Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR): Meet others & Share Your Story

Welcome to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) group on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Meet other members who are dealing with PMR. Let’s learn from each other and share stories about living well with PMR, coping with the challenges and offering tips.We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Grab a cup of coffee or beverage of choice and let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What's your experience with PMR? How are you doing today?

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I was diagnosed with polymyalgia 2 years ago when I could hardly walk. I was immediately put on prednisone which helped. Eventually I managed to reduce it to1mg, but my husband became terminally ill. I cared for him for a year with the help of carers and his daughter. He died in February and my life fell apart. Having cared for him and the grief when he died polymyalgia came back with a vengeance.
Doctor put me on a higher dose of prednisone which has now been reduced to 5mg and the support of my stepdaughter and good friends are a comfort to me.
I have always enjoyed yoga and have started to do yin yoga which is recommended for polymyalgia and it seems to make a difference together with my daily walks. Thank you all for your advice which I have found helpful.
With best wishes


Great to see this as that is my regimen at the present time and on 9mg over 5 weeks then down to 8 for 5 weeks and so on to hopefully zero.

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Ingot 15mg of pred which i split into 3 x5mg.doses throigh the day. The higher the dose the longer the taper if that makes sense
I notice many hete are started on 20mg taken early in the morning thats one hell of a 0ne of slug of pred. Go steady on your body trust me 15mg works as a starter dose i could hardly walk or lift my arms up. 2 days in no pain no stiffness like a miracle.for me !


Have been on Pred for four years, 4mg give or take, 62, male, going to start Kevzara tomorrow to see if can wean off of Pred. Anyone else taking Kevzara for PMR?


Have been on Pred for four years, 4mg give or take, 62, male, going to start Kevzara tomorrow to see if can wean off of Pred. Anyone else taking Kevzara for PMR?

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I just injected my first dose of Kevzara, I pray there won’t be any negative side effects.


I just saw a new rheumatologist this week, since I was unhappy with the quality and quanty of communication with the last one. We do communicate well and there differences of opinion and that is certainly ok. She did tell me some things that I think if she could read some of these posts she would doubt. Such as PMR only last about 2 yrs. We all know that isn't true. And she isn't sure about Low Dose Naltrexone, although she is will to take a hard look at it and had heard of it. So we will see. She does exhibit a good knowledge of autoimmune disease in general. Although, I can tell that she doesn't get how much LDN has helped my Crohn's as wonders if I realy have it. She started by ordering a large number of xrays and blood tests on me, so it will be educational at least.


I was diagnosed with PMR in January of this year. My prednisone dose has been increased a few times and is now at 20 mg. The problem is that the greater the dose, the worse I feel mentally and with respect to increased fatigue. Has anyone else had this happen?

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I was very edgy until I got below 10mg. Best of luck to you!


I’m 83 and was diagnosed two months ago. The methylprednisolone I was prescribed worked very quickly and I was feeling great. Now I have terrible pain in my Achilles tendon, and it’s not getting any better. I’m beginning to think it’s another symptom of PMR. Has this ever happened to anyone ?

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I am curious that my new Achilles Tendonitis is a side effect of my 2 plus yrs of Prednisone tx for PMR.
Does anyone know?


I thought I still had PMR after I had tapered down to 1 mg of prednisone. I went to my rheumatologist fully expecting to be put back on prednisone because I was still stiff and sore. My inflammation markers were lower so he said I was done and should expect to have stiffness off and on for a while longer. It’s been a few months and I have good days and bad days. But I’m off prednisone and am happy with that. I hope to be totally stiffness free soon. (. He said to take it easy - your adrenals could take up to a year to get back to normal)

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Very happy for you! So the adrenal symptoms could mimic PMR. It's taken me a yr & 5 months to drop from 10mg to 7mg. New bilateral Achilles Tendonitis which could be rt Prednisone. Dying to get off Prednisone!


Ingot 15mg of pred which i split into 3 x5mg.doses throigh the day. The higher the dose the longer the taper if that makes sense
I notice many hete are started on 20mg taken early in the morning thats one hell of a 0ne of slug of pred. Go steady on your body trust me 15mg works as a starter dose i could hardly walk or lift my arms up. 2 days in no pain no stiffness like a miracle.for me !

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My feelings exactly! In two days, I felt like A new person. I’m tapering off already, so we’ll see how well I do. I do have tendinitis in my leg and I’m not sure if it’s caused by an either the condition or medication, or just a coincidence.


My PMR started three days after last booster (last Oct.). I now have Covid for the second time and my primary doctor prescribed Paxlovid. When I wcnt to the pharmacy, it seemed that the pharmacist gave me a lot of verbal warnings plus she made me take a seat and read all the warnings, side effects, etc. She said this is not FDA approved but an emergency treatment. All of this seemed deja vu to me because it was pretty much the same scenario with the Covid shots and that is how I ended up with PMR. Has anyone else had doubts about taking Paxlovid?

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