and rectum (just awful) which were all normal. They could not see any link between the hysterectomy and my current issue. (This was the same healthcare system so I am guessing it was in their best interest not to find a link.)
So my question is does any other member have this condition and what is / was your solution? The surgery sounds horrible, the doctor said it is sometimes not 100% effective. 95% of the time it will retract when urinating or having a bowel movement. My greatest frustration is when taking long walks or hiking it and any fecal matter starts coming out.
I am 68 yo and don’t know whether to live with it and only do surgery if it becomes 0% retractable, which could mean being at an advanced age and not healing as well, or do the surgery now while in good health and healing would be easier.
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Texasmimi, how did your testing go? I thought those test were pretty horrible.
The MRI indicated a large anterior rectocele.Sphincter control was excellent so no issues there. I have a urogyno visit in August to determine how to proceed.
Texasmimi, I hope all goes well.
I got the impression from your post that you did have a leakage problem. I have only taken magnesium citrate for the past 6 months and would like to stop taking it because I generally try to take only those supplements and medications that are determined to be medically necessary by my MD or by his medical dietician. I also eat a whole food diet and am trying to increase the fiber content with as much as possible derived from food.
I think August is just an evaluation and discussion. Then I determine what to do.
Hi everyone,
I have a sphincter muscle that does not work, I have been on maralax for about 10 years, I take it
every morning. My doctor wanted me to take the cologuard test, which I did came back positive, so now
I have to have a colonoscopy next week. I am afraid for sure they will find something, I have not been right
for many, many years.
Has anyone had a sphincter muscle that is paralyzed?
My mom went to the Dr to be treated for bleeding hemorrhoids. She neglected to tell the Dr she had colon prolapse that had occurred and maybe was too embarrassed to mention it. She was diagnosed with multiple infections and placed on antibiotics. After this I visited her at home frequently only to find her struggling to get to the restroom and clean up the mess from her bowel movements. She had become incontinent in this short period a day or so and needed to started using depends. Refusing to go sleep in a bed for fear of wetting the bed she slept in a recliner in the living room. When assisting in getter her cleaned up I noticed the prolapse and took her to an out patient clinic. They immediately found her a room at the hospital and scheduled a Dr visit. This independent mom of mine was tired an worn out from all of this. Scared and embarrassed, with thoughts of I’m not going to a nursing home. Stating I’d rather not be here. The staff infection in her leg finally healing from a cancer procedure, sinus infection getting relief, and blood cell count for polysythemia vera getting under control. Almost a week in the hospital she was ready to be transferred to a rehabilitation hospital. She has found hope that she may get to go back home and continue a routine on here own. Playing cards with friends, cooking, baking, cleaning and socializing. The hope is fading at times but returns too. We are praying God intervenes and the surgery is not needed before she is ready for it. We hope living with a colon prolapse can be enjoyable for mom and if it can’t be that surgery would give her quality of life back. The hospitals surgeon discussed two types of surgery for this condition with me. One being robotic in nature that would take 3 to 4 hours and another less invasive surgery that would be shorter in duration and done thru the bottom of the colon and would remove a portion of it. It’s time for healing and physical therapy now. There is a transition team at the therapy center she has been transferred to that evaluates Mom’s ability to return home. Daily therapy sessions are occurring and she has a 10 day plan to return home. We are also searching for home care options should it be needed. Mom is 87 years old now and we love her very much. We hope she chooses to live life to the fullest.
I’ve had a prolapsed rectum for many years…. I too didn’t know what it was…there is a small fissure there as well from the protruding movement. Thanks to natural products, psyllium, etc My prolapse returns inside without me having to push it back in by hand most of the time. When I’m stressed I can have incontinence. I have SIBO and IBS…. Many food sensitivities. Soon I will be consulting with a surgeon about the prolapse…. But having read some of your experiences and the prognosis on the web…. Makes me hesitant to say the least. I will visit this blog again… this is my first time. This physical condition sucks.
I’m also 68…. I’ll come back and tell what the surgeon says.
Hi ejoy, I have the same question as you…. Soon I will see a specialist… Thanks to my naturopath my prolapse returns inside most of the time…. I know what it’s like to sometimes manually take out stools…. The risks that I read about the surgery…. Well they freak me out! Incontinence only when stressed…. Not too many surprises anymore… However my life is centered on the proximity of a toilet….. when I go out… I know where all the nice ones are in town….
So I’ll be back after meeting with the specialist….. glad to have found this resource. Be well
Hello @laurette04 and welcome to Mayo Connect. I see that you had a comment for @ejoy. In the meantime, you might find the following discussion helpful to you before meeting with the surgeon,
--Keys to a Successful Doctor's Appointment
In the first post there is a video that you might find helpful.
I hope that this information will help you approach your appointment with a bit more confidence and a list of questions and concerns that you can address with the doctor.
I look forward to hearing back from you. Is your appointment coming up in the near future?