Osteoporosis and Forteo (teriparatide): What to hear experiences

Posted by ans @ans, Feb 16, 2023

Wanting to hear people’s experience with using Forteo generally , good and bad. Concerned about having to travel and keeping it at the 36-46F range. Also would like to hear from those that used it 15-20 years ago and if any medical issues have come about that are related to Forteo.

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I started taking Forteo in February. I developed tinnitus during my fifth week on it. My doctor took me off it and now wants me to start Evenity.


interested in following this thread


I’m new here and am not that familiar with how to navigate this site. Now that I’m in the osteoporosis group section I’ll say what I’m also really looking for is feedback on people’s experience with FORTEO , as that was recommended. (Thank you though for the info on Tymlos.) I want to hear the good , the bad, what side effects you encountered or not. And everything in between!!!! What were you transitioned to after you ended Forteo? Has anyone been on Forteo for more than 2 years as I hear that is a possibility now. Many Thanks !!!!

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I am simply copying my response here (some what of a novel - sorry) to a similar question re Forteo
I can only share my recent experience. Unfortunately, (praying this is a lesson to all!) I was not given a bone test prior to a rather complicated back surgery. I never healed and only got worse afterwards. The test should clearly have been done based on my risk factors. The end result was so bad that I now have "cages" that have migrated enough to make contact with arotic artery as well as another major vein. No new surgeon wants to risk a revision surgery, demanding that I take Forteo to build up bone enough to even think of a revsion . Feels like being held hostage. So I am now at week six with daily injections. I was so cocky and happy the first two weeka! No side effects. So happy because having vertebrae bone on bone and permanant nerve damage is enough pain! THEN week 3 comes! Every joint is now hurting and I am extremely unstable. Ankles and knees go out without notice and I have had several bad falls. There has been no change to meds except for Forteo. In addition, ALL of my lipid (Cholesterol etc) tests have completely turned upside down! In a matter of those three weeks! The pain keeps me up all night. Pain in places I have never had it, even with severe back issues. How the heck can the top of the foot feel like I was stepped on by an elephant? Shin pain worse than shin splints.
I have had no support medically wise currently, as I have been waiting five months for an ecndocrinologist appointment and with the needed revision surgery on hold I had to simply take it on my own. (After a 4 month insurance approval process), That is a very long way of telling you that, if the life saving surgery I so desperately need was not behing held over my head, there is no way I would have started this Forteo! FYI T score -3.8 and 62 years old. Make sure you find an empathetic physician that can review these side effects honestly with you. I wish you the very best. Again, don't want to freak you out, every body is different, you may well be able to tolerate.


I am simply copying my response here (some what of a novel - sorry) to a similar question re Forteo
I can only share my recent experience. Unfortunately, (praying this is a lesson to all!) I was not given a bone test prior to a rather complicated back surgery. I never healed and only got worse afterwards. The test should clearly have been done based on my risk factors. The end result was so bad that I now have "cages" that have migrated enough to make contact with arotic artery as well as another major vein. No new surgeon wants to risk a revision surgery, demanding that I take Forteo to build up bone enough to even think of a revsion . Feels like being held hostage. So I am now at week six with daily injections. I was so cocky and happy the first two weeka! No side effects. So happy because having vertebrae bone on bone and permanant nerve damage is enough pain! THEN week 3 comes! Every joint is now hurting and I am extremely unstable. Ankles and knees go out without notice and I have had several bad falls. There has been no change to meds except for Forteo. In addition, ALL of my lipid (Cholesterol etc) tests have completely turned upside down! In a matter of those three weeks! The pain keeps me up all night. Pain in places I have never had it, even with severe back issues. How the heck can the top of the foot feel like I was stepped on by an elephant? Shin pain worse than shin splints.
I have had no support medically wise currently, as I have been waiting five months for an ecndocrinologist appointment and with the needed revision surgery on hold I had to simply take it on my own. (After a 4 month insurance approval process), That is a very long way of telling you that, if the life saving surgery I so desperately need was not behing held over my head, there is no way I would have started this Forteo! FYI T score -3.8 and 62 years old. Make sure you find an empathetic physician that can review these side effects honestly with you. I wish you the very best. Again, don't want to freak you out, every body is different, you may well be able to tolerate.

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I did Tymlos instead- similar drug- but the dose is adjustable so I started low and moved up as my body adjusted. I have fatigue but feel better if I get up and out. It's worth it: I have had excellent gains!

Some people truly cannot tolerate certain meds and my sympathies to anyone who is suffering. I have a hard time with most meds and starting low helps me quite often.


I did Tymlos instead- similar drug- but the dose is adjustable so I started low and moved up as my body adjusted. I have fatigue but feel better if I get up and out. It's worth it: I have had excellent gains!

