Painful lump/spots after lumpectomy not going away?

Posted by lhwoz @lhwoz, Apr 18, 2023

Hello all

I am 10 weeks post last surgery (ILC
with lumpectomy and then re-excision).

I have had some painful spots since the 1st surgery, and then in general a larger tender spot under excision. I've been told that one is a seroma, but I am experiencing sharp pains, tenderness dull aches in these spots. I just finished radiation (and also got a nice case of shingles early on during radiation). While I am dealing with the skin irritation/rash its also these lumps that are sometimes so painful.

Has anyone experienced this? Do I reach out to my surgeon and press the issue? In early days I was told scar tissue under excision, seroma etc...Could it be my remaining clips/scar tissue are not healing as they should?

Any input from those of you who have had lumpectomies is appreciated.

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I too suffered a seroma from multiple brutal biopsies prior to my lumpectomy. They were painful and caused extreme bruising. My surgeon postponed my surgery, lumpectomy, for 3 weeks as she hoped the seroma would be absorbed into my system. She removed the seroma during my surgery (along with the tumor and 2 benign cysts). My breast was very tender, however from the incision and general surgery, not the seroma. My healing was quick and I have fully recovered. Occasionally, I feel a tenderness or slight pain in the general area.
Someone on this thread mentioned AI and a concern/ cause for pain? I see no relationship between the meds ( AI) and no pain. I don’t believe there is any cause for self doubt about not taking those meds and pain later after surgery. Maybe I misunderstood. I do know that the general consensus here is about the lack of information given BC patients prior to treatment and the insuring confusion as each person suffers different reactions post surgery. I remember my surprise at discovering my seroma, no nurse or doctor ever mentioned I may suffer with that, I Googled it and began studying, called my nurse and was informed that the seroma is very common. Well, no one Ever mentioned that fact to me. I think the staff is used to seeing so many conditions and problems pre and post treatment, they assume that the patients know the problems or maybe won’t ask. We are left to our own devises as much of our journey is proceeding in the dark, unknown world of breast cancer.
My advice has always been to be your own best advocate and totally educate yourself on every aspect before, during and post treatments.
God bless all of us, the survivors and sisters along this journey.


@celica Ok keep me posted. How far out are you from lumpectomy? I will likely go see my surgeon to inquire as its painful/tender enough to warrant a visit.

@elliej to me, at 10 weeks out of my surg it seems maybe the pain should not be on/off so sharp/tender. Will inquire. I agree with all of your sentiments though. My Radiology staff, as awesome as they were, failed to recognize that a rash that came on very early in radiation was actually Shingles. They just assumed it was the general radiation rash even though it was one week in, under breast in a pattern I now see not like the rest of rash that came towards the end, and I didn't complain heavily bc I was just told I'd get a rash that woukd be irritating. Bc I received the shingles vacc last year (thank goodness!) It wasn't as severe as it could have been.

Sending healing 💕 to everyone here.


I had a seroma
Fr what I j understand these arent supposed to be painful but I had excruciating pain in both breasts fr
My bilateral lumpectomy I thought that it was fr the seroma
I have lumps too but shrinking now I think it’s swelling & scar tissue I will ask my surgeon when I see him

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I had a seroma post-surgery. It was painful and I thought it would never go away. 40 days away from surgery and it has completely healed. No pain. Hang in there it will be better.


I had a seroma post-surgery. It was painful and I thought it would never go away. 40 days away from surgery and it has completely healed. No pain. Hang in there it will be better.

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Ok I really appreciate this. I am now 10 weeks post 2nd re excision surgery, so 70 days out and still persists. I am really hooing it goes away but also hoping MD can offer some insight as well.


