triple urine volume overnight

Posted by jrvegan @jrvegan, Apr 10, 2023

I have stage 3 CKD and a bladder that doesn't stretch. No overactive bladder events while awake, but overnight I'm up almost every hour due to 3 times the urine volume of a daytime bathroom visit (each time). I don't have any usual conditions causing excess urine, such as diabetes or heart problems. No endocrine problems. Doctors for kidney and bladder blame each other's organs and won't work together. But where is all that volume coming from? What are your experiences? Thanks.

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@jrvegan It's difficult to get a solid night's sleep when you need to get up several times to urinate, isn't it?!

Here are a few helpful hints you might consider: limiting your fluid intake 2-4 hours before retiring for the night. Take an afternoon nap if you can/need to, to get your full amount of sleep. Switch your diuretic medication to a morning dose, rather than afternoon or evening.

Cleveland Clinic talks about nocturia here:,-Those%20with%20nocturnal&text=This%20is%20usually%20due%20to,by%20your%20kidneys%2C%20producing%20urine.
During the day, fluid may collect in our lower extremities. When we lay down, that same fluid is now distributed in a more linear fashion in our body, processed through our bladder and kidneys, and give us the urge to urinate during the night. Does this makes sense to you?


@jrvegan It's difficult to get a solid night's sleep when you need to get up several times to urinate, isn't it?!

Here are a few helpful hints you might consider: limiting your fluid intake 2-4 hours before retiring for the night. Take an afternoon nap if you can/need to, to get your full amount of sleep. Switch your diuretic medication to a morning dose, rather than afternoon or evening.

Cleveland Clinic talks about nocturia here:,-Those%20with%20nocturnal&text=This%20is%20usually%20due%20to,by%20your%20kidneys%2C%20producing%20urine.
During the day, fluid may collect in our lower extremities. When we lay down, that same fluid is now distributed in a more linear fashion in our body, processed through our bladder and kidneys, and give us the urge to urinate during the night. Does this makes sense to you?

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Thank you, Ginger. Yes, I've been told about where our fluids collect when we lay flat - one of the reasons for a nap. But why doesn't everyone sleep just one hour at a time due to the distribution of fluids? It seems I produce a much higher volume overnight - on top of the normal fluids flowing to my middle. What's the appropriate medical specialty to find the source of this volume? Each of my specialists is in denial that their part of the body is responsible.

I've experimented with naps but there was no effect on my nocturia.
I've experimented with when to cut off my water drinking and it has no effect on my nocturia. Also, kidney disease requires staying hydrated - a contrary rule.
I'm not on any meds - taking meds is why I have CKD in the first place.
I will check your link; thanks again.


A night bag and a Texas catheter might give you a break from the night time bathroom runs. The Texas catheter is all external and might just help for a bit. Just a thought. Fluids in and out are a delicate dance and can be frustrating.


Thank you, Ginger. Yes, I've been told about where our fluids collect when we lay flat - one of the reasons for a nap. But why doesn't everyone sleep just one hour at a time due to the distribution of fluids? It seems I produce a much higher volume overnight - on top of the normal fluids flowing to my middle. What's the appropriate medical specialty to find the source of this volume? Each of my specialists is in denial that their part of the body is responsible.

I've experimented with naps but there was no effect on my nocturia.
I've experimented with when to cut off my water drinking and it has no effect on my nocturia. Also, kidney disease requires staying hydrated - a contrary rule.
I'm not on any meds - taking meds is why I have CKD in the first place.
I will check your link; thanks again.

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@jrvegan I find that when I can limit my fluid intake after 7p.m. my urine output overnight is more easily maintained. Do I get a bit thirsty? yes, and that is where sucking on crushed ice can come to my rescue. In the morning, no matter the whether, I like a 16oz glass of crushed ice and water, to break my thirst.

Having CKD due to medication side effects can make the whole thing a bit more of a challenge, as there is no underlying issue [diabetes or high blood pressure] to address in light of the kidney compromise. Having nocturia may mean a visit to a urologist.


@jrvegan I find that when I can limit my fluid intake after 7p.m. my urine output overnight is more easily maintained. Do I get a bit thirsty? yes, and that is where sucking on crushed ice can come to my rescue. In the morning, no matter the whether, I like a 16oz glass of crushed ice and water, to break my thirst.

Having CKD due to medication side effects can make the whole thing a bit more of a challenge, as there is no underlying issue [diabetes or high blood pressure] to address in light of the kidney compromise. Having nocturia may mean a visit to a urologist.

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Thanks, again. Yes, despite hydration, I usually cut the water after 7 PM - has not helped. My sleep times and number of wakeups has no consistency - every night is a new adventure. What is consistent is an average of 6.5 oz. per trip overnight compared to 2 oz. per trip in daytime.
I also drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. My BP is actually trending hypertensive.
I've seen 2 urologists, endocrinologist, cardiologist, acupuncturist, pelvic floor muscle specialist, working on my 2nd nephrologist and ready to schedule a functional medicine practice. Thanks for responding.
Does anyone out there experience extreme volume overnight? Not just frequency but triple normal volume (which causes the frequency, right?)


