Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I have the same problem. Nothing works and the loss of sleep is affecting my life. I have been seen by a respiratory consultant and had a bronchoscopy. Found nothing. Having an endoscopy next week. Not feeling very hopeful. I was thinking of buying Iqoro. Have you heard of it?

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Iquoro? No but I’ll probably start researching it.


Dermatologist cultured my mouth and it came back I no longer had thrush and just normal bacteria of the mouth which left me with this stuff and excessive saliva. I was glad about that, but, still, no answers. All the doctors are baffled and say they have never seen anything like this. Some days, I spit all day long....Spitoon anyone? LOL. I use Peroxyl by Colgate every morning before I brush my teeth and it makes this stuff foam up, (don't swallow!) spit it out and then I scrape my tongue and its better for a while. I use Listerine to keep the bacteria down. You name it and I have tried it. Some days are worse than others. Interesting, if I eat pizza or anything really salty, it gets worse. The medications for hypersalivation dries out my eyes, so I can't use them. I believe its from having Covid no doubt and a bad case of thrush and then I got this slick slimy saliva that hangs in the back of my throat at night. I am presently using Asteline Spray (Prescription Spray) to help dry some of this up. I also chew gum, drink water and was told by someone to treat my gut because this sounds like a gut issue. I am on a really strong probiotic and I eat clean 99.9% of the time. I got off of sugar and lost 20 lbs thinking sugar was feeding the initial thrush I had from all the antibiotics/steroids from Covid last year. Well, I do have a sense of humor. We don't need a sprinkler for the front yard anymore, I can just open my mouth and walk around and water the yard! LOL. I had a terrible metallic taste in my mouth at the onset of this and found out my B12 was low. When I started the B12 injections, the metallic taste went away. Get your B12, Zinc & Iron checked. Covid did a number on my bloodwork levels. It took them a while to get back to normal. I am praying it will eventually wear itself out and I pray the same for all of you. God Bless You All!

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You may want to contact Mt Sinai long haul hospital.


I have the same thing, runny nose while eating or afterwards. It is not related to Long COVID since I’ve had it a long time. (I also have other nasal issues due to allergies…post nasal drip, coughing, etc) the runny nose while eating is caused by nerves in your sinuses being too close to the surface.

Have you discussed the Clarifix procedure with your doctor to see if in your case it would be helpful? I actually have this procedure tomorrow at Mayo ENT. (I’m hoping it may also help my post nasal drip). Google the procedure; it works by the doctor freezing the area of the nerves inside your sinus cavity. It may be worth exploring. Best of luck!

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I'll wait to see how you do first. I inherited nonallegenic rhinitis then Vivid now frustrated. Good Luck!


You may want to contact Mt Sinai long haul hospital.

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Thank you. A referral is in to one that is closer by. Hugs & Prayers...


I have the same issues and started after covid. it doesnt stop and the stuff is so thick and stringy like never before. Heads up this is gross but if i hacked on the ground >I know i could pinch it and raise my hand over my head and there would still be a connection nasty string of mucus.


Did you ever find anything to help. I have been dealing with this since july 2022 after covid¡! Driving me crazy!! I've been to an ENT and pulmonary dr. Besides all of the inhalers and steroids, nothing has worked!! I stopped taking everything because everything was temporary relief.

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I too had the post nasal drip but it's gone now. I had something (maybe COVID) in November 2022 but it was very brief, like 2 days. Then I developed a coughing spell that lasted about 2 month with constant mucus in my throat. The FlowNas provided a little relief but nothing else worked. Then I talked to a friend and he said he had the same thing and he uses Sudafed Sinus Congestion so I bought some and started using it. About a month later, the mucus was gone. It's nearly been two months now since I've been mucus free. Maybe the warmer weather helped but I'm pretty active as well. I do alot of exercise like hiking and biking.


I have the same problem. Nothing works and the loss of sleep is affecting my life. I have been seen by a respiratory consultant and had a bronchoscopy. Found nothing. Having an endoscopy next week. Not feeling very hopeful. I was thinking of buying Iqoro. Have you heard of it?

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Hang in there! I too had the postnasal drip but it's gone now. I had something (maybe COVID) in November 2022 but it was very brief, like 2 days. I never went to the doctor. Then I developed a sore throat (gone in about 4 days) but the coughing spell lasted about 2 months with constant mucus in my throat. The coughing finally stopped but the mucus remained. I went to the doctor twice but they couldn't find anything wrong. The FlowNas provided a little relief but nothing else worked. Then I talked to a friend and he said he had the same thing and he uses Sudafed Sinus Congestion so I bought some and started using it. About a month later, the mucus was gone. So, I had the postnasal drop from November to April. Maybe the warmer weather helped but I'm pretty active as well. I do alot of exercise like hiking and biking. There is hope! Good luck and keep up the good fight.


I have exactly same symptoms but for 2 years now.I get constant chest infections usually after a cold which I have at least every 3 months.I’m sick of it and I’ve tried everything, i have a chest infection right now and it’s so brutal I feel it’s killing me.Nothing helps and I had nothing like this before covid!


I took have mucous in throat and nose. I had covid in March 2023. It was nothing really. The cough started and mucous. The cough went away after 2 months but mucous in sinuses constant. I have not started sinus rinsing yet because the coughing stopped but mucous started up again.


Yes since recovering from covud, I get clear sinus drip when I eat food. I have it when I wake in the morning and any time I eat anything. While I'm eating i have to constantly blow the clear mucus out of my sinus'. This continues until after I brush my teeth. I between meals it goes away, but if I drink anything besides water or eat snack between meal It will create clear mucus in my sinus' and I will have to blow that out. If I don't eat or drink anything besides water it's fine. I thought it might have to do with sugar content but food that doesn't contain sugar will still create the clear mucus in sinus.
Is there a cure for this?

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