← Return to i have struggled with an undiagnosed swaying dizziness for months

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You may have better luck with a physical therapist who specializes or has expertise in vertigo evaluation and treatment. There are several different types of dizziness and/or vertigo. Do you have spinning? Are you spinning or is the room spinning? Nausea? Do you mainly feel off balance without spinning?

BPPV is one type of vertigo that is easy to diagnose with the right equipment, based on eye movements. There are several maneuvers that cure this by getting ear crystals back where they belong.

Labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis and Meniere's are all problems that can cause dizziness and there are different exercises for the first two, that involve looking back and forth, up and down, between two cards.

Vertigo can also be "central" or"migrainous" meaning from the brain. Does meclizine help you?

It is awful to experience this. I hope you can find a PT who is helpful. It seems many docs attribute issues to psychological factors when there is no clear and easy diagnosis and it can be hard to keep going! I would think anxiety meds might worse the situation, both benzos and SSRI's.

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Replies to "You may have better luck with a physical therapist who specializes or has expertise in vertigo..."

thank you for your response. but my "vertigo" isn't a room-spinning sensation. its more so a side-to-side front-to-back swaying feeling. I feel this whenever standing still or sitting up primarily. As far as medicine I cannot tell if meclizine helps. if it does, it's hardly much help. I also do not feel Nausea, mostly just hard to focus with my eyes, along with sometimes a numbness of hands or feet.