Dilated pancreatic duct: Should I get a second opinion?

Posted by catt8722 @catt8722, Mar 6, 2020

I recently had a EUS. The result is a 3mm dilation in the distal end of the pancreatic duct. A fatty liver and a cyst on my right kidney. I was scheduled for a CT Scan but my insurance company has not approved the test. I am very scared. What is so confusing to me is that. I had the CT a year ago last month. Everything was normal. Was anyone diagnosed with this? I have been reading about this. It can be pancreatitis or cancer.

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I have not posted in a while, but I too have dilation of bile and pancreatic ducts that showed up on multiple exams. including the MCRP. I recently had an appointment (finally) with a hepatologist, whose intellect I found to be astonishing. She advised that the radiologist cannot diagnose any kind of liver or pancreatic disease and that I would need to have an ECRP, which will be scheduled in San Francisco in the near future. She wants to find out what is blocking the bile duct(s). She further explained to me that my long term opiate use could be the culprit, which I was well aware of. I am still a but mystified however, because after she ordered and I had, many lab tests completed, when I asked her if I needed to be concerned about many of the flags, she referred me back to my PCP for explanations. She also told me that she was not concerned about liver cysts, which was a relief. A biopsy will not be needed either, good. Having said this, I am still frustrated because my clinicians are very evasive when it comes to answering my questions, which are probably too direct. I had more labs which have confirmed a diagnosis of hypogammaglobulinemia. I am also being screened for multiple myeloma, a disease which killed my father. Having said all of this, I have pretty much decided to just keep moving forward, not giving any of these findings a lot of energy because it is wasted thought and energy. If my clinicians are not concerned, then I am not going to continue to fight with them in an effort to get whatever treatment may be available to me. I will simply continue with the testing, continue with my art, which has really taken off, and continue to express kindness to others and give to my community. If there are treatments available and offered, I will follow up. If not, I will move on. I am maintaining a weight of about 95 pounds, still have little appetite and am malnourished because I have no appetite as a result of the bile duct issues. Life is too short to be worrying all the time over something I cannot control.

Best of luck to you. If I can be of any help please do not hesitate to inquire. I will continue to post as I receive new information. This patient portal has pretty much become a lifeline to me and has really had a positive impact on my life, and I thank all of you.

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Thank you for sharing your story. Second opinion seems like a great idea, also a dietician with experience with hepatobiliary disorders. I have seen one at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. It was a virtual visit.


Hi, I wanted to add some things that were also alarming to me. My CBD is now dilated to 13, occult ampullary mass,
right adreanal myeliopoma,elavated LTFs,
Dilated Billary ducts,
Severe pancreas atrophy, cluster of T2 hyper intense foci w/ in pancreatic body, one measuring 3mm in tail,probable right adrenal myelollipoma, IPMN present in pancreas
All of this was from MRCP & Carscans done while I hospitalized for Pancreatic in June & July.
Nothing was done
Newest catscan revealed:
CBD dilated to 14 mm,
Lymphatic System: Mild portacaval adenopathy unchanged.
Bilirubin in Urine, High white blood cell
IPMN & neoplasms found

I do have an appointment with Mayo, Dec 14.:);)

But I like to understand what I’m dealing with.
Again I lost 30 lbs in 7 weeks, zero appetite, upper stomach pain( more on left side and pain radiates to left shoulder pain( feels like stabbing)
Diarrhea every day.
I don’t have any jaundice tho.
I would appreciate all & any comments

Every time I have been hospitalized they kept saying they couldn’t do a biopsy if they needed to because I was always do inflamed- Pancreas

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Two things that I’d like to mention. If perhaps they say you have a neuroendocrine tumor (NET), pls be certain to seek out a NET specialist. Also, surgery on your pancreas is a very serious thing. Make sure you are clear on what it will entail. It was described to my husband as much easier than it turned out to be. He had a NET/IPMN on the tail of his pancreas and had a pancreatectomy & splenectomy in Jan.
Thoughts and prayers. Glad you are seeking excellent care!


