What Distracts You From the Pain?

Posted by Jen, Alumna Mentor @sandytoes14, Oct 4, 2016

We share what works (and what doesn't) for us as far as medicines and surgeries,etc.
What works for you to give yourself a little break? I'm presently researching family history from the comfort of my recliner.

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The online library is a fantastic idea. I find Netflix series and sports to be positive distractions. So true about seeking positive, normal experiences. It's easy to become consumed by our pain which is not healthy for our brain. Reminding ourselves that we are still human with interests and needs and are not defined by our pain alone is a very powerful self-advocating tool.

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I totally agree. I also like to plan small things to look forward to because I think that is important and distracts my mind. Too many times one becomes consumed with doctor appointments, medications, and health issues that the brain becomes conditioned along with the body into a downward spiral. I have spent 3 years without seeing my sister because of Covid and now she is coming with her husband for a visit. It is a great thing to look forward to and I plan small things before they come and do them with my helper/ caregiver that are having a very positive impact of distraction from the pain. “ One step at a time “ , in the right direction , has become my motto. Sure, there are many bumps in the road. But I believe if we can keep our
focus , we can get over them. —- eirrol


Music.....from the 40's and 50's....reminds me of my father.


Right now I'm in severe pain from my head to my feet. There is so much going on with my body I literally cry.
From chronic migraines and right now my teeth are a nightmare from the dry mouth from all the meds. Recently had benign tumors removed from peritid gland(saliva) which increased the dry mouth.
I have diabetes which is out of control. My blood pressure is all over the place..one day high,next day low . Sciatica in my lower back feels like hot lava being poured on it . Pain from my back to my legs down to my feet. And neuropathy as well.
Stenosis in my neck sounds like rice crispy. I sleep constantly to not feel the pain. It's the only thing that I can do 😭

Sleep...sleeping is what I do to not think about the pain


Right now I'm in severe pain from my head to my feet. There is so much going on with my body I literally cry.
From chronic migraines and right now my teeth are a nightmare from the dry mouth from all the meds. Recently had benign tumors removed from peritid gland(saliva) which increased the dry mouth.
I have diabetes which is out of control. My blood pressure is all over the place..one day high,next day low . Sciatica in my lower back feels like hot lava being poured on it . Pain from my back to my legs down to my feet. And neuropathy as well.
Stenosis in my neck sounds like rice crispy. I sleep constantly to not feel the pain. It's the only thing that I can do 😭

Sleep...sleeping is what I do to not think about the pain

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Can you get a referal into a pain clinic? They will give you an evaluation and try different things to help you. I find they think outside the box. They are NOT all about putting you on opiods/narcotics if you are open to try different things to get results. Its worth a try. God bless you!


Can you get a referal into a pain clinic? They will give you an evaluation and try different things to help you. I find they think outside the box. They are NOT all about putting you on opiods/narcotics if you are open to try different things to get results. Its worth a try. God bless you!

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I was doing pain management.. I'm no longer taking the opioid. I have had 3 rounds of different shots into my lower spine that did not help. I went to physical therapy until I had an episode of muscle spasms in the pool during therapy.ended up in emergency room that night.
They want me to do something called radial oblition, where they burn my nerves in my lower lumbar. I heard nightmare stories about it.
I just quit going.


I was doing pain management.. I'm no longer taking the opioid. I have had 3 rounds of different shots into my lower spine that did not help. I went to physical therapy until I had an episode of muscle spasms in the pool during therapy.ended up in emergency room that night.
They want me to do something called radial oblition, where they burn my nerves in my lower lumbar. I heard nightmare stories about it.
I just quit going.

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I am so sorry. The one I go too is wonderful and they are taking it slow with me with PT, etc., You are in much more pain than I am though and I pray you can get relief. There's got to be someone to help you. God Bless You!


I was doing pain management.. I'm no longer taking the opioid. I have had 3 rounds of different shots into my lower spine that did not help. I went to physical therapy until I had an episode of muscle spasms in the pool during therapy.ended up in emergency room that night.
They want me to do something called radial oblition, where they burn my nerves in my lower lumbar. I heard nightmare stories about it.
I just quit going.

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I am wondering why you no longer take opioids ? Did they not help, Was it your choice.


I am so sorry. The one I go too is wonderful and they are taking it slow with me with PT, etc., You are in much more pain than I am though and I pray you can get relief. There's got to be someone to help you. God Bless You!

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Hi! Ooo...good news. You're having success with PT and taking it slow. I'm glad to hear that. Ah, yes, I take it slow, too. Slow and steady wins the race.


Hi! Ooo...good news. You're having success with PT and taking it slow. I'm glad to hear that. Ah, yes, I take it slow, too. Slow and steady wins the race.

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@covidstinks2023 - just came across this and thought of you...


Only hurt when I move. Pain pills and shots work a bit but still can barely move. Tough through it and am bed ridden the next day. Have a pain management box but is difficult to get an appointment. Am to get X-rays and bone scan but they are three weeks out hen the follow up is another three. Very frustrating

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