Diverticulitis prevention

Posted by ayersg @ayersg, Apr 6, 2023

Is there a way to prevent diverticulitis from recurring? Is there a change in diet that can help heal the colon issue that causes it?

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There is so much difference of opinion when it comes to fibre I find. My naturopath says high fibre with seeds and nuts are completely fine, the me GP says low fibre, with no seeds or nuts. I’ve just gone to what keeps my bowels moving and me feeling better. That is until I have another flare up.

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It's so confusing. Doctor said to eat lots of fiber. Internet said to eat high fiber. However, when you feel OK, should you eat a low fiber meal? I'm so confused, but I am trying to eat mainly high fiber plus chicken or fish for dinner. Then there are the days when I just eat pasta with pesto sauce because I'm just too tired to cook veggies and more.


It's so confusing. Doctor said to eat lots of fiber. Internet said to eat high fiber. However, when you feel OK, should you eat a low fiber meal? I'm so confused, but I am trying to eat mainly high fiber plus chicken or fish for dinner. Then there are the days when I just eat pasta with pesto sauce because I'm just too tired to cook veggies and more.

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It is difficult to find an eating plan that works. Keep trying @maxine50.


It is difficult to find an eating plan that works. Keep trying @maxine50.

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I’m just going to enjoy food I like and see what happens


I have taken a laxative at bedtime, but did not last night and nothing happened this morning so far. I guess I should take one each day.

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I take 3 stool softeners everyday and eat a high fiber diet. I do know that chocolate ( my favorite food) is very binding and avoid as much as possible.
But everyday is hit or miss since my surgery.


I take 3 stool softeners everyday and eat a high fiber diet. I do know that chocolate ( my favorite food) is very binding and avoid as much as possible.
But everyday is hit or miss since my surgery.

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Chocolate (as well as other caffeine products can be a problem with diverticulitis). I can sometimes have it in small amounts, but not every day.

Have you found any other foods that are problematic?


There is so much difference of opinion when it comes to fibre I find. My naturopath says high fibre with seeds and nuts are completely fine, the me GP says low fibre, with no seeds or nuts. I’ve just gone to what keeps my bowels moving and me feeling better. That is until I have another flare up.

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My GI Specialist, post diverticulitis, recommends cooked vegies and fruit...Does not think that seeds and nuts are a problem. Also recommends chewing completely before swallowing and to avoid raw carrots and celery.



Chocolate (as well as other caffeine products can be a problem with diverticulitis). I can sometimes have it in small amounts, but not every day.

Have you found any other foods that are problematic?

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I just ate a pint of vanilla ice cream tonight. Tomorrow morning I'll find out jf it affects me or not. It's a test to see if it's the ame as once before.


I’m one of the lucky ones, just dealing with this the last couple of years. I’ve been able to deal with it by switching to a low fibre soft diet and antibiotics a couple of times but I’m having trouble accepting this as a lifestyle for the rest of my days. I’m having a colonoscopy in a couple of weeks that I’ve been waiting for more than a year for. Hopefully it reveals something that will help more long term.

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Best thoughts to you getting a good report from the colonoscopy. Why did you have to wait a more than a year?



Chocolate (as well as other caffeine products can be a problem with diverticulitis). I can sometimes have it in small amounts, but not every day.

Have you found any other foods that are problematic?

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Hmmm, last night I cooked some frozen corn and carrots and this morning..........Surprise!!! Not good! Maybe I shouldn't eat corn and carrots. Tonight I ate ice cream so wonder what my surprise in morning will be?


My GI Specialist, post diverticulitis, recommends cooked vegies and fruit...Does not think that seeds and nuts are a problem. Also recommends chewing completely before swallowing and to avoid raw carrots and celery.

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I had a bag of frozen peas and carrots which I cooked and it did me in the following morning. That I do not understand!!!

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