Want to discuss prolapse bladder or any kind of prolapse

Posted by Tanglefoot @tanglefoot, Aug 2, 2015

I am looking to discuss prolapse bladder or any kind of prolapse that other ladies have experienced as well. I would also like to comment on incontinence as well. There is a lot to talk about when it comes to prolapse bladder etc and it seems to be a silent epidemic among women. If there are others out there like me, lets talk about it and I have some solutions. I am surviving prolapse bladder without surgery and I have been living with it for over ten years. I wear a support garment that is light and easy weight and fits right under my existing underwear. Don't know what you are doing or wearing, but I would like to hear from you. Thanks.


February, 2017.

Thanks to a Connect member, it was brought to our attention that @tanglefoot may have a vested interest in promoting the support garment "hideaway" mentioned in this discussion. Further investigation revealed that @tanglefoot is the designer and inventor of this product, and that she routinely posts on discussion forums using pseudonyms. Posting solicitations or advertisements of any kind violates Mayo Clinic Connect's Terms of Use. We have decided to leave @tanglefoot's past messages as to not interrupt the flow of conversation, but she will no longer be able to post to the community.

Colleen Young

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Hi girls, I am now pleased to tell you that after seeing 2 top Urogynecology specialist one in Houston and the other one in Mayo clinic Rochester, I have been advised not to do any surgery for my bladder prolapse at this stage. To be honest I was a little bit disappointed because I was expecting to do surgery for my condition and I traveled from very far - Europe. I guess, I have to consider the advice. Nevertheless I don’t know how I’m gonna do my previous activity before the hysterectomy I had six months ago. I used to do yoga and Pilates, Now I am scared to push my body not to damage even more my pelvic floor prolapse. Please let me know what you think, should I pursue meeting with other doctors so I can do the surgery. Or take the advice of this 2 Doctors I met and not do nothing at the moment. I am really confused. Will appreciate any advice. Thank you

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Did they explain what to expect at the next stage? How will you know?
If 2 top surgeons don't recommend it that seems like solid advice as they are in the business of doing prolapse surgery for a living.
Personally, knowing me I would enjoy my previous activities if I could do them comfortably and when the surgical level of prolapse finally occurs get it fixed at that time.


The bladder has fallen, but the bulge is in the front of the vagina, so if she tacks my bladder again it will definitely need to be put it in a sling and there won’t be much room for bladder to expand. She says not to have it done unless I absolutely have to. I did go to bladder physical therapy which was well worth the time, travel and money! It is usually only available at larger teaching hospitals.

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Have you had a second opinion? The way my surgery was explained is that the bladder was lifted and tied to the mesh which was attached to my thin tissues and my tissue would grown though the mesh. The sling was a separate procedure to straighten and lift the urethra, not the bladder. I was never told this surgery would affect my bladder volume, yet I am sure we don't give way or prolapse the same way


@gardeningjunkie @veronicat

I don't recall any mention of a sling in my surgery. I had mesh for the bladder prolapse and the mesh is anchored to your sacrum I believe. I was tested with the urodynamics test to see if after the prolapse were fixed I would likely develop incontinence since he suspected my prolapse was just masking some incontinence. I was told I likely would, so I think he explained that he did something else to try to correct for incontinence (to keep me from having to go back and do this later in a second surgery). I thought this was done by doing something to the urethra (maybe shortening it) and he said he is about 75% effective in eliminating the second surgery by anticipating/guessing how much adjustment to make. I have not had a second surgery so I guess he did an okay job. But I don't think there was a sling involved in my adjustment. I suppose some people might think of the mesh anchored to the sacrum that holds the bladder up as a type of sling (that is what I always thought people meant when they referred to a sling). I think I will try to look into this and see what the "sling" procedure might be.


Hi girls, I am now pleased to tell you that after seeing 2 top Urogynecology specialist one in Houston and the other one in Mayo clinic Rochester, I have been advised not to do any surgery for my bladder prolapse at this stage. To be honest I was a little bit disappointed because I was expecting to do surgery for my condition and I traveled from very far - Europe. I guess, I have to consider the advice. Nevertheless I don’t know how I’m gonna do my previous activity before the hysterectomy I had six months ago. I used to do yoga and Pilates, Now I am scared to push my body not to damage even more my pelvic floor prolapse. Please let me know what you think, should I pursue meeting with other doctors so I can do the surgery. Or take the advice of this 2 Doctors I met and not do nothing at the moment. I am really confused. Will appreciate any advice. Thank you

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@veronicat You have been to what sounds like two top urogynecologists so I would take their advice, if it was me. Obviously I do not know the whole story but what you said in response to @baxtersmom makes sense. If you really want another opinion, Mass General has a very good urogynecology department also but I suspect the story would be the same. I go there for incontinence. I did go to pelvic floor PT and that did help a bit but that of course is not prolapse.


What was the reason the doctors gave you for not recommending prolapse surgery at this time?

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Dear Gail,
The reason the doctors didn’t want to operate on my prolapsed bladder is because they think the POP it’s too early stage and perhaps Kegle exercises will do a better job at this point. Both doctors pointed that the surgery is too risky. Perhaps, me not wanting to put mesh, I told this from the beginning of the appointment, make them hesitate.
The doctor from Mayo Clinic said that I must go and do my exercises and yoga just as I did before the hysterectomy/ prolapse. But to be honest I am little worry to be as active as before because I don’t feel strong enough. And I get tired very quick. It’s been six months from my hysterectomy, my recovery is been hell. Only the last two months I start feeling little bit better. Regards


Did they explain what to expect at the next stage? How will you know?
If 2 top surgeons don't recommend it that seems like solid advice as they are in the business of doing prolapse surgery for a living.
Personally, knowing me I would enjoy my previous activities if I could do them comfortably and when the surgical level of prolapse finally occurs get it fixed at that time.

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I like this. I was thinking very similar. Start doing yoga and Pilates again and enjoying my life and if anything happens at least I have a good doctor to go and fix the problem in the future.


I like this. I was thinking very similar. Start doing yoga and Pilates again and enjoying my life and if anything happens at least I have a good doctor to go and fix the problem in the future.

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@veronicat Start out slowly. It’s been three months since I’ve been to my gym and I don’t think I will be going back too soon. I know I will have to reduce the time and rate that I had been doing before.
I get tired quickly too. I never realized just how fatiguing it is to walk with a limp and have trouble walking at all.


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While I don't think prolapse is my own problem, there is so much good information in this discussion for me.. I am 76 year old woman and having vginal and vulva issues for the first time in my life. It is difficult to find any information for women of age about any of this, so I'm thankful to learn about anything pertaining to my latest problems. This all began with me when I developed a discharge that just wouldn't go away.. my doctor treated me for chlaydia, but it didn't help. so we treated it again, again no help. Then, to my horror, he tested me for all the STDs, and they all came back negative.. so at that point we pretty much gave up. Later, I had a tooth crown that needed work, so my dentist prescribed penicillin for that first.. Lo and behold, the discharge went away.. Now I've had 2 more bouts of the penicillin and each time it has cleared up the discharge for a few months. With the last bout of med tho, I developed my first case of yeast infection. I used an over the counter vaginal cream for that.. but still the tender burning vulva continued. My sister told me to try coconut oil, so I'm using that now and it does relieve the pain.. still I need to use it every day it seems.. Okay, I can do that! I never knew old age brought on so much pain and discomfort "down there"!! I would like to hear what other older women have to say about it..
and thank you all so very much for being here.. I feel like I've found more sisters!

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@hotfooted - are you still having the trouble you mentioned some time back with the tender burning vulva?


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