Two weeks in, frightened by meds, PMR and COVID Booster Shot

Posted by hurtinunit @hurtinunit, Oct 27, 2022

Hi! I’m 59 and WAS perfectly healthy and very active up until 2 months ago. Gosh, am I happy to have found you all. I was diagnosed (sort of) two weeks ago and was started on 25mg of Prednisone which provided great relief but I have many worries about side effects. I’m now down to 10mg and although still in less pain than before the meds, during the nigh the pain gradually returns. I take the meds in the morning and a few hours later I’m better again. Is this normal for PMR? Also, I’ve had 3 COVID vaccines and am due for the next booster but yesterday I happened to stumble upon some research on the correlation between the COVID booster shots and sudden onset PMR. Is this what’s happened to me?? I’m not anti-vax by any stretch of the imagination, just a little (lot) concerned. By the way, I’m seeing an internist next week to confirm diagnosis and discuss the way forward. Any advice, recommendations or help you can provide is welcome.

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Hello, I too think the covid booster gave me PMR which morphed into GCA. I want to also add that I started out with the Moderna (april of 2020) vaccine and the 1 st shot, approx 2 weeks later I got a yeast infection. I have never had a yeast infection in my life!! A month later i got the second Moderna shot and again approx 2 weeks later I got a yeast infection. I called My gynocologist office and told them this and they said they had never heard of this kind of reaction.
then In january of 2021 it was time for my booster and I decided to get the Pfizer thinking maybe I wouldn't have such a reaction. I got my booster mid January and approx 2 weeks later I got a yeast infction. This is not a coincendence, this is a fact that the covid shots are responsible for this. then about a week later my shoulders and legs started to get stiff. My husand I were vacationing in florida so I thought it was from carrying all the beach stuff and all the walking/swimming we were doing that might be the cause. Also, different furniture so I didn't think that much of it. I just took aleve to help with the symptoms. As the month went on i was getting more stiff but we were only there for the month of FEbruary so I thought I would just wait until we got home. Maybe getting back to my own bed, furniture things would get better. It didn't, by the 3rd week in March 2021 I finally went to the doctor and had blood tests and inflamation markers were off the charts. FInally got in to see a Rheumatologist in May 2021 I was diagnosed with PMR and in September it had morphed into GCA as well. I know that the covid shots have created all these problems. I was totally healthy (above average) very active individuals as many of you are and now this. THere should be something we can do about this. This is a life changing event with serious health ramifications including the mental aspects of it as well. i've been wanting to join this for a while but I'm not one to talk alot about private things but 14 months of this I'm really getting depressed and needed to vent. it's helpful to hear other peoples stories and learn from your experiences so thank you all!!!!!

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I’m so sorry for your chain of events. I can relate, as I developed GCA in November 2022 shortly after getting a flu vaccine . Immediately was put on steroids, and everything went wrong from that point on. I feel that I became toxic by the steroid. developed upper respiratory in early February, Covid in March , administered Paxlovid (5days) and ER admit 12 days after Covid for CHF! What a roller coaster. Over 60+ and have never experienced such a distressing situation. I hear you when you say that this now becomes long term….that we now must treat with very serious medications that cause so many more health issues. Where’s the answer?? Drs. are as baffled as to where these once “rare” autoimmune diseases are coming from. I agree that the vaccines are to blame! What a travesty!! We all suffer…


I’m sure the Phizer vaccine caused my PMR. But before being diagnosed with PMR I was diagnosed with DVT’s!!! Which am positive was caused from the Phizer vaccine! A week after I was diagnosed with DVT’s my husband was also was diagnosed with DVT’s in his leg that have calcified. He was having terrible trouble with his right foot swelling and pain and numbness and his dr or his foot dr did not think of blood clots until a few months after doctoring I got diagnosed with DVT. (We had been having many many leg cramps through that time). He got checked at Urgent care (where I was diagnosed and sent to ER put in xarelto and sent home.) He was sent to ER had surgery by a vascular surgeon but the surgeon said he couldn’t even penetrate the long clots in his right leg. He had a scan of legs a few months earlier before the vaccine and had no clots. After he received the Phizer vaccine he was diagnosed with this and today still has the long clots. He has them in his veins and arteries!!! (Full of them)
We are thanking God that he hasn’t lost his leg!!
Then I was diagnosed with PMR after not being able to cover myself up and use my hands and arms and pain like bursitis throughout!!
I’m on 20 mg prednisone thst took pain away over night but I’m left with numbness, tingling, and electricity feeling throughout my body. Numbness also in my tongue, mouth, face etc.
It’s terrible!! My left hand is always numb and checked with hand Dr because my GP thought it’s carpal tunnel. It’s not!!

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I also developed PMR after 1st booster shot. Was on 10mg prednisone for 1 month then reduced by 1 mg every 30 days. Did have two mild cases of Covid the following April and then again in Feb. this year. Two or three weeks later I developed DVT as well. Swelling of leg and ankle has improved somewhat but by the end of the day has increased. I think Covid has taken a toll on many of us in one way or another. Stay strong!


