GI Disorder and Internal Shaking

Posted by gigiraj @gigiraj, Feb 15, 2019

Hi all. I'm a 21 year old South Asian female and I have been having GI issues for about five years--mainly along the lines of constipation. I do have bowel movements every day but it takes a long time & I am rarely fully cleared out. These GI issues are always accompanied by other health issues (gas, pressure in head, etc). Recently, some scary new conditions have manifested: In the past few weeks, there have been times where my heart starts beating wildly and very fast. Sometimes, when I'm tired and constipated, my entire body feels like its vibrating internally; the shakes aren't visible but it feels like all my muscles are quivering. At this point, I feel a constant shaking/quivering within my body, especially in my heart cavity.

I have had TWO EKG's and both came back normal. All lab tests for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc came back within normal limits. I am very concerned about this internal shaking. My dad says he found something about how GI disorders can impact muscoskeletal system and since the heart is a muscle, it's contracting and being affected. But I wanted to know if anyone here can help!!!!!!! If anyone knows anything at all please please please let me know!!!!!

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Hello everyone, after I had nissen fundoplication surgery, I have weird symptoms and one of the is feeling the shaking internally, I just don't know what to do 🥺


@csage1010 @loveofdogs @lauead626 @tiggertj789 @unicorn @melben888

I have been suffering from intestinal issues for almost 6 years now as well. Along with it came the food intolerances, digestive problems and alike. I had very fluffy stool and so on. All doctors kept telling me that everything (my lab results) is fine so I started to look into alternative medicines. I started a herbal treatment with my TCM practitioner for these conditions and my situation improved and got worse at the same time. All of a sudden I had this internal shaking and also all my vitamins (D, B12,) and ferritin (iron) came down very low. It has been really concerning to me and no one knew where this was coming from. My TCM practitioner, however, kept telling me the past six months, that I would need to do a parasite cleanse if the symptoms continue to be this "off" ,i.e. improving and worsening at the same time (like new ones adding and others being relieved) but I didn't believe him as I could hardly imagine to have a parasite infection in the intestine. So I started researching for symptoms and, long story short, most of my symptoms were part of this list, especially the GI problems, but also fatigue, itchiness etc. So I did more research and found out that there is hardly anything known about parasites but there are about 200k of them which can infect humans as well. So in the end I agreed to do the parasite cleanse. They put me on two antibiotics and my situation improved tremendously! The internal vibrations / shaking (my biggest concern) is almost completely gone and I am sure that it will entirely disappear once I have finished the treatment. I would recommend anybody to look into this subject, research on the internet (Dr. Klinghardt is apparently a well-know practitioner in the area of parasites) and also check Instagram as there is recently a lot more from (TCM) or alternative medicine practitioners arising with this topics. There are a wide range of antibiotics available and most likely, if you have every travelled to a developing country or even live in one, chances are you got infected by eating from a contaminated platter.

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Your posting is very interesting. What is a "TCM" practitioner and how can I locate a good one?


Your posting is very interesting. What is a "TCM" practitioner and how can I locate a good one?

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Hi @florence80,
Good question, I need to adjust my post to add this information: TCM stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine about which I have a very high opinion. The traditional TCM consists of 5 pillars of which mostly the acupunture is widely known, but to which I don't respond very well. Therefore, I chose to go with the "Chinese herbs" treatment, which is basically tee or herbal "pills" in a compressed, natural form. The TCM practitioner noted that my reaction to these herbs was beyond normal (way too responsive and too strong) and they know that this usually happens when there is a parasite infection inside, as they somehow seem to feed on the herbs. You can search for Dr. Doane (a famous US TCM practitioner) on parasites or for an article on "empirical anti-parasitc treatment in returning travellers with persistent abdominal symptoms" in the Journal of Travel Medicine. My doctor says they treat those parasite infections only empirically as the stool tests frequently come back false negatively. So many people who have been told they are ok, were in fact not. I can also definitely confirm your observation that gluten-free and healthy eating helps a lot, as those parasites feed on all the crab we eat so you may also want to check for an alkaline nutrition. I am a little more down the road with the antibiotics now and can definitely confirm that the shaking is gone, it is merely a slight tingling that is left once in a while and I still have some more to go so the antibiotics really do a great job and I am so grateful for this actually easy treatment but a little upset that research, knowledge and especially diagnosis is hardly available. I am not sure where you're based, but I went on google and searched for a good TCM practitioner by checking for a 5 star rating, read the comments and then tested it kinesiologically whether he is the right fit for me. Kinesiology is always very reliable to me and I test most important things with my Osteopath, too. That test confirmed that (at least for me) the internal shaking was related to the parasite infection and even my TCM practitioner has never heard of it so far. And with regards to your remark about not being able to lose weight. I read on a German site on "parasite infection symptoms" from an alternative practitioner that the inability to lose / gain weight can also be a symptom of a parasite infection.

