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Staying strong and facing an uncertain /certain future

Caregivers | Last Active: Jun 22, 2023 | Replies (60)

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Hi Lori! Thank you for checking on us!
Today, and lately, we have Mr. Ray of Sunshine 🌞 . He had his third round and it went well. He did get a little, no alot, rambunctious a few days afterwards and spent a couple of days putting in railroad tie stairs to my work shop. I call it the Chemo Steps. You had said previously something about him learning....well, this time he did. While he did take breaks, etc . it was just too much. I'm grateful that it didn't warrant a trip to the emergency room, but it was close. He has now turned his pick axe, shovel, and rake in for easier projects. And he did it with a good attitude! You are right again - it's starting to level out and we're both getting a better feel for all of this. I'm learning to go with the flow and not panic (as much🥴) and Val is giving his body more grace and his mind more acceptance of his treatment and it slowing him down. His last two appointments, prior to treatment, have been with a PA at Mayo in the oncology/hematology dept. Val and he just clicked and that has helped immensely. He has his "mid-way " Petscan on the first of May. Hoping that he doesn't light up like a Christmas Tree like his two previous scans🎄🙏🤗
How are you? Hoping spring has sprung in your neck of the woods!! Big hug headed your way💓💓

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Replies to "Hi Lori! Thank you for checking on us! Today, and lately, we have Mr. Ray of..."

Oh boy, well, it’s good to hear that your husband is learning to pace him self and listen to his body! I swear, that is still one of the hardest lessons to heed! But chemo really saps a person from many perspectives so, while it’s great to keep up normal activities, it has to be with reduced intensity and not quite as much gusto! 😂 He’s doing great though!!

I was on a roll this past week myself…finally, I’m able to do some limited gardening again! But with gloves and a mask. Well, it was in the 80s here this past week, breezy with low humidity so I thought I’d be good to go. Nope…I could not handle the heat under exertion like that and my great gardening plans were shortlived. My husband, who loathes gardening, was called into action with the spade and got the digging done for me. Now I can take over again. The recognition and resignation that I can no longer do what I used to is tough to accept!

I’m happy to hear that life is leveling out for both of you and becoming more predictable. It’s a learning curve for sure. Just keep in mind, it’s just for now…things should improve ahead and the way he’s handling this is very encouraging. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for the Petscan not lighting up like a Christmas tree. I actually made some incomprehensible snort at your comment! We’ll hope for ‘lights’ out…

I’m doing well and actually heading to the Mother Ship in Rochster in a few days for routine followup. Not anticipating anything amiss. I’m really healthy unless they tell me otherwise! Ha! Looking forward to the report saying. “Unremarkable”. ☺️ Hugs for the both of you!