I’m so sorry for your chain of events. I can relate, as I developed GCA in November 2022 shortly after getting a flu vaccine . Immediately was put on steroids, and everything went wrong from that point on. I feel that I became toxic by the steroid. developed upper respiratory in early February, Covid in March , administered Paxlovid (5days) and ER admit 12 days after Covid for CHF! What a roller coaster. Over 60+ and have never experienced such a distressing situation. I hear you when you say that this now becomes long term….that we now must treat with very serious medications that cause so many more health issues. Where’s the answer?? Drs. are as baffled as to where these once “rare” autoimmune diseases are coming from. I agree that the vaccines are to blame! What a travesty!! We all suffer…

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Oh my gosh, i sure hope all of that is behind you. You are right there gets to be so many other side issues to deal when you have these diseases. Let's hope for moving forward and remission!!!


Polio, Small Pox, Mumps, and all the rest of the vaccines we received as kids were years in the making. When those vaccines were released we received the initial shot and about six weeks later we got the booster. That was it, the end, no more shots required and the diseases ended. The side effect were ironed out in the years that went into testing them before they were released for public use. The world population in 1950 was 2.5 billion, in 2020 the population was 7.8 billion, so yes, more people were dying of Covid in 2020 than people were dying of our 1950's childhood diseases. It was no excuse to release experimental drug vaccines on the world. They were not proven, except on papers provided by the companies manufacturing the Covid vaccine. They are not safe, they should not have been released when they were, we should not have been used as the test rats. Governments had no choices but to approve the vaccines. They were ill prepared world wide for a pandemic. 70 years the governments had time to prepare for hospital bed increases due to an upcoming pandemic they knew was coming. Since childhood 1950's diseases were conquered and they were not about to accept responsibility for their neglect, nor are they accepting responsibility for releasing these mRNA test drugs on their citizens today. I totally blame government and their leader for being trough feeders rather than leaders. As for those photo shoots showing our leaders getting their shots as examples then I ask, Our leaders are not allowed to go to the bathroom alone due to personal safety procedures, would they be allowed to receive an experimental drug as an example? No one, no government, ever said they were not experimental. We received a paper and signed it before our inoculation, acknowledging the fact we knew this drug was experimental. My father told me when I was in school after WWII, "when the government says they are there to help, run and hide". That was 70 years ago. Time to start remembering things our recent ancestors warned us about. Governments have only gotten worse.

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I completely agree that these covid vaccines were just pushed out because people were dying in droves and they didn't know what to do and felt they had to do something. As you stated vaccinations take years to develop not 6 months and pump them out. I just keep kicking myself for doing it. Water under the bridge I know but now we are in this mess.


I have been told by three different doctors to not get the next Covid booster. I am 70 and diagnosed with PMR. I have three other friends that are healthy who have been told by their doctors not to get another booster.


I have been told by three different doctors to not get the next Covid booster. I am 70 and diagnosed with PMR. I have three other friends that are healthy who have been told by their doctors not to get another booster.

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That's quite telling isn't it if doctor's are not recommending them. I think that confirms what we are saying. I know I will not be getting any vaccinations in the future.


I’m so sorry for your chain of events. I can relate, as I developed GCA in November 2022 shortly after getting a flu vaccine . Immediately was put on steroids, and everything went wrong from that point on. I feel that I became toxic by the steroid. developed upper respiratory in early February, Covid in March , administered Paxlovid (5days) and ER admit 12 days after Covid for CHF! What a roller coaster. Over 60+ and have never experienced such a distressing situation. I hear you when you say that this now becomes long term….that we now must treat with very serious medications that cause so many more health issues. Where’s the answer?? Drs. are as baffled as to where these once “rare” autoimmune diseases are coming from. I agree that the vaccines are to blame! What a travesty!! We all suffer…

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Best of luck with the internist. You have been on prednisone for a short time so maybe it is better not to worry too much, yet?
It is possible that vaccines lead to PMR - long term studies will have to be done to confirm this. One interesting and shocking experience in our family occurred several weeks ago involving our grandson, who developed Kawasaki’s disease, an auto immune disorder (in under six year olds) resulting in inflammation of the liver, kidneys and spleen, with the biggest concern being heart aneurism. Won’t go on here- much research is available but treatment is with IVIG and must take place within ten days of onset. Anyhow, he is now part of an international study because there is concern that cases are rising, usually two months post COVID. A similar condition called MIS-C definitely seems to be on the rise in children and also post COVID. What I am trying to say is maybe many paths lead to PMR, which many suspect is triggered by a virus. I do wish tho, that the cure could be a seven hour IV with IVIG. In Fact, I wonder if any studies have been done using immunoglobulin for PMR? Any researchers/docs /rheumatologist with info?

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