Want to discuss prolapse bladder or any kind of prolapse

Posted by Tanglefoot @tanglefoot, Aug 2, 2015

I am looking to discuss prolapse bladder or any kind of prolapse that other ladies have experienced as well. I would also like to comment on incontinence as well. There is a lot to talk about when it comes to prolapse bladder etc and it seems to be a silent epidemic among women. If there are others out there like me, lets talk about it and I have some solutions. I am surviving prolapse bladder without surgery and I have been living with it for over ten years. I wear a support garment that is light and easy weight and fits right under my existing underwear. Don't know what you are doing or wearing, but I would like to hear from you. Thanks.


February, 2017.

Thanks to a Connect member, it was brought to our attention that @tanglefoot may have a vested interest in promoting the support garment "hideaway" mentioned in this discussion. Further investigation revealed that @tanglefoot is the designer and inventor of this product, and that she routinely posts on discussion forums using pseudonyms. Posting solicitations or advertisements of any kind violates Mayo Clinic Connect's Terms of Use. We have decided to leave @tanglefoot's past messages as to not interrupt the flow of conversation, but she will no longer be able to post to the community.

Colleen Young

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I had anterior and posterior repair surgery for bladder and rectum prolapse almost 8 weeks ago. The anterior repair (bladder cystocele) failed 5 weeks post op and the bulge is right back because I went to a surgeon that didn't repair the entire length of the posterior wall. He was a regular gynecologist/obgyn. I am wanting a 2nd surgery to repair the prolapsed bladder. How many months will I have to wait to have another repair?? I don't want to wait because it is bothering me so bad already. I want to have it done as soon as possible.


I would suggest you have Biofeedback pelvic floor Re-education( Member of Biofeedfack certification institute of Americia)
google after your repair.


I have an appointment with a pelvic floor physical therapist. It's $167 a session.


Thank you for telling me. They have home units and you can place electrodes yourself. Usually, the basic Kegel pelvic floor excercise can be taught quickly. I liked to make sure the patient could hold whilel walking as a final test. It can help but if you are prolapsed, the time of deep ergency will overhelm the pelvic floor muscles.( I am a Senior Emeritus in the Biofeedbck Certification Institute of America. Medicare covers this ,if the person is certified. Also, if they accept assignment, you can not be billed other than deductible and this would be covered with your medicare suppliment. You have choices)


I had the biofeedback for my bladder issues and it made such a difference! I only had to pay a copay of $35.00. It was such a relief, because a second bladder lift was not an option for me.


Remember to try to capture the re-education experience with your Kegel exercise. The reason for Biofeedback is to give you the feeling of what to do. It requires determined home work. Good luck.


I had anterior and posterior repair surgery for bladder and rectum prolapse almost 8 weeks ago. The anterior repair (bladder cystocele) failed 5 weeks post op and the bulge is right back because I went to a surgeon that didn't repair the entire length of the posterior wall. He was a regular gynecologist/obgyn. I am wanting a 2nd surgery to repair the prolapsed bladder. How many months will I have to wait to have another repair?? I don't want to wait because it is bothering me so bad already. I want to have it done as soon as possible.

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Hi, @sara111 Welcome to Connect.
I also have a rectocele but it was not enough of a problem to require repair but I have had PT for bladder and anal incontinence, recommended by a urogynecologist. Physical therapy helps many people but not everyone. It did help me. Although the PT did help, it didn't help as much as I wanted it to, so I have also had Botox treatments with her for urinary incontinence.
If you feel you need a second surgery you really need to speak to a doctor about how long you need to wait. I realize that urogynecology is a relatively new field and it can be difficult to find one, but if possible I recommend that be who you see. I live in NH and there was only one here that would be convenient for me and she was booking very many months out, so I went to one at Mass General in MA.
Only a doctor can really answer your question about how long you need to wait. Since there are still not many urogynecologists I recommend calling now to get an appointment, you may have to wait a long time.
I hope you are able to find someone and that you will get the results you want. I would really appreciate knowing the outcome of it.


I had anterior and posterior repair surgery for bladder and rectum prolapse almost 8 weeks ago. The anterior repair (bladder cystocele) failed 5 weeks post op and the bulge is right back because I went to a surgeon that didn't repair the entire length of the posterior wall. He was a regular gynecologist/obgyn. I am wanting a 2nd surgery to repair the prolapsed bladder. How many months will I have to wait to have another repair?? I don't want to wait because it is bothering me so bad already. I want to have it done as soon as possible.

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Major mistake for me was having my first repair surgery by an ob/gyn like you. I think I only waited about 6 months for redo. My ob/gyn should have stuck with delivering babies. I didn't even question his experience and background with surgery. I went to a Women's clini and a helpful doctor recommended this surgeon. He was 2 1/2 hours away. He is a specialist who only does bladder repair. Probably thousands. The latest techniques. He put in mesh and also elevated urethra so it was straight not saggy so the entire bladder empties. Now 5 years later still no issues. I did fear mesh rejection as I have multiple contact allergies although not to what I was told the mesh fiber was. I have had not rejection.
My advice is, if you haven't already, do your homework now. You may have to wait to see your specialist for a consultation, but perhaps you can schedule appointment now. My surgeon was so busy it took 6 weeks to scheduled for consultation.


@sara111 and @gardeningjunkie
My experience with prolapse surgery was very good. We have at least 3 urogynecologists in Austin, TX where I live. I went to two of them and they both told me the same thing. One of them was very pushy but the other one was extremely nice and made me feel comfortable so I went with him. He told me that what my regular gynecologist was planning to do would not hold and that I needed to go with the mesh because my tissue was in a condition that made it very difficult to just stitch it without anything to support it. He said if I did that I would end up doing it again within a couple of years. I also had the urethra fixed so as to avoid incontinence later on. It has been a couple of years and no problems. I was afraid of the mesh but this guy was so great and he showed me the material and put my mind at ease. He was so great at explaining the procedure and it was done with the DaVinci Robot. He does many of these procedures every week just like gardeningjunkie said and he does only the latest techniques. He even let me stay in the hospital an extra day because I live by myself. I cannot really say enough good things about my experience. I should have done it several years earlier rather than living with the prolapse for so long.

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