I know I'm late to this discussion, I wouldnt have been if the hospital would have inform me there was a mild prominence of the pancreatic duct along its course in 2021. I would not have to go through what I am going through right now. In Dec 2021 I was in a car accident which cause me to go to the ER and the doctor did a CT of my chest, abdomen and pelvis which showed right renal hypodensities too small to characterize but statistically represent renal cysts and Colonic diverticulosis without CT evidence of diverticulitis, Mild multilevel degenerative changes of the spine. SI joint degenerative changes and last but not least There is mild prominence of the pancreatic duct along its course. Otherwise unremarkable. Fast forward to now, I have pancreatic cancer with metastatic disease to the liver. The mild prominence of the pancreatic duct wasnt in the impression report so when i went to see my primary care doctor never mentioned it, so it wasnt caught early. I just wanted to come up here and say ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS find out what is going on with you and if that doctor doesnt want to look into it find another doctor. I wish you all blessing and good health.


Thank you @aminaahmoody1.
Your experience mirrors mine, and I do wish you the best.
During COVID I presented to the Urgent Care at Sutter Health, because I was worried that I might have contracted the infection, but had not. During the visit I mentioned to the doctor the ongoing pain in my upper right abdomen that had been present for months, and which my doctor attributed to acid reflux. An ultrasound and CT were ordered which revealed dilation of liver and pancreatic ducts and some cysts. Later I had a ECRP which showed that since 2020 there had been an increase in the dilation. It took me 3 years to finally be paired with a hepatologist, with whom I had my first appointment with a few weeks ago. At some point this summer I will have an endoscopy in an effort for her to find out what is blocking my bile duct(s). Needless to say, I understand how long and arduous the road to a healthier life can be. Patience is truly a virtue I have only just learned how to be.
Today I will see my PCP and intend to ask him why 3 months ago he asked me if I wanted a new doctor, and I wonder if that is any indication that he does not know how to treat me. Today I just want the 20 lab tests I recently had done, explained to me because they were all flagged.


@frances007 Thank you for telling me your story, and I commend you for having so much patience but it is a doctors responsibly to inform and also investigate any and all abnormal result and sometimes waiting can be more harmful than good. We have to be our own advocate because if we don't our life is at risk. I have made it my mission to alway research my abnormal test results, I just wish I had done so in 2021. I have a doctors appointment today with my oncologist I guess to come up with a treatment plan, sadly since I have gotten my results back from my biopsy I'm more confused now then I was before. The oncologist surgeon want me to get a biopsy done on my liver now and he wants to do a genetic testing because he's saying that I am to young to have pancreatic cancer. Also he wants me to be apart of a clinical trial, this is so overwhelming. I just want them to treat me so the pain can stop but I feel like a lab rat. I am a person, a mother and a wife and I want is to be able to see my youngest daughter graduate from high school at least one of my children to get married (smiling) but I fear that will not happen because their taking they time to fix it. My apologies for going off course I'm just venting. The summer is not that far off but I would try to get an earlier appointment, time is a virtue but its also precious so we have no time to waste it. I pray that whatever it is that your are facing its easy and able to be cured. I wish you all the luck!


@frances007 Thank you for telling me your story, and I commend you for having so much patience but it is a doctors responsibly to inform and also investigate any and all abnormal result and sometimes waiting can be more harmful than good. We have to be our own advocate because if we don't our life is at risk. I have made it my mission to alway research my abnormal test results, I just wish I had done so in 2021. I have a doctors appointment today with my oncologist I guess to come up with a treatment plan, sadly since I have gotten my results back from my biopsy I'm more confused now then I was before. The oncologist surgeon want me to get a biopsy done on my liver now and he wants to do a genetic testing because he's saying that I am to young to have pancreatic cancer. Also he wants me to be apart of a clinical trial, this is so overwhelming. I just want them to treat me so the pain can stop but I feel like a lab rat. I am a person, a mother and a wife and I want is to be able to see my youngest daughter graduate from high school at least one of my children to get married (smiling) but I fear that will not happen because their taking they time to fix it. My apologies for going off course I'm just venting. The summer is not that far off but I would try to get an earlier appointment, time is a virtue but its also precious so we have no time to waste it. I pray that whatever it is that your are facing its easy and able to be cured. I wish you all the luck!