@jrvegan I was extremely sleep deprived and was waking up every hour to go and I went to doctors being tested for many things and finally told it was not any medical issue and I should cut back on liquid before bed which helped very little. This was my highest priority until I found out I had prostate cancer. I had a radical prosectomy and was put on a catheter for a week and I was feeling like I was in heaven. I was sleeping through the night but saw I was producing 2000 to 3000ml (about 2 to 3 quarts) of urine at night and only about one quart during the day. The catheter was removed and I went back to no sleep. I went back to my Dr and he recommended I elevate my legs during the day even though he did not see swelling in my legs. I started sitting in a recliner with the legs up (I do not fully recline but it may be better) and I started to get blocks of three to four hours sleep. I was producing twice as much urine during the day than at night. SLEEP is precious. When I think back I realize even when I was lying in bed awake for an hour I had to go after an hour. I could go many hours during the day and the only difference I was lying down. Try it and hopefully it works. While sometimes I do not get to elevate my feet during the day I do not sleep well. This was not originally clear to me since I have pelvic pain which causes me urge incontinence/wearing heavy protection. I hope this helps you, let me know if it works. Best wishes and happiness


@jrvegan I was extremely sleep deprived and was waking up every hour to go and I went to doctors being tested for many things and finally told it was not any medical issue and I should cut back on liquid before bed which helped very little. This was my highest priority until I found out I had prostate cancer. I had a radical prosectomy and was put on a catheter for a week and I was feeling like I was in heaven. I was sleeping through the night but saw I was producing 2000 to 3000ml (about 2 to 3 quarts) of urine at night and only about one quart during the day. The catheter was removed and I went back to no sleep. I went back to my Dr and he recommended I elevate my legs during the day even though he did not see swelling in my legs. I started sitting in a recliner with the legs up (I do not fully recline but it may be better) and I started to get blocks of three to four hours sleep. I was producing twice as much urine during the day than at night. SLEEP is precious. When I think back I realize even when I was lying in bed awake for an hour I had to go after an hour. I could go many hours during the day and the only difference I was lying down. Try it and hopefully it works. While sometimes I do not get to elevate my feet during the day I do not sleep well. This was not originally clear to me since I have pelvic pain which causes me urge incontinence/wearing heavy protection. I hope this helps you, let me know if it works. Best wishes and happiness

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Tim, I appreciate you telling your story. Hope you are cancer-free. I had the Uro Lift prostate procedure to open up the urethra but that helped flow, not the volume problem.
When I watch tv in the living room instead of desktop, my feet are usually elevated. My overnights stay the same either way. I would kill for a 3 to 4 hr. sleep. Maybe I will elevate higher.
And I've mentioned experimenting with naps and cutting off evening liquids - nothing has affected my overnight data, averaging 1.25 hr. of sleep and 6.5 oz every hr.
Thanks very much; wishing you well also.


@jrvegan My cancer which is my highest priority had a good PSA at 4 months. My next highest priority was sleep, then pelvic pain. The pelvic pain would have been higher but I have learned without sleep I can not tolerate the pelvic pain.
While your problem is different many issues are the same. I had tump (microwave) for BPH then started to get nerve pelvic pain. It would come and go up until 1 year ago when it has no longer go away. Along with pains in the pelvic I get urge incontinence and I get the frequency at night. I was going about every hour 10 ounces. The Dr said I should be 16 ounces or more when Al when sleeping. After my prostate surgery and seeing numbers 64 all the way to 96 ounces during the night he told me I was taking in way too much liquid. I cut down to 64 ounces a day but it was about 48 at night and 20 during the day and I was waking at 6 ounces. He gave me oxybutin and told me not to go when I woke up but to hold it. I could not do this during the day because I would wait many hours and only go 6 ounces. It went back to waking at 10 ounces. When I held it at night sometimes I would fall back asleep and awake later going 10 ounces but my protection would be wet. Then at the Drs suggestion I started to recline when sitting. Because my pelvic pain became so bad sitting I had to recline to take pressure off buttocks and use a doughnut. I am in this position a large amount of the day and my urine output is about 24 at night and roughly 40 in the day. When my grandchildren are around I do not get to recline as much and have much more disturbed nights. I have tried to go more than 10 ounces but when I do my bladder spasms and I go. When the nerve/ pelvic pain deactivates I can hold a lot more, over 16 ounces but it has not and this is now my goal.
You awakening at 6.5 is very low. I do not know if oxybutin could get this higher and am not sure it is what got me back to 10. But 48 ounce of urine production at night is a lot when they say you should produce 2 times the urine during the day compared to the night.
I know what it’s like waking every hour and normally when waking at 4am I could not get back to sleep. I was getting many muscle cramps, afraid to drive any distance, and was getting tension and anxiety which made my pelvic pain worse and was making me depressed. I wish you the best of luck to get more sleep.
Best wishes always

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