Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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@anomad - There are few things I haven't tried so I'm going to give the Wiseman Healing Balm a try. I have all numbness and no pain but any reduction in numbness will be something I have not been able to find. Fingers crossed! Ed


Same. Hot & feels like I'm wearing a shoe that's a size too small, even when I'm barefoot. I find myself soaking my feet in cool water multiple times a day. It's the only thing that relieves the pain, if only for a few minutes. My pain doc suggested tens & laser too, which I considered but I'm tired of throwing money at a problem that can't be fixed. I really don't know what brand of neuropathy I have, since I haven't had a skin biopsy, but it's sensory, not motor. Not sure it matters because my neurologist just gives me drugs to sample. Settled on Gabapentin.

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I have that same feeling of warmth and tightness. I started wearing croc Sandler with a nubby pattern and 2 days ago I started using a frankincense and myrrh look that I read about for foot neuropathy. The sandals definitely help when I wear them and I feel like things feel better with the essential oils. Any relief is a food relief 😊


@anomad - There are few things I haven't tried so I'm going to give the Wiseman Healing Balm a try. I have all numbness and no pain but any reduction in numbness will be something I have not been able to find. Fingers crossed! Ed

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Ed, might I ask what the cause of your neuropathy is? I have chemo induced neuropathy. I too have numbness without pain. I also have twitching and very tight feeling skin on my feet. It is currently bad enough that I am unable to drive for longer than a few minutes.


I have that same feeling of warmth and tightness. I started wearing croc Sandler with a nubby pattern and 2 days ago I started using a frankincense and myrrh look that I read about for foot neuropathy. The sandals definitely help when I wear them and I feel like things feel better with the essential oils. Any relief is a food relief 😊

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Hi @debi111, Welcome to Connect. Thanks for sharing what helps you. I only have the numbness with my small fiber peripheral neuropathy. Years ago when I first started researching what might help I tried several combinations of essential oils on my feet but they didn't help with my numbness. Feet did smell better though and I guess that counts for something 🙂 I'm glad the sandals help. They do look interesting. Here's some research I found on essential oils that is kind of interesting if nothing else.

--- Essential Oils and Neuropathic Pain:

How long have you had neuropathy?


I have small fiber neuropathy in my feet with my biggest issue being super hot, achy feet. I tried ten sessions of acupuncture and each time she would also give me a laser treatment. All was paid out of pocket and did nothing to help me. But it was worth a try, everyone is different.

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Same foot problems for years. During almost every day it hits a 10 on the pain scale. I tried four sessions of acupuncture but had a death in the family and did not continue. The 4 sessions did not help at all. And I had laser treatment a few years back and it didn't help either. I agree that everyone is different. I've noticed that a lot of us go out of pocket because we are desperate. Good luck!!! Anything that works for you, please let me know.


@survivor102021 - Hi survivor102021 - great question and I've been trying to get to the bottom of my neuropathy without any success for 7 years. Nondiabetic, no chemo, just got it out of left field and progressed over time mostly upper shins to toes. Many tests resulting in shrugged shoulders. I experience the twitching at times, not much lately, can drive you nuts. Heavy foot and tight sock and foot asleep feeling....constant. I also have motor issues but wear orthotics for drop foot and able to drive without issues. We often travel from NJ to NC - 6 hours, several stops. Perhaps hand controls to assist driving could be an option for some with PN. Also, perhaps insurance could provide some assistance. Worth checking into. Be well. Ed


I know this will sound absolutely crazy, but it works 100% for my neuropathy. First off, I have very little problem when I am up and moving. When I sit or lay down my feet just go totally numb and it starts to move up the legs. 95% of the time I wear ankle high socks. If, when I sit, I simply peal the heal of my sock down over the toe and leave it there - everything disappears. I no longer stand on what feels like sponges when I get up. I even wear them to bed this way. I told you it would sound crazy. But, for me, it works🤷‍♂️


@anomad - There are few things I haven't tried so I'm going to give the Wiseman Healing Balm a try. I have all numbness and no pain but any reduction in numbness will be something I have not been able to find. Fingers crossed! Ed

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Hope it helps .


Yes, it is Not a cure but helps me greatly. Let me know how it works for You .


It would be sooo nice if we could find something that works, Maybe "it" worked for a little while. Then the pain changes, so start over! I know PN is "progressive" but that's such a loose term. I can do this, and take that and buy the "right shoes", but then... my pain changes, so then do the sneakers and a bunch of other things!!
So, why am I saying al this? I love this site, it gives us comradery, helpful hints, ideas of all kinds. The silly part of that is THEN, MY PAIN CHANGES! I start over, and I know I am not alone with this complaint.
Part of this note is just the Girl Scout in me saying, "Be Prepared!" For me, "Soothe Socks' REALLY help!
The shoes are also VERY important. I CHANGE MINE EVERY DAY FOR ABOUT A WEEK, TO CHANGE THE PAIN location! I use THC ointment every morning and night, but can't tolerate it orally! Any ideas?
Best wishes everyone!

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