My Mom recently diagnosed with DCIS

Posted by queensfaith @queensfaith, Apr 21, 2023

Good Afternoon,
My Mother is 73 years of age and was recently diagnosed with DCIS. She first had a needle biopsy, and the results showed a need for a surgical biopsy. She had the surgical biopsy and because they did not get clear margins, another surgery is required to take a larger sample. Afterwards hormone therapy and radiation is said to be needed. I am concerned with the additional surgery and if more will be needed. Mom has other health issues that make surgery a challenge. Any advice or experience to share is welcomed. Thanks for reading.

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I’m joining in as another “me too, same thing”! (Mammogram, calcifications found in my right breast, more pictures…followed by a needle core biopsy a week later and a DCIS diagnosis). I’m 72 and actually had my lumpectomy this morning. After resting most of the afternoon at home, I’m now coming out of that groggy stage. Surprisingly I feel pretty good and although I have pain and nausea meds on hand, I don’t feel that I need them yet. 🤞I hope this encourages you! I’m praying that I get good news at my post-op appointment next week. The only thing I’m dreading now is 4 weeks of radiation after a month of recovery from the surgery. My surgeon compares my treatment process to ‘pulling up a weed and then spraying around the area with Round-Up to further ensure that there’s nothing (unseen) left’. I’m very thankful that I will not have to do chemo or take an AI. I believe that my oncologist explained that was due to the fact that my cancer is negative for ER and PR. I’m trying to educate myself on breast cancer and I highly recommend “Breasts, The Owner’s Manual”; a book that I heard about on this blog; the author is Dr. Kristi Funk. One last thing: I’ve kept my diagnosis pretty quiet and only shared with family and close friends that I trust. Cancer is so very different for everyone and I think it only increases the burden when you get so much (possibly incorrect) advice and dreadful stories from other well- intentioned friends. Love to all on the journey and God Bless!


I was diagnosed with DCIS in late December 2022, just after turning 68. After stereotactic biopsy and lumpectomy, I opted to forego radiation. I have been taking Tamoxifen since mid February with no side effects. Tamoxifen was recommended to me because I have mild osteopenia and want to preserve my bone health.
I was very apprehensive about taking any oral meds for this, but agreed with the oncologist to give it a try, and I’m very glad I did.
You must make your own decisions about your health and quality of life. I wish you every bit of luck and good health!
Remember- there are so many worse diagnoses than DCIS. You will manage this!

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I too have osteopenia. Along with diabetes and celiac disease. I didn’t want one more thing to worry about. I will get through this. Thanks everyone for your support!


Just diagnosed with DCIS. Had lumpectomy and biopsy shows they got all the tissue affected. Now being told I need radiation and hormone therapy. I’m just looking for someone who’s been through this. At first, finding lump, diagnostic mamo and ultrasound, needle biopsy no one seemed concerned. After lumpectomy and pathology results I’m being told the treatment I need. I’m just wondering if I should be concerned or just glad we found it early.

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@queensfaith, how is your mom doing? What treatments will she be getting?

@cogardner, I would definitely be glad that the cancer was found early. What treatment options have been suggested after lumpectomy?

@blessedx6, thinking of you as you prepare for surgery tomorrow and look foward to hearing from you when you're able.


@queensfaith, how is your mom doing? What treatments will she be getting?

@cogardner, I would definitely be glad that the cancer was found early. What treatment options have been suggested after lumpectomy?

@blessedx6, thinking of you as you prepare for surgery tomorrow and look foward to hearing from you when you're able.

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Met with the oncologist over hormone therapy yesterday. He is very optimistic and thinks a 5 year regime of tamoxifen and every six months of a mammogram and ultra sound will be enough. He says my body is raising a white flag we need to watch. I meet with the radiation oncologist tomorrow. We’ll see if dr #1 is correct that he doesn’t think my reports say I need radiation. I felt a lot of relief after my appointment yesterday.


I was diagnosed in a similar fashion as you. Calcifications on screening mammogram, magnified views, biopsy with DCIS diagnosis. No one thought it would be positive, but here we are. (No lump and area was very small--6mm x 4mm) Had lumpectomy surgery about 5 weeks after diagnosis. At age 61, though my risk of recurrence is low, (there are formulas that your care team can run that can give you risk of return), I opted to have 5 radiation treatments and am on an Aromatase Inhibitor. I think there are many options and depending on your age and other health concerns you may have, you can make some decisions about what is best for you going forward. There is definitely the emotional whiplash of, "it's nothing, don't worry about it" to "you need surgery, radiation and medication". It took me awhile to reconcile that. For me, doing everything I can to avoid a recurrence is something I feel I want to do, but every person needs to make that call based on their own personal circumstances. Best wishes!

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How are you doing on the aromatase inhibitor? Will you need it for 5 years? My oncologist talked with me about it but I haven’t made a decision until final pathology report from lumpectomy.


@queensfaith, how is your mom doing? What treatments will she be getting?

@cogardner, I would definitely be glad that the cancer was found early. What treatment options have been suggested after lumpectomy?

@blessedx6, thinking of you as you prepare for surgery tomorrow and look foward to hearing from you when you're able.

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Thank you. I will be in surgery at 10:00 AM today. I will be glad when surgery is over. God is in control. 🙏🏻


How are you doing on the aromatase inhibitor? Will you need it for 5 years? My oncologist talked with me about it but I haven’t made a decision until final pathology report from lumpectomy.

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Yes, the plan is to be on it for 5 years. I am not loving how I feel while taking it. My providers don't have strong feelings about me being on it as my area was so small and I also had radiation. So, I plod along, but may decide to quit. My major symptoms are fatigue, poor sleep, and generally just not feeling great. I worry about bone loss, lipid, cardiac issues etc. over time. Everyone is so different in how they tolerate these meds. I hope it goes well for you if you decide to go on them.


Yes, the plan is to be on it for 5 years. I am not loving how I feel while taking it. My providers don't have strong feelings about me being on it as my area was so small and I also had radiation. So, I plod along, but may decide to quit. My major symptoms are fatigue, poor sleep, and generally just not feeling great. I worry about bone loss, lipid, cardiac issues etc. over time. Everyone is so different in how they tolerate these meds. I hope it goes well for you if you decide to go on them.

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If you don’t mind me asking, how did they arrive at the number 5 for radiation treatments?


@queensfaith, how is your mom doing? What treatments will she be getting?

@cogardner, I would definitely be glad that the cancer was found early. What treatment options have been suggested after lumpectomy?

@blessedx6, thinking of you as you prepare for surgery tomorrow and look foward to hearing from you when you're able.

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OR for breast lumpectomy went well today.At home now. Wanted to sleep in my own bed tonight. Just feel like I have jet lag. Pain med still working. Had some dizziness and hypotension in PACU from the anesthesia but resolved fairly quickly. 😁 thanks for your support. 🤗


OR for breast lumpectomy went well today.At home now. Wanted to sleep in my own bed tonight. Just feel like I have jet lag. Pain med still working. Had some dizziness and hypotension in PACU from the anesthesia but resolved fairly quickly. 😁 thanks for your support. 🤗

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Wow, I can't believe you checked in with us today already. I'm relieved to hear it went well and that you're at home. Sleep well.

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