PVCs after covid infection- Do they go away?

Posted by burke5500 @burke5500, Jan 29, 2023

I was infected with Covid in January of 21 and January of 22. Three weeks after my infection I started having pvcs. Has anyone else experienced them? Is there relief? Do they go away? Two years for me now.

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I too started experiencing pvc's post covid; I only discovered that I had them when my doctor ordered a holster monitor for 14 days when I complained of "palpitations that didn't feel like palpitations" and they showed up in my results. The rest of my results were normal with no afib or consistent tachycardia. I was placed on metoprolol, 25 mgs and it has helped my symptoms. I still experience them, though not as much as I used to. I'm 30 and do not have a history of heart issues.


Yes, I’m still having PVC’S 3 months after mild case of COVID. They seem to disappear every time I go in for EKG. I wore a 24 hr. Holter monitor and had infrequent PVC’S at that time so cardiologist didn’t think it was serious. I seem to be getting them more frequently lately - I get lightheaded and feel lousy. They are also accompanied by increased feelings of anxiety. I dread the thought that its a permanent condition. I’m at a loss.


Yes, I’m still having PVC’S 3 months after mild case of COVID. They seem to disappear every time I go in for EKG. I wore a 24 hr. Holter monitor and had infrequent PVC’S at that time so cardiologist didn’t think it was serious. I seem to be getting them more frequently lately - I get lightheaded and feel lousy. They are also accompanied by increased feelings of anxiety. I dread the thought that its a permanent condition. I’m at a loss.

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Eating a low histamine diet and staying away from sugar helped me.


I had Covid in January 2022. In April I had an episode of passing out. Due to age and family history of strokes, my husband insisted I see my dr. The doctor detected a carotid bruit and referred me to the cardiologist. I also would have feeling of my heart racing, getting out of breath with minimal activity. A carotid ultrasound was normal. EKG was normal. They did a 48 hour holster monitor. and echocardiogram. Those showed some mild mitral, tricuspid and pulmonic regurgitation with moderate aortic regurgitation, and rare PVCs, some premature atrial contractions, sinus bradycardia . He did not want to give me medication because my resting heart rate is so low. I am on a follow up every 6 months.I still get the episodes of feeling like my heart is racing with some mild activity, but it is not frequent. My doctor did tell me to limit/avoid caffeine.


I got covid in jaunary of 2022 I also have alot of pvcs I was sent for all of the heart tests and everything came back normal. Except that I have a high percentage of PV c's they offered an ablation procedure? I'm not really sure if I want to do it. I am put on a Beta blocker 25 mg twice A-day. And that has slowed them down quite a bit. I still have them sometimes throughout the day each day I. Wonder? If. They? Will ever. Go away I've been searching online. Trying? To. Figure out what is the cause of this? I got the antibodies infusion and was wondering if maybe that could have caused it? I seen answers back on here about having p v c's and wondering if maybe any of you have also had the infusion? Or if these pvcs are caused Directly from covid infection?


I got covid in jaunary of 2022 I also have alot of pvcs I was sent for all of the heart tests and everything came back normal. Except that I have a high percentage of PV c's they offered an ablation procedure? I'm not really sure if I want to do it. I am put on a Beta blocker 25 mg twice A-day. And that has slowed them down quite a bit. I still have them sometimes throughout the day each day I. Wonder? If. They? Will ever. Go away I've been searching online. Trying? To. Figure out what is the cause of this? I got the antibodies infusion and was wondering if maybe that could have caused it? I seen answers back on here about having p v c's and wondering if maybe any of you have also had the infusion? Or if these pvcs are caused Directly from covid infection?

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Keep a log of what you eat and how your heart responds. I reduce my pvcs by eating a low histamine diet but it doesn't eliminate them.


Keep a log of what you eat and how your heart responds. I reduce my pvcs by eating a low histamine diet but it doesn't eliminate them.

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I do notice that some days are worse than other days If I stick to a heart Healthy diet they're less and if I cheat or eat something bad they get worse were ur pvcs brought on by covid?


Yes, I’m still having PVC’S 3 months after mild case of COVID. They seem to disappear every time I go in for EKG. I wore a 24 hr. Holter monitor and had infrequent PVC’S at that time so cardiologist didn’t think it was serious. I seem to be getting them more frequently lately - I get lightheaded and feel lousy. They are also accompanied by increased feelings of anxiety. I dread the thought that its a permanent condition. I’m at a loss.

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Update on my PVC problem - in early May, I was so short of breath and pulse was slow and irregular, I felt like I was going to die. I went to the ER and EKG showed I was in complete heart block. I had to have a pacemaker implanted. The docs said the heart block was intermittent so didn’t show up in previous EKG’s. When I asked if it was due to COVID, they don’t say one way or another. Just that long covid is still new and there’s not enough data being collected.


This happened to me as well. Ever since the virus, I now have PVCs. I was told they will never stop or go away but I wanted to know what in the virus caused this and no one can answer! I feel your frustration.


I got covid in jaunary of 2022 I also have alot of pvcs I was sent for all of the heart tests and everything came back normal. Except that I have a high percentage of PV c's they offered an ablation procedure? I'm not really sure if I want to do it. I am put on a Beta blocker 25 mg twice A-day. And that has slowed them down quite a bit. I still have them sometimes throughout the day each day I. Wonder? If. They? Will ever. Go away I've been searching online. Trying? To. Figure out what is the cause of this? I got the antibodies infusion and was wondering if maybe that could have caused it? I seen answers back on here about having p v c's and wondering if maybe any of you have also had the infusion? Or if these pvcs are caused Directly from covid infection?

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I got mine from Covid. I was like I have been healthy all my life and soon as I got covid (with no symptoms besides fatigue) I was like what caused this!!!! I am glad I have at least some who understand

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