Looking to connect with people who have non-diabetic neuropathy

Posted by Ann broussard @user_ch98d0b5c, Aug 6, 2018

Would. Like to find people with this issue

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Gabapentin is an anti inflammatory medication but it help me with pain in my legs and feet sometimes I take as little pain killers as possible because they are addictive and over time you. Stronger doses to help so I don’t take them unless I’m in extreme pain never have

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Gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant) is a medicine used to treat partial seizures, nerve pain from shingles and restless leg syndrome. It works on the chemical messengers in your brain and nerves. Gabapentin is from a group of medicines called anticonvulsants.


Sometimes they do but only when I have a lot of swelling going on it’s rather painful sorry you are going threw that
Have you tryed elevating your feet and legs above your heart when laying down over night for a few nights and when ever you lay down it should help with the swelling some
I’m not a Doctor so you may say something to your doctor about it next time you them so if it’s something more serious they can look into it ok hope elevating them helps you 💜

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Thank you. I will try that.


Gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant) is a medicine used to treat partial seizures, nerve pain from shingles and restless leg syndrome. It works on the chemical messengers in your brain and nerves. Gabapentin is from a group of medicines called anticonvulsants.

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My Doctor told me it is also good as an anti inflammatory and I have a nerve disorder and it helps me


Gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant) is a medicine used to treat partial seizures, nerve pain from shingles and restless leg syndrome. It works on the chemical messengers in your brain and nerves. Gabapentin is from a group of medicines called anticonvulsants.

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Thank you for the information ❤️


Gabapentin is an anti inflammatory medication but it help me with pain in my legs and feet sometimes I take as little pain killers as possible because they are addictive and over time you. Stronger doses to help so I don’t take them unless I’m in extreme pain never have

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Pregabalin helps me 150mg twice a day Gabapentin is the new Oxycotin


I have neuropathy on my head which no doctors know how to deal with it . They try to deal with it like a migraine which it is not. I have seen so many doctors one said try everything. I am now on 3 different meds something is starting to work. I can hardly stay awake during the day and I am dizzy. You have to keep going no matter what. Some people have it a lot worse than me. So I try not to complain.


I have neuropathy on my head which no doctors know how to deal with it . They try to deal with it like a migraine which it is not. I have seen so many doctors one said try everything. I am now on 3 different meds something is starting to work. I can hardly stay awake during the day and I am dizzy. You have to keep going no matter what. Some people have it a lot worse than me. So I try not to complain.

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I am not familiar with cranial neuropathy, but I found this study on Botox, which I am going to share with my pain doctor next month:


My PN is idopathic but I suspect the culprit is Agent Oraange that I was exposed to in Southeast Asia.

I had a spinal stimulator implanted in January of this year and within a month or so I began to notice a slight improvement. It hasn't been a game changer that I had hoped for but I wouldn't want to have it removed. If you decide to get one , you should have a trial period to evaluate it. My pain management doctor advised me to NOT have it implanted unless I could feel a marked drop in pain during the trial period. Pain is subjective so I thought that was good advice. I don't regret the implantation as the device has clearly reduced my pain. I hope you have a good trial that gives you the clarity you need.

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I also had the spinal stimulator implanted in December of ‘22. The change isn’t that dramatic but we are still playing with adjustments. I do get discouraged though…guess I’m hoping for a miracle cure. Have you tried NeuroPure? I’m waiting on the package to arrive. I will try anything to get my life back.


I have poly neuropathy and I’m presently taking 2400 mg gabepentin. I also had a spinal stimulator placed in my back. Minimal relief but still new, working on adjusting the stimulator with my drs. Has anyone tried or heard of NeuroPure?


I have poly neuropathy and I’m presently taking 2400 mg gabepentin. I also had a spinal stimulator placed in my back. Minimal relief but still new, working on adjusting the stimulator with my drs. Has anyone tried or heard of NeuroPure?

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Hi @f0urboys3352, Welcome to Connect. Sorry you are not getting the relief with the spinal stimulator. Hoping they can tweak the adjustments to make it better. I took a look at the NeuroPure website and they dance around the ingredients and just say they are "natural" whatever that means. That raises a red flag for me, like a lot of neuropathy cures.

If you are looking for things to try that others have found helpful, the Foundation for Neuropathy has a list here - https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/complementary-therapies/. You might find the following discussion helpful if you are looking for supplements and what others have tried:
--- Supplements - What helps nerve pain and/or neuropathy?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/supplement-recommendations-can-help/.

How long have you had the spinal stimulator?

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