Unexplained weight gain

Posted by redyarn247 @redyarn247, May 14, 2023

Unexplained weight gain following covid and Shingles back to back. Told this is a side effect to covid. Eating habits have not changed. Also experiencing many of the symptoms listed....which have been helpful. Oh my gosh moment that is me, thanks for sharing.

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Have you had a COMPLETE thyroid panel checked by an endocrinologist? Thyroid disease can pack on the weight. Covid threw so much of my bloodwork out of whack. Hugs & Prayers....


Have you had a COMPLETE thyroid panel checked by an endocrinologist? Thyroid disease can pack on the weight. Covid threw so much of my bloodwork out of whack. Hugs & Prayers....

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Yes to thyroid and complete blood panal...b12 low...awful fatigue working with b12....interesting the issues I have since covid followed by shingles are presented with other subscribers. Thank you for your reply


Yes to thyroid and complete blood panal...b12 low...awful fatigue working with b12....interesting the issues I have since covid followed by shingles are presented with other subscribers. Thank you for your reply

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My B12 was wiped out by Covid and I am presently on B12 injections. They helped tremendously with energy and it got rid of the metallic taste in my mouth. Have you had your D3 checked? Mine was low after Covid as well. What an awful virus. God bless you. Hugs & Prayers....


Interested as to what your d3 was considered low.
I guess eventually the true effects will be confirmed. All of us struggling hopefully will shed light on the honest effects of the unknown. Hugs for all,


Interested as to what your d3 was considered low.
I guess eventually the true effects will be confirmed. All of us struggling hopefully will shed light on the honest effects of the unknown. Hugs for all,

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It was in the high 40's before Covid. It dropped down to the low 30's. Even though this may be within normal range, it's not normal for me. It's best for females to shoot for a 50 for the D3 levels. A wonderful pharmacist told me this! Hugs & Prayers....


It was in the high 40's before Covid. It dropped down to the low 30's. Even though this may be within normal range, it's not normal for me. It's best for females to shoot for a 50 for the D3 levels. A wonderful pharmacist told me this! Hugs & Prayers....

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70 is even better


I totally agree. I have never had it that high. That would be great though!


I find liquid D3 works better than the capsules.


I find liquid D3 works better than the capsules.

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That is what I am using, Carlson d3 + K2 drops. Being on a PPI for reflux counteracts supplements as your body is not able to absorb them as well when you are on a PPI. Thank you for your suggestions. God Bless....


You may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/weight-gain-3/

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