How did your PMR begin?

Posted by ctjpmarie @ctjpmarie, Apr 13, 2023

In trying to understand PMR-( my husband has it) …I’m curious to know -if any of you had anything specifically stressful, going on in your life, at the onset of PMR? You know-besides, the normal day-to-day stressors of life?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

I moved to a new location and home. Very stressful


Mine started after having hosted back to back houseguests . After all was quiet ,I felt very tired and began having bilateral shoulder and arm pain with weakness. I figured I was just exhausted.The pain ended up skyrocketing so my PCP sent me to ER. MRI was negative but the labs were abnormal. Sed rate 73, CRP 31. The ER physician diagnosed PMR and started prednisone.
I’m seeing the rheumatologist on 5/1.


Almost 7 years ago I was dealing with a heavy, stressful workload but was handling it okay. Then came an flood of extremely stressful months related to actions by our alcoholic son. I had some occasional dealings in July of that year with extreme pain in the hips, thighs and biceps but it would go away after a few hours, so I didn't do anything about it. Then one morning in September I woke up and found I could barely roll out of bed for work and getting dressed took a long, painful time. Finally, after still working in the extreme pain for 2 months and many doctor appointments, a LPN mentioned that she thought it could be PMR and gave me a prednisone prescription for a week. And, as they say, the rest is history. Hasn't necessarily been a smooth journey but it has been lots better than how it started!


My PMR is almost six years old. I have tapered off prednisone three times only to have flare ups that required me to go back on the medication. I have been on four different medications (methotrexate, actamera, Xeljanz, and now cosentyx.) They all ceased to work after a certain period of time. Six years ago, I caught my foot while entering my home and ended doing a face plant on my brick steps that resulted in a lot of dental work, a concussion, and whip lash. Four months later, I had PMR. I have no proof that the concussion was the underlying issue, but it sure seems like it was.

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Hi there, I agree with you my Temporal Large Cell Arteritis started after I passed out and fell face first like you. Prior to the fall I had excellent health. Do you know of any documentation of the effect of blunt head trauma and LCA??
How has your health been compromised by all these drugs?


I moved to a new location and home. Very stressful

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We relocated over a year ago too, after I retired. It was a lot of stress, but it wasn’t until now that PMR showed up. So baffling to me !


Hi there, I agree with you my Temporal Large Cell Arteritis started after I passed out and fell face first like you. Prior to the fall I had excellent health. Do you know of any documentation of the effect of blunt head trauma and LCA??
How has your health been compromised by all these drugs?

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I believe I researched concussions and immune system. Whatever it was, it said that a major fall would impact the immune system. PMR is directly related to the immune system so I put it together. My rheumatologist did not agree with me, but he didn’t think I was having a recurrence of GCA when I was having a relapse. As for the medications, I have had different impact from different meds. The major one is the prednisone which brings a whole bag of issues. The brain fog upsets me because I don’t think as fast and as clearly as I did. It makes me tired and weak. Every day is a new day!


I can't recall any events or emotions that brought about my PMR. I was walking across a parking lot when suddenly my shoulders, arms, and upper thighs got very stiff. That lasted for two more days, then disappeared...and five days later the arms and shoulder hurt, and right away my doctor said, "Polymyalgia," which a high CRP and my positive reaction to prednisone confirmed. Right now I am trying to see if low-dose naltrexone can replace prednsone. So far, it hasn't.


Bit of a story. My husband broke his leg when our garden was right in the middle of growing. We grow all our own vegetables as I don't trust what is in the stores. I took over managing the garden on top of the house, shopping, laundry, cooking and getting my man back and forth to doctors appointment. Then come harvest picking, preserving, drying and bottling what we had grown. While I was doing that, as a reward for working hard, I was eating a diet almost exclusively made up from the foods you shouldn't eat.

I believe I have had episodes of PMR for decades but neither my doctors or myself realized it. It wasn't until the flareup in 2019 that I found out what was wrong with me.

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Yes, I am a dietitian and do believe that diet plays a role in PMR symptoms. I eat a whole foods organic diet and my PMR only bothered me in bed. As soon as I would get up, it went away! I took a low dose of prednisone for about 1.5 years and then got off of it, only to get it again when I caught COVID. Note that I first experienced symptoms after my second Pfizer vaccination.


When did my PMR begin? Perhaps a bigger question is when did PMR become so wide spread? Are more people being diagnosed today? Are more people being diagnosed after the 'mRNA Covid booster' than before the Covid era? When did the 'Mayo Connect' blog start their never ending dedicated PMR postings? Is PMR a newer diagnosis of a type of arthritis. It seems there are a lot of people were scratching their heads when they were diagnosed with PMR. "I have what?". That was my reaction.

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I am also very curious about the questions you posed.


I am also very curious about the questions you posed.

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Very good guestions you raise. I believe it's spike is due to vaccines, covid included. My reaction was exactly the same. I've never "heard if this, what is it and how did i get this? "

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