@lhwoz I think others on here have said it perfectly- and probably have more experience than I do- but I can share mine too. First, so sorry you are experiencing this as I know firsthand how terrifying the pains were- the anxiety of the pains were worse than the lumpectomy and reexcision (and radiation) that I had. Wondering if something came back.
I messaged my surgeon’s office, asking if I needed to come in for a scan or exam (I think my sharp pains started even before radiation - they are very random.) she reassured me that this is very normal and it is not uncommon for it to happen a year or more after surgery.
I am almost a year out now from the first lumpectomy now and the sharp random pains have gotten fewer and farther in between.
I cannot speak to the other issues you’ve experienced, but can say for radiation skin help during treatment, I used a combo of clear aloe gel and Active skin repair gel (brand). I still use the combo on and off now when my skin is itchy or dry- it prevented damage for the most part, which I did not expect as I have extremely sensitive skin.
I wish you well in your recovery!


@lhwoz I think others on here have said it perfectly- and probably have more experience than I do- but I can share mine too. First, so sorry you are experiencing this as I know firsthand how terrifying the pains were- the anxiety of the pains were worse than the lumpectomy and reexcision (and radiation) that I had. Wondering if something came back.
I messaged my surgeon’s office, asking if I needed to come in for a scan or exam (I think my sharp pains started even before radiation - they are very random.) she reassured me that this is very normal and it is not uncommon for it to happen a year or more after surgery.
I am almost a year out now from the first lumpectomy now and the sharp random pains have gotten fewer and farther in between.
I cannot speak to the other issues you’ve experienced, but can say for radiation skin help during treatment, I used a combo of clear aloe gel and Active skin repair gel (brand). I still use the combo on and off now when my skin is itchy or dry- it prevented damage for the most part, which I did not expect as I have extremely sensitive skin.
I wish you well in your recovery!

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Thank you for the tip on the Aloe gel and the Active Skin repair gel. I bought a large Aloe leaf but I'm sure that might be too messy. I have Deborah Cohen and Robert Gelfand MDs book and they refer to a product from France named Biafine Wound Dressing Emulsion. It was developed for use with radiation therapy. You can all the toll-free number of the US distributor, Medix Pharmaceuticals at 1-888-BIAFINE (242-3463). Or your local pharmacist can probably get it for you. It's for radiation burns. I believe that Aquaphor is good but greasier. I think I might try some of these as I'm about to have breast radiation.


Yes- my doctor recommended aloe combined with aquaphor. I tried it a couple of times and it was so messy. I preferred the Active Skin Repair, and had good luck with it. But each person is very different . Good luck to all of you.


@lhwoz I think others on here have said it perfectly- and probably have more experience than I do- but I can share mine too. First, so sorry you are experiencing this as I know firsthand how terrifying the pains were- the anxiety of the pains were worse than the lumpectomy and reexcision (and radiation) that I had. Wondering if something came back.
I messaged my surgeon’s office, asking if I needed to come in for a scan or exam (I think my sharp pains started even before radiation - they are very random.) she reassured me that this is very normal and it is not uncommon for it to happen a year or more after surgery.
I am almost a year out now from the first lumpectomy now and the sharp random pains have gotten fewer and farther in between.
I cannot speak to the other issues you’ve experienced, but can say for radiation skin help during treatment, I used a combo of clear aloe gel and Active skin repair gel (brand). I still use the combo on and off now when my skin is itchy or dry- it prevented damage for the most part, which I did not expect as I have extremely sensitive skin.
I wish you well in your recovery!

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Thank you so much for this. It's giving me some relief knowing its possibly normal and part of the process. Is this the Active gel?


Yes- that’s the brand - I have both the regular hydrogel and the spray. I haven’t tried the one for scars, but I’m sure it is equally good. It is extremely gentle- I also use for any cuts, etc. It does not sting or burn.


I had painful serums on both sides after lumpectomy. One went away after a few weeks from draining. The other took 2 months of packing at the Dr's office every day and put of my radiation . After radiation I had burns and the hospital had me use Covidien Xeroform Petrolatum which was expensive but worked wonders. Around 3 months afterwards I got Lymphodema which was very painful since many of lymph nodes were removed.. I went to OT for a month and now wear compression bra, do stretch exercises every morning, and massage 2ce a day. If you had any lymph nodes removed, do keep an eye out for lymphodema. Good luck.

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