Some people truly cannot tolerate certain meds and my sympathies to anyone who is suffering. I have a hard time with most meds and starting low helps me quite often.

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That was the other option my Dr gave me originally. I am so under the gun with my back surgeon to improve my numbers in just a short 4-6 months I am afraid to start the approval process all over again with my insurance. Orginally took four months.
I do so appreciate your input! I will definately keep your suggestion at the top of my mind.


Yes sarcoma was a concern but speaking with the pharmacist she looked it up and it said the black box had been removed, however it was still on the actual prescription. Did your areas of injection bruise or become sore/swollen? You’re lucky that your Dr is being proactive. I should have been put ON SOMETHING when I discontinued topical HRT. I was on the next to lowest dose for many years

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Hi just started the bioidentical HRT patch for osteoporosis. For the patch I am doing the next to lowest dose which is .025- ultra low but I am 72 years old- no fractures at this point. I am wondering why you discontinued topical HRT? Did it help with bone loss? Did you fracture while on it?


Hi just started the bioidentical HRT patch for osteoporosis. For the patch I am doing the next to lowest dose which is .025- ultra low but I am 72 years old- no fractures at this point. I am wondering why you discontinued topical HRT? Did it help with bone loss? Did you fracture while on it?

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I did not fracture while on it and my first fx was 6 months after stopping it. May I ask how long you have been off of HRT? I used only topical estrogen and oral progesterone next to lowest dose. I have a blood clotting disorder and my hematologist urged me to go off of HRT. I regret doing so and have since read a lot of articles and spoken with one other hema Dr and no one really knows if it increases risk for anyone ( blood disorder or not) I’m 71. Thanks for your reply


I did not fracture while on it and my first fx was 6 months after stopping it. May I ask how long you have been off of HRT? I used only topical estrogen and oral progesterone next to lowest dose. I have a blood clotting disorder and my hematologist urged me to go off of HRT. I regret doing so and have since read a lot of articles and spoken with one other hema Dr and no one really knows if it increases risk for anyone ( blood disorder or not) I’m 71. Thanks for your reply

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So... never did HRT at all and had early menopause at 43. Just recently had my first DEXA scan that said I had severe osteoporosis BUT Mayo clinic says that if you have scoliosis the Dexa will not be accurate at all. I am very petite and underweight as well so what looks extreme for me really isn't. However I think my bone quality must be fairly good but haven't found a place yet that tests for it or if it would be accurate because of my scoliosis. Like most others I have felt very anxious nonetheless. I am working with a amazing ND who in collaborating with her decided I should go for HRT. I have heard all kinds of opinions not to go on it if you are older than 65 but I feel that Im not much at risk for any of the side effects. I hear that if you go off it you will immediately start losing bone. I also have read articles and looked at Youtube presentations and with bioidentical harmones there isn't as much risk especially with the patch. There was advice that one combination is very low risk for blood clots but I can't quite remember. I'm doing the collagen, prunes and Tocopheniols which my ND says builds bone as well. Also Calcium Aspartate Anhydrous. I am going to purchase a LIV from Marodyne although the research shows older people do not respond as well to osteoblastic activity although it help maintain bone. Last but not least right now Im doing a back program online from Precision Movement and a posture class from Margaret Martin. I would love to go to Australia to participate in their bone building clinic using high intensity weights after I read about the Liftmor study -phenomenal! Nothing so far in the US but Im looking for a Physical Therapist specializing in Osteoporosis that could design a weight lifting program for me. I think there is hope for us! Im reluctant to try the new Anabolic medications and I think HRT is comparable to them. If i come across the blood clot information I will let you know. Thank you so much for your response it is very helpful and reinforces my decision to do HRT. This is a great community! Warmly and all the best!


I took Forteo . My Spine surgeon would not touch me . He said my bones were like butter cream. So he had me take Forteo for 4 months prior to my cervical fusion. My surgery went well and healed fine I never had any side affects . Only issue was I didn’t need to see him after a yr . So the ball was dropped on me. After Forteo should have been put on something else. Never was . 3 yrs later my osteroporosis is horrible . Bone density is worse than ever . All I can say is make sure that you are put on something after Forteo
. Now have to get Evinity injections in both sides of my stomach . No fun My medical Dr said take calcium Vit D and K 2. That will keep your bones good . Nope . After Forteo . You need a reabsorbtion med . Or your bones deteriorate pretty fast . Dr from Mayo failed me . They should know that . Endocrinologist I’m seeing corresponded with my Dr . Said . You need to do Better ! Yikes. Long story short due to poor care . I fractured my foot twice Within 3 months . First fracture has not healed . Non Union. Been 8 months . That’s nuts . Now bone stimulator . Hope it works . Lesson learned. I will only see a 5 star endocrinologist .

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