Diverticulitis prevention

Posted by ayersg @ayersg, Apr 6, 2023

Is there a way to prevent diverticulitis from recurring? Is there a change in diet that can help heal the colon issue that causes it?

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The Diverticuli are pockets and weak spots that form in the lining of the colon. They are like a little balloon forming on the lining of the colon. The walls are weakened by these balloon like projections and can burst and make a hole in the wall of the colon allowing the contents of the colon to leak into the abdomen. Once that happens a serious infection sets up that can be hard if impossible to treat. This can kill you if not treated immediately. It is a really scary situation when this happens.

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Went for second opinion. Doctor said it could be my scoliosis spine hitting my colon. Is that even possible? He told me to do a fast today, but I couldn't last and at 6 pm, I ate 3 quesadillas. So far, I feel fine. Waiting for tomorrow.


Fever, pain in the abdomin...it can be in either or both the upper or lower abdomin and on either side. The left side is usually the worse. Nausea with or without vomiting, weakness and feeling horrible.


Thank you. These are the same symptoms I experienced when I was diagnosed with a large abscess in my pelvis that was connected to a diverticula pocket in my sigmoid colon by a fistula.


Went for second opinion. Doctor said it could be my scoliosis spine hitting my colon. Is that even possible? He told me to do a fast today, but I couldn't last and at 6 pm, I ate 3 quesadillas. So far, I feel fine. Waiting for tomorrow.

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Hi maxine50,

Wondering why the doctor suggested fasting. Was it to relieve the pain?


Hi maxine50,

Wondering why the doctor suggested fasting. Was it to relieve the pain?

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I think he told me to fast to see if I would stop pooping in my panties. I did fast yesterday, but by 6 pm, I was soooo hungry, I made 3 quesadillas with Cheddar cheese. I was fine all night and this morning. But an hour after an my cup of coffee and banana, I rushed to the bathroom. Feel alright, except for pain in my stomach, but so far, not on my right side. The MRI said: I had diverticulitis and that my scoliasis spine was touching my colon. I am a mess!!!! I'm going to take a shower, get dressed and walk my dog to the outdoor market a block away. I think the MRI told me a lot. Worth the long drive and expense to find out. Plus the new gastro gave me his email to send him the report and keep in touch. However, he now wants me to get a CT scan which I don't understand. The MRI said I had diverticulitis What will the CT say???? I was exhausted after the long car ride in the non air conditioned car in the 80 degree weather. Slept lots.


Can you please elaborate about the symptoms of a serious infection.

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Not sure, but think it could mean surgery removal of the colon. Probably die sooner than later.


Yes, radical surgery has been considered. However, the abscess was drained and three CT Scans later the surgeon has decided to wait. He is hoping I will get away with this, meaning that it doesn’t return.
Being left ‘up in the air’, so to speak means that I worry a lot about the abscess returning.


Hi maxine50,

Wondering why the doctor suggested fasting. Was it to relieve the pain?

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When you are diagnosed with Diverticulitis, I was always told to go on liquids only...no solid foods for a few days and to gradually add very easy to digest foods back in to your diet as tolerated. Some Doctors say you DON'T have to avoid foods such as nuts, popcorn, corn or other similar foods and some will tell you to AVOID them.
For me, I feel better if I avoid those foods. You should also be on Antbiotics as prescribed by your Doctor for a couple of weeks. You should ALWAYS drink plenty of water both during and after the infection clears. This is so important. About 8 to 9 8oz cups a day. This should become a normal water intake for you.


I have also been told that I I’ll need colorectal surgery - and I’m inclined to take that option. However, my surgeon has decided that it’s best that I wait. It’s quite confusing.

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Sometimes if you wait to have surgery, you give your body time to heal. The surgery is less likely to require an ostomy bag and not as difficult.
I waited 8 weeks


Can you please elaborate about the symptoms of a serious infection.

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Serious infection could lead to death I would think.

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