PSA - 17.1, are Lupron injections necessary?

Posted by yuliyalt @yuliyalt, Apr 27, 2023

My grandfather is 79, his PSA level is 17.1, he is NOT on any treatment currently. He is generally healthy and is not taking ANY medication. Should he be doing Lupron injections or with this level PSA not yet? I read the side effects and not sure the benefits outweigh the risk, in his case…
If not Lupron, are there any other treatment he should be on to ensure his PSA is not climbing up?
- concerned granddaughter

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FACT: absolutely NO physician, Oncologist, Palliative Care Specialist or surgeon can predict or elk you how long you are going to live. Obviously, you are either living alive or dead! However, that’s not the same as “living and NOT living!” Firstly, no physician, test, therapy(s) or treatments can account for everything. Every single patient is different and unique in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experience of their life. They have varying degrees of support and support symptoms from others. A fact that is mostly ignored ir rather discussed is that each patient has different “Unconscious & Subconscious” beliefs affecting all aspects of their lives including their ability to continue yo survive and the quality of life they enjoy or not while doing so. Obviously, there are various patient historical data and statistics that will more or less support any physician’s point of view or prediction regarding one’s length of time or predicted remaining lifespan. The best that any cancer patient can and their care team can accomplish is to keep them in remission for as long as possible. Admittedly, at age 69 and having already spent more than 20 plus years in bed and home confined I am well aware of various “Quality of Life Issues” versus “Quantity of Life” choices. These are deeply personal and very individualistic where NO RIGHT or BEST decisions exist. There are only the best decisions as you see most appropriate for you, your family and loved ones. As long as your cancer has not metastasized or spread into your bones you have a good chance of prolonging your life. Assuming enough quality of life is present in your everyday experience. GOD BLESS all of my fellow cancer patients for the best quality of life they can have enjoying a state of remission.

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Well said


I suspect that most of us will have the PC metastasize and the bone is the most common place for it to go. I have not experienced that yet but I am expecting it. If and when it does I will get appropriate treatment and hopefully still have many more years, however, who knows.

Man plans and God laughs.

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Life is what happens while you are busy making plans.


Dave. I was in and still in a clinical trial at UCLA for Aggressive, CR PC ( Gleason 9 ) which included 6 months lupron and Erleada then RP then 6 months of lupron and Erleada. Some men got the procebo but my blood pressure substantially increased which was a side effect of Erleada so I figured that I got Erleada and lupron. The lupron + procebo group of men, on an average, advanced to the next stage in 17 months and the Erleada group advanced on an average of 41 months. I am in my 18 th month, being monitored, PSA .01, testosterone .9, feel pretty good and hopeful as hell. When I started this journey, my surgeon estimated a 4-5 year life expectancy, the department head Doctor at UCLA gave me 5-7 years I am hopeful for more and I keep in mind the history of Michael Milken who UCLA gave 2 years and he is still alive and very active 25 years after diagnosis. Best of luck to us all.

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Is the clinical trial still open and if so can you send me the information to contact them, if not can you send tell me where to get the synopsis of the study. Thanks for your help.


Dave. Google apalutamide clinical trial. And Proteus clinical trial. These clinical trials are conducted all over the world and I am at the location of UCLA in Westwood Robert Reiter, MD is the urology department head and the head of this UCLA trial. Absolutely everything must be done at Westwood, CA at UCLA. Not even drawing blood or giving me pills X-rays etc can be done at any other location. When you goggle this you will be able to see the results of Erleada as compared with just lupron. Good luck!


Gdimond, Lupron also adversely affected me. My testosterone is about 15 or below and I feel exhausted all the time. In what way has your quality of life been impacted?

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Tried all the time. Only can work about 3-4 hour before I am exhausted. Gain 30 lbs. Cant sleep good. And depressed some of the time. No sex.


My PSA was 15.. had one Lupron shot at Mayo MN allowing that to work 2 months before radiation.. Lupron shrinks the target... the 20 session high radiation worked so PSA now below 1...for 4 years.. it worked for me. I


Tried all the time. Only can work about 3-4 hour before I am exhausted. Gain 30 lbs. Cant sleep good. And depressed some of the time. No sex.

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Ditto on the side effects. Add Zytiga to that and it's even a tougher go.
I've accepted all the downsides and look forward to the cessation of treatment in 10 - 16 mos. . One worry that I have is cognitive decline.
My ability to do crossword puzzles has decreased by a lot. Other signals have also started to flash. The scientific studies (articles) seem to be voicing similar conclusions. Androgen deprivation for 12 mos or more may contribute to non-reversible cognitive loss.
2022 Study by Jong Won Kim et al. Published in MENS HEALTH
JULY 2022.


Stage 4 to my L2 where they radiated 1 inch out in 2020 and put me back on Zolodex after 4 years off Jan its in L1 so they added Xtandi and Xgeva PSA down from 9.8 to 1.7 in 2 months tired sometimes Have to avoid Pomegranate and grapefruit juice and those small oranges? as they offset Xtandi
Get on these I'm 78 now Radiation on prostate 2017 so lasting 6 years they say 5+ if it continues to work


Ditto on the side effects. Add Zytiga to that and it's even a tougher go.
I've accepted all the downsides and look forward to the cessation of treatment in 10 - 16 mos. . One worry that I have is cognitive decline.
My ability to do crossword puzzles has decreased by a lot. Other signals have also started to flash. The scientific studies (articles) seem to be voicing similar conclusions. Androgen deprivation for 12 mos or more may contribute to non-reversible cognitive loss.
2022 Study by Jong Won Kim et al. Published in MENS HEALTH
JULY 2022.

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Thanks for the info. Good luck with all.

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