← Return to Blood Donor: Is it safe to donate blood if you have a blood condition?

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@nypara66 After my Systemic Lupus diagnosis in 1988, I was advised to not donate blood any longer. That was a sad time for me, as I also had just found out I was a match to be a bone marrow donor for someone in need. We decided it was in everyone's safety and best interest that my blood products not be considered. I would never want to knowingly donate an unsafe product, nor expose anyone to to less-than-perfect blood products!

In 2016 my husband received a deceased donor kidney. In the middle of 2017 his transplant team called him in a panic, as the other kidney recipient from the same donor had contracted Hepatitis C. Everyone was tested, and it was discovered the other kidney recipient had latent Hepatitis C. While they were relieved to find this out, the transplant team certainly had a scare, thinking their donor has passed something on to the recipients!

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Replies to "@nypara66 After my Systemic Lupus diagnosis in 1988, I was advised to not donate blood any..."

I would NEVER knowingly donate something that I knew was possibly unsafe for anyone. My husband is also a transplant recipient. He had a liver transplant. I’m happy yours was not given the Hep C kidney. That is unbelievable that that even happened. On a good note, they can now cure Hep C but the meds are 80k. I truly think my doctor just wanted me to “Dump” my blood before my final diagnosis because my hematocrit and platelets were crazy high. Insurance won’t cover phlebotomies until deemed medically necessary, meaning I had to have the diagnosis first.