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@aminaahmoody1 thank you for your encouragement, and no need to apologize for "venting." In all honesty it feels much more difficult these days to be a well informed patient than it used to be. I am unable to secure and earlier appointment, and because of this I have decided to more or less try not to "overthink" what might be going on with my liver/pancreas. I saw my doctor yesterday and was dismayed that he could not explain to me the results of many of my recent lab tests, instead telling me that he had made a referral to a hematologist, and an appointment with that specialist could take "awhile." I understand your feeling like a "lab rat" and I would think twice about becoming part of a clinical trial. You have enough to deal with already, especially since you have a family, including children.
I hope your appointment today goes well. I will be thinking of you.
With respect to my patience, admittedly it is running out. Best of luck to you and thank you again for the post


Hello @dtalent ..
I understand your concerns about the dilation of the pancreatic duct and the cysts that showed up on your recent examination, as well as the lesions on your liver. I have dilation of my liver and pancreatic ducts as well as the cysts that you described. I recently (and finally) had an appointment with a hepatologist who made it very clear to me that she was not concerned about the liver cysts, they are common. However, I do not have as many as you described. Furthermore, she explained that the only way to determine the cause of the dilation of the liver/pancreatic ducts was a ECRP which will be done this summer. I understand your fear as I have lived with this problem for 3 years and have lost 25% of my body weight as a result of the dilation of the liver/pancreatic ducts.
I understand that you want to learn more about the results, and I too have gone online in an effort to learn more about my situation. Having said this, I would encourage you not to spend too much time researching these issues because searching for and reading articles can only increase your stress about your situation. However, I have found some very good information at the NIH as well as the Cleveland Clinic. The hepatologist I met with was not concerned about the cysts, and because most of my liver lab values are relatively normal she was able to put me somewhat at ease. In my case, the dilation may be related to my long term opiate use for chronic pain, and I was well aware of this before being advised to try to taper off of the medication.
I would certainly ask for a referral to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist so the further exploration into the findings on your diagnostic tests can be explored. I am very sorry about your situation. I have found that presently one has to be a strong advocate for themselves when it comes to getting the proper care, and I encourage you to ask your PCP for the appropriate referrals. You did not mention whether or not your doctor had ordered any lab tests to find out whether or not your liver enzymes are within the normal range, and I would certainly demand that at the very least these be done right away. Wishing you the best.


Yes, I have a dilated pancreatic duct of about 2.5 and have had it for several years unchanged. When it was first diagnosed I got very scared about the same possible conditions, but now am only a bit concerned. I learned back then from Mayo of a test they recommend to rule out pancreatic cancer, but MC doesn't cover it at a couple of
thousand dollars, and the accuracy it offers didn't justify that cost to me. If your doc does not express worry on your behalf (do ask if you don't know), then I hope this can offer you a bit of reassurance. As a dear person reminded me 20 plus years ago during a period of high stress, "Mostly things work out." Please focus on the things work out and see if they don't!
I have IBS and pancreatic insufficiency at age 71, with constant watery diarrhea for about six months. I am going to have upper and lower endoscopies on 4/28. I've also submitted a stool sample for occult blood. I'll write again if I learn anything interesting or valuable after this.


Thanks for sharing your story. The pancreatic insufficiency is a major source of concern even though the cancer is shrinking rapidly with the chemo. I am now considered a candidate for surgery but more chemo for optimal outcome.


I had some recent abdominal pain and CT scan found varying dilation in entire pancreatic duct with 10mm measurement in head. They didn’t see an IPMN but recommended EUS for further evaluation.

Can a single IPMN cause dilation over entire duct?

Thank you

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Hi there, my mother is 78 and has lived with nausea almost non-stop for the last couple of years and significant weight loss. She had her gallbladder removed in 2019 which did nothing and due to the doctor nicking her in surgery causing a huge hematoma, she’s never been the same and has undergone multiple tests that can’t explain her nausea. Fast forward this year we were blessed that she found a PA who actually listened to her issues and believed her . So she ordered some tests the first was a CT that showed abnormal liver and biliary tract, then an MRI/MRCP on May 2nd, it showed “moderate intra and extra hepatic biliary ductal dilation and mild suspected pancreatic ductal dilation; question soft tissue lesion at distal CBD producing obstruction…further evaluation with EUS/ERCP recommended”.
She is having the EUC on May 10th with most likely the ERCP afterwards.

I don’t like surprises having had breast cancer myself 14 years ago so I am hoping I can find help in getting prepared. Is it a high possibility that she has some type of cancer?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you and God bless everyone struggling!

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