@bl3ss3d @gigiraj


Hi @florence80,
Good question, I need to adjust my post to add this information: TCM stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine about which I have a very high opinion. The traditional TCM consists of 5 pillars of which mostly the acupunture is widely known, but to which I don't respond very well. Therefore, I chose to go with the "Chinese herbs" treatment, which is basically tee or herbal "pills" in a compressed, natural form. The TCM practitioner noted that my reaction to these herbs was beyond normal (way too responsive and too strong) and they know that this usually happens when there is a parasite infection inside, as they somehow seem to feed on the herbs. You can search for Dr. Doane (a famous US TCM practitioner) on parasites or for an article on "empirical anti-parasitc treatment in returning travellers with persistent abdominal symptoms" in the Journal of Travel Medicine. My doctor says they treat those parasite infections only empirically as the stool tests frequently come back false negatively. So many people who have been told they are ok, were in fact not. I can also definitely confirm your observation that gluten-free and healthy eating helps a lot, as those parasites feed on all the crab we eat so you may also want to check for an alkaline nutrition. I am a little more down the road with the antibiotics now and can definitely confirm that the shaking is gone, it is merely a slight tingling that is left once in a while and I still have some more to go so the antibiotics really do a great job and I am so grateful for this actually easy treatment but a little upset that research, knowledge and especially diagnosis is hardly available. I am not sure where you're based, but I went on google and searched for a good TCM practitioner by checking for a 5 star rating, read the comments and then tested it kinesiologically whether he is the right fit for me. Kinesiology is always very reliable to me and I test most important things with my Osteopath, too. That test confirmed that (at least for me) the internal shaking was related to the parasite infection and even my TCM practitioner has never heard of it so far. And with regards to your remark about not being able to lose weight. I read on a German site on "parasite infection symptoms" from an alternative practitioner that the inability to lose / gain weight can also be a symptom of a parasite infection.

@bl3ss3d @gigiraj

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Thank you, thank you, Nicely! I am printing your responses to my question and will try to follow through!!! I have a feeling that you are "on to" something and I must check this out. My own tremor returned just last night so now I'm in a rush. Blessings to you - and thank you for patiently answering my ignorance! I'll post when I have more info. Stay well !. @florence80.


Thank you, thank you, Nicely! I am printing your responses to my question and will try to follow through!!! I have a feeling that you are "on to" something and I must check this out. My own tremor returned just last night so now I'm in a rush. Blessings to you - and thank you for patiently answering my ignorance! I'll post when I have more info. Stay well !. @florence80.

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Hi @florence80,
I wish you all the best and hope you find the answer for your issues. I would love to get an update on what you did and what the outcome was. I am glad the post helped! 🙂


Yes. I have had the same thing happening to me for years. Had heart testing done and blood work. All comes back fine. However about two years ago I found a doctor that was willing to help despite the normal tests. Turns out I have a major Candida infection and also some parasites. I asked him about these symptoms and although they can be caused by a few different things, he says people with Candida problems almost always have weak thyroid and adrenal glands. Typical testing for these glands might not show that there is an issue because the issue might not be in a diseased state yet. The issue with the glands is more likely to be caused by nutrient deficiencies caused by Candida and parasites stealing your nutrients and wearing your glands out. Candida infections and parasite infections are extremely common despite what anyone tells you. Might want to seek out a natropathic doctor that can help you with this.


I came across your post today. I have Gastritis, Esophagitis, constipated, internal shaking and not one doctor listens to me. I feel like I’m losing my mind! I totally understand and you are so not alone.


Hi @gigiraj, I have gastroparesis and SIBO amongst other things (POTS, MALS) and I recently began experiencing the same with my heart about two months ago. I have had numerous tests completed and strokes and A-fib have been ruled out. I have normal ekg’s and bloodwork is fine. I do get tremors as well when my heart beats this way. For me it occurs mainly at night and sometimes can last all night and through the day. It would be great if others could reply to what this could be. My Cardiologist is still running tests but has me on Bisoprolol (a beta blocker) for now. I hope you can find relief.

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I have the same exact problem. It’s awful. Mine is mostly at night too. Did you find an answer to your problem?


Ask you doctor to have you take a SIBO breath test. It may reveal the presence of high levels of methane, resulting from the gas generated by a bacterial infection, be it in your stomach or upper intestine (or beyond). The bacteria/methane production, in turn, results in reduced stomach motility (the "wave" of nerves & muscles that moves the food from your stomach & thru you entire intestinal tract. Granted, an endoscopy. -if they dod a biopsy - can find if you have a certain bacteria present. But I have Kaiser - have had ALL that done, & yet ONLY found out about the SIBO test thru an Nathuropathic doctor. If present, a dose of antibiotic may work, but more critically, you really need to be looking at a special diet that ceases to fees. Can't believe your gastro doc hasn't brought this up.


I have Ehlers Danlos, hyperadrenergic POTS, cervical instability (CCI) and Chronic Intestinal Pseuo-obstruction. I found your post because I get your same symptoms. I'm investigating vagus nerve stimulation to see if moving my gut better will lower my head pressure and put me out of fight or flight, which seems to be causing the sympathetic overdrive and vibration. One key issue for me: "forward head posture" like sitting at a computer while leaning forward, looking down at a phone, or even doing dishes with head down, will cause lots of inflammation in my neck, which then pinches my vagus nerve, and sets off a cascade of symptoms, from internal vibration, to insomnia, dysmotility, heart palpitations, brain fog, etc. One tip I can give is consider eating less salt, if you are not already restricting it. Salt boosts aldosterone, which can trigger adrenaline surges. Taking potassium supplements also raises aldosterone, so it's tricky, and consulting a doctor is wise, especially if you already have electrolyte issues. It's true you could have bacterial overgrowth in your small intestine. Most of us with EDS have SIBO, but I've taken countless rounds of conventional antibiotics (like Rifaximin) plus herbal ones, and only get limited periods of remission, because the motility problem is not fixed. Pathogens in the gut generate toxins, which can slow down motility. For me, taking activated charcoal and zeolite powder binds toxins, reduces bloating, and helps a bit with symptoms.

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